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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. I wish I could find the scene of Cynthia trying to teach Mynique how to read and explaining that Phaedra had read her even if she didn't think so.

    Guess Kenya was right again....Porsha has nothing interesting to say unless there is a **ck in it.

    Now that Kenya vs Porsha is over...and Cynthia no longer is bringing the looks.  What is left?  Drew also needs to say she's leaving as well

  2. I will say I actually liked Barbara Crompton as Mindy.  It's just that the show kept her in the Nick.and Alexandra too long.  The last few months of her stint, she felt more like Mindy..and had a good rapport with Robert Newman at Lewis Oil when she was working there..and had chemistry with MOL (who came back a few weeks before she left).

    I would have preferred Simms be the Mindy to make visits in the last several years.  She had matured Mindy..and I always felt KT regressed Mindy maturity wise.

  3. And I figured the Lumina story was also supposed to include Marley since he mentioned being intrigued with her..and wishing to know more about her.

    And didn't Felicia vanish, only to be found in a different costume as well?

  4. Sometimes characters that were supporting in one story became the main player in the follow up.

    Bobbie Gerald was a minor player in the Emily pregnancy story..with a more supportive role in the Bryson story..before becoming a bigger player in the faux Sky Whitney story.

    Same with Emily and her maid...each played a big role in future mysteries once the initial Draper amnesia story concluded(and I think the Emily thread was dropped before its natural conclusion thanks to Draper/April leaving and the writers strike).

  5. 4 hours ago, Chris 2 said:

    When Susan Lucci was going through her Emmy dry period, I remember reading several articles stating that she didn’t have a wide range and she didn’t deserve the award. So I don’t think that opinion was too unpopular.

    Now here’s an unpopular one: Beverlee McKinsey tended to be hammy. Frankly, I’ve found a lot of those popular leading ladies - McKinsey, Slezak, Lucci, Robin Strasser Jess Walton - to be over the top at times (and for some of them, it’s a lot of the time). The one who I found to give consistent controlled performances was Victoria Wyndham.

    Strasser I've seen give subtle performances (i.e. in a miniseries called Baby M)...and her Dorian when she came back in 1993 was loads more low key.

    Jess Walton was more subdued as Kelly on Capital.  But she did make Jill more OTT the longer she played her.

    And I did see Lucci play more subdued in a few of her tv movies (double edge and Bride in Black).

    I wonder if playing the same role for so long, the actresses play them more broad to keep from being bored?

  6. I remember when the show toyed with pairing Brooke with Conner Davis.

    It was interesting seeing him pursue her, compliment her, etc.  Her reaction was priceless because she had been pursuing Ridge and Eric...so she wasn't used to having someone pursue her.

    Shame the show was insistent on keeping her stagnant 

  7. From the clips I've seen, Henrietta had a unique presence.  I think I recall Carl Hutchins also trying to take over her pie business to stick it to Mac.  

    Did her character run it's course, or were there other avenues to explore with her character?

    Quinn was sexy and her voice was soothing.  She could have easily fit into the late 80s/early 90s AW

  8. I don't know if anyone can judge how Dorothy was in the role she since she only played it the last weeks of the soap.

    However, she was significantly younger than Pat C.  So I could buy her as Sam's mom age wise...but didn't her character have another child..who had a child close to Sam's age?

    From what I saw, I did see dorothy trying to shake off the Opal/Naomi mannerisms.  She did seem colder than Pat's version of the character.

  9. Her early 90s hair style (1992 to 1993) worked well with her more business wardrobe.

    I think her mid to late 90s wardrobe was meant to show Rachel returning to her 70s artistic roots..but the hair differed (it looked more wig like then her 70s hair).

    I do admit she did rock the 80s hair quite nicely though.

  10. I think Cecile's 1989 visit was her last good visit.  She entered via helicopter...traded barbs with Jamie, Stacy, Ada, Rachel, and Donna.  Had a semi nice reunion with Iris..while she and Vicky were sizing one another up.

    Her 1993 visit was too short..and her 1995 to 1996 stints didn't work.

    I do agree Cecile was wasted chasing after Cass.  

  11. New York does need a shake up.

    I'd start from scratch...with at least 2 or 3 married cast members for starters.  

    And the one thing I did like was seeing Leah with her family...it gave context to her.  And seeing Eboni in her day to day life showed me her fiance dodged a bullet not marrying her.  

    I think a hiatus will be good for the show.

    We will see if it helps with OC or not.  That franchise is always evolving and changing...so fans expect a revamp of sorts


  12. On 9/17/2021 at 4:19 PM, Liberty City said:

    So I'm up to 115 and I have to say Nancy Burnett and John McCook, from my point-of-view, share no chemistry. I feel like McCook and Judith Baldwin would've been ACE!

    My mom told me she always described the 1st Beth as striking and warm.  That she could never buy Eric leaving her Beth for Stephanie.

    Also, she and Brooke looked like mother and daughter...and it would have made Eric and Brooke's later union more a transference of affection from Beth to Brooke

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