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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. 9 hours ago, Joseph said:

    That's a good way to describe her,

    I wonder if she has stayed maybe Winter would be around longer but the story was too close to home for her as I read and she has to leave, pity when I got to see more of her I realized she was really good, and totally different from Braxton who was also good but was playing a different character


    I think if anything Slesar would have extended Winters story if the sudden recast was an issue.

    It seemed like Winter was gone in a matter of weeks..so I'm sure the ending didn't get altered.  Seeing her in Dead movie in the mid 80s.. her being revealed as the killer and going after Nicole would have had greater impact

  2. 29 minutes ago, Skin said:

    I think you hit on another aspect of the show and it's relationship with Erica here too. Erica always had to have the last word and ultimately win in all of her arguments, or 'takedown' scenes, which smacked of everyone else who ever opposed her just being 'jealous of her', after awhile that just became grating. You would literally have Erica going up against people like Brooke and Maria who were sort of expected to maintain the high road, and turn the other cheek due to them being virtuous and supposedly morally better but not getting much for it. This made the associated rivalries meek and uninteresting, because Erica was able to act like a child and always ended up getting exactly what she wanted by the end of it any way. Then as the showed progressed they refused to have Erica age up, so you would wind up eventually having scenes with Erica tangling with Greenlee and Kendell and it was embarrassing because they shouldn't have been seen as adversaries or in the same league as one another, all of it was very much below her pay grade, and you just knew in all of these "rivalries" none of them were ever going to win, so what's the point? It was all just useless. 

    A lot of people give Sonny (GH), Jason (GH), Luke (GH), Victor (Y&R), Todd (OLTL) and Dollar Bill (B&B) grief for their plot armor, but I feel you could ultimately say the same thing about Erica at some point too.  

    This sounds like a parody, but it wouldn't surprise me as I think it further exemplifies what I mean by the wish fulfillment of it all. 

    I remember a verbal spat between Liza (Jamie Lunar's version) and Erica...where Erica said that very thing to her.  And Liza rolled her eyes and laughed at that statement.  I'm not sure if it was an acting choice..or in the script...but in that scene, it showed how delusional Erica was..based on how Liza reacted to that statement.  And another scene where Liza was told Erica was getting married...and she said 'oh is that time of the year again'.

    It was one of the rare times where a character laughed at Erica.

  3. Barbara Montgomery was a worthy opponent to Erica because unlike pious Brooke...Barbara verbally delivered against Erica.

    I did like how Erica ended up at OAK Haven..with Annie pointing out how holier than thou Erica was..considering she committed the same crime.  And even remarked 'and I'm the crazy one' after finding out about Janet and Erica burying Kinder.

    I think the Phantom of the Opera mask story in 1999 was the start of the Erica not having any depth.

  4. 17 hours ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    Dorit is gonna be in the HOT SEAT at reunion!  Lol.  Last year, I couldn't believe how much she won me over by distancing herself from the Denise gang up, but she has lost all goodwill x 100 this year.  Going after Garcelle was such a mistake.  And did she think they were gonna edit out her Erika stuff or something?!?  Lolol.

    Kyle is the worst.  And even though I've been enjoying Kathy, I can see past the character she and production are cultivating.  Someone on here said that if you look past her edit, she's dangerously similar to NY's Ramona . . . and while I loved sneaking a peak at her insane family dynamic with her sisters last week (this is where BH's real drama has always laid), it was evident that Kathy can be an unflinching gaslighter.  Not that I ever feel bad for Kyle or anything . . . lol.  But I'll never be on Team Kim, either.  She is a problematic sociopath and I can't even empathize with her addiction because she's either unwilling or unable to be accountable (forget being held accountable).

    I'm still on the fence with Crystal.  I hated that she tried to irresponsibly label Sutton as some kind of predator, but she proved she could BRING IT in a confrontation at Rinna's pasta party and I like her home scenes.  But she's been a big nothingburger since her feud with Sutton cooled down.

    Rinna obviously hates Garcelle because she holds her accountable and stays holding her accountable . . . she clearly is paranoid about her "rivals" (LVP, Denise, now Garcelle) hijacking her narrative and turning the audience against her.  She should have learned from her mistakes.  And while I understand that she and Garcelle (and Denise) may have been "Hollywood friends" (© Yolanda), she needs to STOP burning bridges for the sake of this show because it shows such a lack of character.  And while I can appreciate she's ride or die for her friend/ally FINALLY, Erika is NOT the hill to die on.  Losing Eileen has really hurt her.

    Erika is trash.  I cannot begin to understand her play here . . . she needed to break her contract and dip when this all happened.  She is beyond burying herself.

    I LOVE Garcelle and Sutton!  And I do feel horribly that Sutton is being scapegoated by The Coven, but her "reputation" concerns do sound like some Karen bs (and this is a pattern for her) . . . I am NOT defending Erika, but I didn't think that was the way to frame her very valid concerns about this heinous scandal.  She is walking that back now, but no one is willing to listen to her.  I'm glad production is on her side, because she's been very slow at learning how to navigate this show and I do NOT want to see her steamrolled.  And I can't love Garcelle more . . . from her friendship with Sutton, home scenes, genuinely interesting and fabulous life . . . she's amazing and can throw down better than any of these women while retaining her humanity . . . Erika should take notes.

    I don't agree that the reputation issue is a Karen thing.

    To me, if you're on charity boards and committees...and someone close to you is accused of what Erika is accused of....I would hope you would be concerned and distance yourself.  If someone is in your circle, it damages your credibility.  

    I know I gave Kyle the side eye when she paraded Faye Resnik and kris Jenner as her friends.  You are who you keep company with..is an old saying 

  5. 51 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Absolutely. Rinna hates her and totally resents her. Garcelle has exposed so much of Rinna's ugliness because she doesn't retreat. 

    Garcelle is worthy successor to Kim Richards.  Unlike Kim, rinna can't question Soberity...since Garcelle isn't an alcoholic 

  6. RHONY

    Took them long enough to chill out and have fun.


    Erika: your story, like your music career, is a lie.  I hope the witch is thrown in prison.  When even Dorit is feeling sorry for the victims, that should tell her something.

    Crystal: After a promising start, she's now giving Teddi vibes.  She's just there....she should be thanking Sutton, but she's 2 faced like Kyle

    Sutton, Garcelle, and Kathy deserve a raise.  Without them, it would have been a waste.

    Kyle is probably the least interesting OG...she certainly is the less interesting and charismatic of her sisters.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Marissa Gallant said:

    Recycled plots: 1984, Sophia had an affair, fell off a boat, got amnesia and an inscrupulous man took her away from her children. 1986-Another World, Marissa LaSalle is actually Mary McKinnon who had an affair, got amnesia and an inscrupulous man took her away from her children. 

    You know what plot was never, EVER stolen by another show? Yeah, that's right. A GIANT C FALLS OVER AND KILLS SOMEONE!


    Well Harley jane Kozak did ask the producer if her departure would be memorable and the answer was 'oh yeah'.

    My mom quit watching when Mary was killed off...only coming back to see Kelly's Princess Bride inspired wedding to Jeffrey and staying until she had enough of the Sonny/Mason story.

    She did check out how Eden would be written off..and she told me 'the show is toast now that Eden is gone'.

  8. 20 minutes ago, danfling said:

    I imagine that Judith McConnell and Mary-Ellis Burin had worked together on As the World Turns.


    Two recasts which were very good were on The Secret Storm.  Joel Crothers became Ken Stevens #2 (following Gordon Gray) and Barbara Rodell became Jill Stevens (later Claiborne) #2 (replacing Irene Bundle, who later returned to the show as Martha Ann, a friend of Belle).

    Stephanie Braxton, who I do love (I think that she was the most Tara Martin-like actress to play Tara on All My Children) also later replace Linda de Coff as Laurie.    I did not like this recast because the character of Laurie (who was "the other woman") and the whole character was changed into a sympathetic character.

    Speaking of Stephanie Braxton, wasn't she a last minute recast on EON..effectively playing out the last weeks of the intense character arc?

  9. The first weeks 60 to 70 episodes of Bold was set up.  In fact, it felt almost like 2 different shows with the Logan family drama and the Forrester family drama in separate lanes.

    However, once Brooke/Ridge..and Beth/Eric reconnect...the show truly gets going.

    Looking back, Bill Bell was setting up the characters, showing their lives before the two families start to interact again.  Soaps wouldn't do that build up nowadays..imho.

    My mom watched when it premiered..and she said the original Beth was an attractive blonde Grace Kelly type..and she couldn't buy Eric going for Stephanie...but when the mom is recast with a more passive, sweet darker Beth...she could understand Eric ending up with Stephanie.

    Though original Beth and Brooke looked like mom and daughter..and it helped explain why Eric ended up hooking up with Brooke.

  10. Up till 2000/1 was consistently good and/or decent quality.  2000/1 to 2006 was a mixed bag where some of the show was decent..but other parts..not so much.

    The Glow by Jabot crew (Raul, JT, Billy, Rhianna, Brittany, and Mac) was the last strong 'young' group...it reminded me of the inter related groupings of the younger bunch in the 80s.... Patty, Danny, Lauren, Traci, Nina, Cricket, Phillip, etc.

  11. 6 hours ago, DaytimeFan said:

    I think you're onto something, @Cat - Bravo should not proceed with a reunion. This season should never be mentioned again and totally ignored from cannon. In a lot of ways it is like the last season of OC, which sucked hard, and then Bravo decided to delay its filming and eventual release. The same should be happening with RHONY. 


    Vancouver didn't film a season 2 reunion..so it isn't unheard of to not film one.

    Not much has happened in NY....just do a virtual WWHL reunion special and call it a season.

  12. Eleanor could have been tied more to the hospital..as a board member, doing hospital drives,  etc.  

    I often wonder if she was meant to be written off by Depriest, but kept on when Marland took over? Her story seemed done and then the writer switch happened..and.poof she was back and starting the Luke story.

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