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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. I'm wondering if Alan was one of those guys that were really good looking and coasted on his looks and charm..without having to develop skill or conversational skills?

    PR also is about image and how it looks on the surface.  So when he interviews, he always asks surface layersl questions and doesn't dig deep.

    If I asked Eilewn questions, I'd ask her how she adjusted to coming back as Ashley after she was played by 2 other actresses, how she was able to play changes in the character.  Also, I would ask she was able to differentiate between Kristen and Ashley in her approaches to acting, etc.


  2. While I liked the concept of the characters playing against type, I do think Kristen/Brady are so played out... and I would have loved to have seen a more demure Kristen in this (i.e. playing against type) instead of a typically evil/shallow Kristen.

    Like with Ashley on Y & R, Kristen has been played by a different/better actress for awhile.. that I think Eileen isn't needed anymore.  Brenda Epperson and Stacy Haiduk are certainly less expensive.. and more likely will stay longer term on the shows vs Eileen's constant whims to quit all the time.

    With that said, Jackee Harry and Eileen did have a nice chemistry in their one scene together.. and if there is another special.. to have both of them be the stars of it.

  3. Dark Shadows:

    When Barnabas, Julia, and stokes came back from 1840 to 1970/1.  They're greeted by Liz, Carolyn, Quentin, David, etc alive and well.

    And maybe a mention that their efforts also resulted in Vicki being alive and mentioned off screen as living happily ever after..and being revealed as a Collins relative and happy with Burke. 

  4. RHOC:

    Too much Heather.  No wonder her acting career tanked.  She always looks like she's acting.  


    After 3 episodes, this should be called Alexia and the Real housewives of Miami.

    Julia gives me Anne Heche vibes..and I bet one day she'll break Martina's heart and dump her for a guy.  


  5. On 12/23/2021 at 1:09 PM, DaytimeFan said:

    It is true. We are at the point where the suffering by those who have made the responsible decisions like getting vaccinated, getting boosted, wearing masks, washing hands regularly, and being smart about their social interactions have paid a much higher price than many of those who have not. That is what is so wrong - it is like being in a group project where not everyone pulls their weight - some of the lazy and irresponsible pay little, while some pay with their lives. 

    One thing is certain: lower quality of life is a very real thing. 

    This road is long and I am hopeful that Omicron may prove to be milder in actual symptoms, which could hasten the end of this hell. I am also hopeful that at home medication treatment will expand. 

    But do I think NYE in Times Square moving ahead is a smart decision...No. It is not. 

    In the meantime, everyone needs to stay safe and stay well. 

    I actually think the ball dropping at NYE not being canceled is a good thing.  We can't keep having things paused, or stopped, for the rest of our lives.

    All of us have lived with the flu since the 1918 flu pandemic and lived fulfilling lives in one way or another.

    All of us need to accept that Covid isn't going away and we need to start moving forward...slowly, but surely.

    From what I've been seeing, one of the the reasons omicron has appeared to be milder is due to vaccination.  

    My new city I'm living in (Boston) is phasing in vaccine mandates for indoor establishments.  My only concern is the new mayor hasn't indicated the metrics to determine when that will be removed...same with mask mandates.  Failure to spell that out is one of the reasons for mistrust of those in charge (GOP or Dems).


    @TaoboiI abandoned that whole 6 feet thing months ago. 

    Maybe because I had covid 18+ months ago, and have gotten the 3 booster shots...is why I'm less fearful about Covid then most people I know in real life and on forums.  

  6. Lemay could write characters having realistic conversations while the plot always seemed to organically happen like real life.  Conversations flowed naturally and realistically 

    Contrast that with Marland, who could balance and juggle plots like no one else...but man the dialogue and conversations were stilted,unrealistic and way too wordy.

    All writers have their strengths.  Didn't have Lemay also say he wasn't strong with writing mysteries?

  7. Watching the season 2 episodes, I'd forgotten that Donna was the one to get her dad Stephen to come home.

    Donna in the early years was an even mix of Brooke and Katie.  She led Rocco, Nick, and Mark on...like Brooke would do with Ridge,etc...but she had a sweet side like Katie.

    Shame the show put all their eggs in Brooke's basket when I found her character limiting.

  8. 2 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Are any of you going ahead with Christmas/New Year's gatherings? I'm vaccinated and boosted, but I don't think it's a good idea for myself. What a bummer.

    My company already had their Christmas gathering last week in person.  It was a lot of fun, and no covid cases 8 days and counting.


    Some good news:

    An at home treatment got authorization...so maybe in 2022 will be the year it does become like the flu or cold.


  9. Also in the US, patches of the US spared from Delta's reach (Northeast especially) are getting hit pretty hard from Delta and Omricon variants the last few weeks. 

    The places in the US to see if recent immunity from Delta will provide some protection from a huge Omricon surge will be places like Texas (I was moving from Austin when Delta cases were sky high during the summer), Mississippi, Florida, etc.

    Lastly, if we truly were following the science...we would have foreseen mutations coming....and helped lower to mid income countries with vaccines, medical supplies, etc.

  10. On 12/14/2021 at 9:41 PM, soapfan770 said:

    Brenda’s facial expressions are priceless here in this fantasy. So glad this clip has resurfaced first time I saw it I was shocked lol


    I got flashes of Diana Barton (Mari Jo) in looks here.

    This is when she started to become OTT.  

  11. I was curious about how season 1 ended with an episode titled in Feb 1987...and season 2 picked up in March 1988.

    I'm surprised that Margo and Clarke had hardly any build or hint of an involvement until a recent season 2 upload.

    A character like Margo is a prime example of a grey character.  Some good elements, some not so good elements. Bradley could never write a character with shades like Bill Bell wrote for Margo 

  12. One thing the EP of AMC did was invest in nice sets.  Erica's set alone was nicely decorated in a style only Erica could live in.  So while the stories were middling, at least the sets and lighting were decent.

    And I think Broderick managed to make the Ryan/Greenlee mandate make sense.  With Gillian and Leo's visits at the end of the show, she showed that both of their loves had departed.  And I could buy that Ryan and Greenlee came together because they both lost their true loves so each knew how the other felt.

    And I liked that Broderick sort of redeemed Janet, Annie, and Marian in those final weeks during the Oak Haven story.

  13. RHOC:

    The Dubrows are what's wrong with humans nowadays.  Entitled and totally scripted.  No wonder Heather's acting career tanked.  She's the definition of a Karen.


    I'm waiting till the season is over to do a binge.  I don't want to wait for the next episode.


    Kenya fulfills the old stereotype of a backstabbing friend.  Cynthia..men make better friends then women.

  14. Samantha not being there took away the fun and zest that made the original show pop.  While Miranda, Charlotte, and Carrie had their funny moments... the real spirit and humor came from Samantha.  

    Considering how dour this show is, I think Kim C was smart to move on.  She's always said she had a ball playing Samantha.... but that she wants to explore other characters (which she's done to varying degrees of success with the Red Riding hood fairy tale show, Filthy Rich, How I met your father and now the Queer as folk reboot).  

    With that said, Miranda would have been the character I least expected to be an insert foot in mouth character.  I wonder if that would have been intended for Samantha had Kim C returned.

  15. I always liked Nick and Erica's interactions whenever he visited.  He was kind of a father figure in the years after their relationship.

    Other than Nick, Palmer served as a good father figure for Erica...and oddly..she and Erica got along well in the 80s being surrogate sisters to one another (both were only children, both raised by a single parent, and abandoned by a parent).

  16. Nina and Mollie were the 2 teen unwed pregnant teens in the summer of 1986.  Mollie left with baby to reunite with her parents..and Nina ran away.  Apparently Nina was meant to be a summer only character..but fan response made Bell bring her back.

    Summer 1991 had Julie...a pregnant drug addicted teen.

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