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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Soaps at their best served an importance in entertainment nothing else can touch, due to the daily format, many years of continuity and history, making us feel like we are part of a family. I have missed that so much in the Trump years and now with COVID and all the instability.

    Speaking of classic episodes - these aren't exactly "classic" (especially not the second), but as you have watched quite a few of these I was wondering if you'd seen these or know if they had already been online. The dates are off for us due to them airing in the Netherlands, but they would have aired in the US in fall 1992 and fall 1993. The '92 is only about 15 minutes, sadly. 

    I do understand the complaints people have about Marland's last years as headwriter, but something about 1992  is so rich for me, so fascinating in its bleakness and the sheer weight of stories he built up slowly, slowly unraveling. The 15 minutes there have some wonderful scenes with Emma and Julie (probably looking about as chic as she ever would). I really wish they had done more with all the bitterness Emma felt about the Aaron lie - it would have been interesting to see more exploration of her very dysfunctional relationship with Iva. Marland came full circle in that instance as his tenure started with Iva/Emma dysfunction.

    The mention of Grace and Logan in Wyoming also shows how important the years of history were in this period, and how much ATWT died when that aspect was dumped  by Jon Valente. 

    I much liked Emma when she wasn't so perky and cheerful.

    Early Emma was more sedate and cold, especially with Iva.  Marland seeme to turn her into a caricature over time.


  2. 3 hours ago, Vee said:

    Was Paige Turco's Dinah largely an ingenue? That always seemed an odd fit to me, since I know her from other work.

    Her Dinah was an ingenure.

    The original Dinah (Jennifer G) was tall and more rough around the edges.  Gina T's Dinah was closer in regards to being rough around the edges to the original Dinah.

    My mom used to say it was jarring going from wendy M's Dinah..who was more feminine and resembled Maeve Kinkaid...to Gina's Dinah..who wasn't.

  3. 1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    Thank you for clarifying that!  Did the original actress play her with as much sarcasm as Sherry did?  That trait was even present with Liz in later, less well written eras.

    The original Blake was more tragic, but there were hints of sarcasm.  Her Blake had more chemistry with Philip...imho

  4. I always thought Strasser's stint as Hecuba on Passions made her realize OTT was the way of the future.  She is capable of subtle work (watch her in the 80s mini series Baby M where she played against type)... and her 80s turn as Dorian.  More subtle and played Dorian more close to the vest.

    And regarding Michelle on GL.... I liked Miner the best, followed by Joie Lenz, than Budig and didn't like St Alban at all.

  5. I think Brenda agreed to stay an extra year to finish this part of the story off.

    It's interesting that she had a breakdown, yet also kept herself together.  She played the breakdown differently than I imagine Eileen would have played it...imho

  6. This is a smaller study, but it does add weight to natural immunity and being vaccinated providing optimal protection.




    Now they're starting to look into the immunity and antibody situation in those that got vaxxed and has a breakthrough case.

    Lastly, I think booster shots are a little premature for the general public.

  7. 4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    So I finally made it to the end of my AW re-watch, and I'm curious, does anybody know what would have happened on the show had it not been cancelled? I did hear a rumor once that Leah Laiman had over a year of story outlined before the cancellation came down.

    Was Anne really going to turn out to be Frankie?

    Not sure about Anne being Frankie.

    I do know that Matt/Josie was going to happen.  Nadine S's Josie and Matt had chemistry while gary wasn't meant to return.

    Amanda vs David/Cindy in a business story.

    Those were the two stories I recall being the next focus before being canceled 

  8. 37 minutes ago, MinnaH said:

    On Bold, I don’t ever recall Taylor and Macy interacting despite both having been prominent characters in the 90s. 

    They did interact some Macy's mom and Taylor's dad were engaged.

    One particular scene was where Macy said she was no longer drinking while a concerned Taylor noted Macy was looking at alcohol on the table wanting to drink it...but otherwise..no other scenes.

    Did Sheila and Macy ever interact?

  9. 23 minutes ago, Beach Climber said:

    I think they sort of hinted at this but never fully. I don’t recall if they ever talked about where Augusta was getting her money from when she returned in 88  but they did talk about money being the reason she got involved with Anthony Tonnell when she returned in the 90s and not getting much in the will being the reason for her various business ventures. They also had her living on and off with Julia throughout her various returns, which made for good scenes, but I doubt she would have stayed at Julia’s tiny beach house if she was still wealthy. 

    Alongside that, I can’t remember if they ever discussed why being wealthy was so integral to Augusta. Both she and Julia hinted at a tumultuous upbringing and poor relationships with their parents but I never got the impression that money was that important to Julia despite marrying into a wealthy family. 

    Julia's 1st episode hinted that she was overweight, had an over bite and was awkward.  So she probably was told by her parents she'd never had amount to anything.

    Even though she lost the weight and fixed her overbite...the scars were there.  She focused on her career at the expense of her personal life.

    The first 18 months of her time wasn't with Mason...and you saw how she fumbled with men.  

  10. 3 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I always appreciated that it was a consistent trait that Erica and Brooke just didn’t like one another, it was realistic in the sense that in life you’ll have people you just don’t like and don’t want to be around. Even when they weren’t actively involved in each other’s storylines or sharing many scenes together, you would occasionally get the reminder neither cared for one another. I liked that, lol. 

    My mom would occasionally turn in the late 90s and 2000s...and she would wonder where Brooke or Erica stood with one another.  And on occasion, if Brooke was mentioned to Erica...Erica would have a great put down...and when Erica was mentioned to Brooke...Brooke would sigh and make a passive aggressive dig at Erica.

    Happened all the way till the end of the show..and ironically, the two started out being co schemers till Tom entered the picture 

  11. Erica taking Maria's baby Maddie was the wrong move..and I don't know what the logic was in doing that.

    I thought the scenes of Erica returning the baby to Maria were good, her being arrested, Mateo telling Erica she was no longer welcome in his restaurant, people throwing rocks through her window, being sent to jail, Maria's mom coming to Erica's parole hearing, a scene where Liza pointed out to Erica that people weren't going to support her early release to see Bianca when she kept a baby away from their mom.

    I think the 1999 face scar story is when the show stopped writing Erica as a 3D character and turned her into a cartoon.  And she seemed to regress in maturity as well.

    Look at Erica running Tempo in the 80s and later Enchantment in the 90s.  She acted mature, decisive and like an adult.

    Flashforward to the 2000s..and she was acting like a teenager.  

  12. 51 minutes ago, ccroom50 said:

    ------Characters That Barely Interacted!!------

    ------The Young and the Restless(Y&R)------

    Jill Abbott and Ashley Abbott

    Jill Abbott and Traci Abbott

    Jill Abbott and Drucilla Barber Winters

    Jill Abbott and Dr. Olivia Barber

    Jill Abbott and JT Hellstrom

    Jill Abbott and Chloe Mitchell Fisher

    Jill Abbott and Ronan Malloy

    Ashley Abbott and Lauren Fenmore Baldwin

    Ashley Abbott and George Rawlins

    Ashley Abbott and Cassandra Hall Rawlins

    Traci Abbott and Lauren Fenmore Baldwin

    Traci Abbott and George Rawlins

    Traci Abbott and Cassandra Hall Rawlins

    Billy Abbott and Lauren Fenmore Baldwin

    Phillip "Chance" Chancellor VI and Lauren Fenmore Baldwin

    Phillip "Chance" Chancellor VI and Michael Baldwin 

    Phillip "Chance" Chancellor VI and Kevin Fisher

    Ronan Malloy and Lauren Fenmore Baldwin

    Ronan Malloy and Michael Baldwin

    Ronan Malloy and Kevin Fisher

    Katherine Chancellor and Diane Jenkins

    Ryan McNeil and Mari Jo Mason

    Ryan McNeil and Diane Jenkins

    Victor Newman and Sheila Carter

    Nikki Newman and Sheila Carter

    Phyllis Summers and Sheila Carter

    Ashley Abbott and Sheila Carter

    Mamie Johnson and Mary Williams

    John Silva and Phyllis Summers

    John Silva and Traci Abbott

    John Silva and Esther Valentine

    Mamie Johnson and Esther Valentine

    Miguel Rodriguez and Esther Valentine

    Jack Abbott and Brittany Hodges

    Ashley Abbott and Brittany Hodges

    Traci Abbott and Brittany Hodges

    Victor Newman and Brittany Hodges

    Victoria Newman and Brittany Hodges

    Jill Abbott and Dylan McAvoy

    Jill Abbott and Avery Bailey Clark

    Ashley Abbott and Avery Bailey Clark

    Traci Abbott and Avery Bailey Clark

    Abby Newman and Avery Bailey Clark

    Victoria Newman and Avery Bailey Clark

    Adam Newman and Avery Bailey Clark

    Ashley Abbott and Cane Ashby

    Adam Newman and Noah Newman

    Noah Newman and Michael Baldwin

    Noah Newman and Ashley Abbott

    Noah Newman and Traci Abbott

    Noah Newman and Esther Valentine

    Noah Newman and Phillip "Chance" Chancellor VI

    Noah Newman and Ronan Malloy

    Noah Newman and Devon Hamilton

    Noah Newman and Cane Ashby

    Dylan McAvoy and Cane Ashby

    Billy Abbott and Paul Williams 

    Billy Abbott and Christine "Blair" Williams

    Billy Abbott and Avery Bailey Clark

    Noah Newman and Billy Abbott

    Noah Newman and Ben "Stitch" Rayburn

    Nick Newman and Deacon Sharpe

    Victoria Newman and Deacon Sharpe

    Abby Newman and Deacon Sharpe

    Katherine Chancellor and Deacon Sharpe

    Jill Abbott and Deacon Sharpe

    Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams and Diane Jenkins

    Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams and Mari Jo Mason

    Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams and Drucilla Barber Winters

    Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams and Dr. Olivia Barber

    Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams and Avery Bailey Clark

    Jill Abbott and Paul Williams

    Jill Abbott and Mary Williams

    Jill Abbott and Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams

    Jill Abbott and Miguel Rodriguez

    Jill Abbott and George Rawlins

    Jill Abbott and Cassandra Hall Rawlins

    Jill Abbott and Diane Jenkins

    Jill Abbott and Avery Bailey Clark

    Paul Williams and Leanna Randolph Love

    Paul Williams and Miguel Rodriguez

    Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams and Miguel Rodriguez

    Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams and Leanna Randolph Love

    Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams and George Rawlins

    Christine "Cricket" Blair Williams and Cassandra Hall Rawlins

    Katherine Chancellor and Cassandra Hall Rawlins

    Katherine Chancellor and Leanna Randolph Love

    Katherine Chancellor and Miguel Rodriguez

    Katherine Chancellor and Avery Bailey Clark

    John Abbott and George Rawlins

    John Abbott and Cassandra Hall Rawlins

    John Abbott and Mitchell Sherman

    Ashley Abbott and Miguel Rodriguez

    Traci Abbott and Miguel Rodriguez

    Ryan McNeil and Grace Turner

    Ryan McNeil and Diane Jenkins

    Ryan McNeil and Leanna Randolph Love

    Ashley Abbott and Mitchell Sherman

    Traci Abbott and Mitchell Sherman









    Jill and Dru interacted alot in the early 90s when Dru was a model at Jabot.  Dru nicknamed her 'dragonlady'

    Jill interacted in the 80s and 90s with Ashley and Traci..she was their step mom.

    Traci and Lauren were college rivals..and they had an epic cat fight in the 90s

  13. When will the vaccine be updated with RNA's formulated for Delta and other variants?  Before requiring a booster, shouldn't the vaccine to be updated against some of the variants?

    And other countries are actually looking at natural immunity post recovery..to see if a booster would be needed.   Wish the USA would do more studies instead of just mandating the 2 dose regimen for everyone, including survivals of Covid

  14. So I rewatched the Locher room...and Harley said she was let go from the show.  Apparently, she had only signed a one year contract and it was coming up for renewal.  And renewing it would have also come with a raise.  

    Apparently New World (I assume owners of SB) were looking to cut costs...and this was decided as her one year contract was coming up for renewal.  And she didn't know she was being let go till right before her death scenes were to be filmed.  And she asked if her departure would be memorable and the EP said 'oh yeah'.

    I did hear the show wanted her to come back later and she turned them down...except for that one episode where she came back as an angel?

    I think Mary's death shattered Mason...and was part of the reason he and Julia never could make it work..till 1992 (but with a new Mason..and I think GT's Mason and Julia were more romantic and end game vs Lane Davis' Mason..who kind of viewed Julia as beneath him).

  15. 12 minutes ago, Cat said:

    Now that Kim, LVP, Terri etc., are no longer around to deflect attention, Kyle and her BEEE HONESTTTT bullsh!t are truly exposed. Sutton may entertain Kyle from a safe distance, but she (and Garcelle) absolutely do not trust her. FYI, Sutton's ex-husband is a major player at PIMCO, one of the biggest asset management firms in the world. That is legit powerful -- another level from Hollywood, another level from the RHs, and Sutton still rolls in those circles. If I were Kyle, I would think about making amends with my very gracious tenant.

    Erika looked like a fool auditioning for The Godfather Part 4. Oh, she is going to sue Sutton for asking questions? B!tch take a seat. You are contractually obligated to never sue another cast member. When does she plan on suing her -- after she and Tom win their massive fraud case?? 

    Erika and the Coven assumed lil awkward Sutton could be squeezed into submission and carry the blame. Neither of these is happening. Sutton has steel and braincells. She is transparent in her motives and questioning, and the Coven cannot match that transparency in any way.

    I notice that Erika's M.O. has always been to go after the weakest link -- Kathryn, Dorit, Eileen (remember that horror show? No reason for attacking Eileen except that she was sitting duck that day), Terri, Denise. Now she's getting the same treatment she dished out. The other women, even her buddies, were quick to push back at her threats.

    How does Rinna have a friend in the world? She is insincere, untrustworthy and flim-flammy. 

    PK is sharp as a tack on these grifting matters (cough) and nailed it with simple clarity. He's gotten on the wrong side of the Thug Queen's personality disorder, too, and he knows who she is -- inherently cold, ruthless, and completely deluded. Deluded about her own hype, her own smarts, and her actual power in dis verld [(c) Yolanda].

    Sutton is a southern gal...steel magnolia wasn't just a cute name for a movie..but to.show the strength and backbone of southern women.

    Erika should understand that...considering she's a southern girl as well.

    Was Crystal even around?

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