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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. Not sure how reliable this is, but according to a non peer reviewed study, the suggestion is to do a vaccine of the original version SARS virus instead of doing RNA adaptations of the current vaccine.

    Apparently the theory is that this will be more effective against variants.

    And it was stupid of scientists not to assume covid would mutate.  It's a virus and a virus always can mutate especially with all the social distancing, mask wearing, and spreading it has been doing for 18+ months.  It adapted itself so it could work around some of the safety measures, and also being in so many people..it learned how to infect quicker.



  2. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I don't think that's it. This mRNA technology has been in the works for nearly twenty years now. Money and politics are more likely to figure into these decisions. 

    Apparently Pfizer claims they have the ability to adjust the RNA within 100 days..but I think the fact that it wasn't fully approved till recently is why they couldn't formulate the vaccine like the flu shot.

  3. Why was it Aunt Liz there instead of Mary?

    I do recall Ada would try to explain to Rachel that she needed to move on.  And she was always sweet and warm to Alice.  Which is why in 1985, it seemed odd that Ada was blaming Alice for upsetting Rachel by telling her she stole Steve from her.

    The 1989 visit by Alice seemed much better and more in keeping with history.  They had warm things to say, but there was an underlying tension between the two 

  4. I remember when Sandra Ferguson (Amanda AW) was a temp Brooke...and it looked as if she would take over as Brooke since KKL went on maternity leave and had considered not coming back.

    I recall the show seemed more invested in Brooke/Grant as a coupling...and I wonder had she taken over permanently..if Ridge and Brooke were going to be a thing of the past?

  5. Merck submitting for EUA for the pill form treatment.

    This will hopefully keep people at high risk out of the hospital.  Vaccines are only 1 tool, not the only one.

    Two of my relatives got Moderna, still got bad cases (they had transplants and had to take immune suppression medications).

    So hopefully this Merck pill can help people that didn't get protections from the vaccine.

    Also, Fauci should not speaking on all this...the unvaxxed despise him..and he is shady.



  6. Soaps take up to 2 years to get going, which NBC never seemed to understand.  And the fact that it was placed in a time slot that damaged two previous soaps (The doctors and SFT) was boneheaded.

    I wonder if Dorothy Lyman should have been cast to play Laura instead of Rebecca?  I know she was doing Mama's Family when the soap started, but I think she should have been recast to play Laura.  She and Ruth could have gone at it.

    From watching, it seemed like the writers had a firm grasp at writing strong AA characters with Doreen, Ruth, Henry, Adam, Chantal, etc.

    It also seemed like the show was hitting its stride when it got canceled with a cliffhanger to boot.

  7. 58 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    Frankly, I think it's a combination of both. 

    I think Harney might have been more accepted by the audience if she had come aboard as another, new character, but the longtime audience never warmed up to her as Alice. Even Harding Lemay, who vocally derided Jacqueline Courtney at every opportunity, admitted that although he continued to focus on Alice when Harney played the role, her version of the character never gained the popularity that Courtney had engendered. Courtney simply had an indefinable "star quality" that the viewers reacted strongly to.

    Ahh, Paul Rauch, another producer with an atrocious reputation.🤮 He fired Coster from AW, too.

    Only time Lemay admitted he was wrong without admitting it.

    Thankfully, there is footage of most of her stint on OLTL, her 1 year return to AW, and her 2 1989 visits to prove she had a natural, low key acting style.

    Lemay seemed to want a more dramatic theater style of acting..while JC had a more subtle style.

    The few scenes of her 1970s work on AW showed she had ability, just not in the manner that Lemay wanted.  

    And the one 1964 episode showed a more free spirited Alice...talking about boys, and seemed more Rachel esque to me...imho

  8. It seemed like Cendrella had to move away from the Steve/Alice/Rachel story..partly due to Jacqueline Courtney taking time off the show.

    It kind of appeared that Rachel kind of moved on somewhat to Ted.  I know Vicky Wyndham came in to play the last months of that marriage.

    Did Lemay resort to Rachel chasing Steve again, or was that already in place when he took over?

  9. 13 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    She played George, a mentally unbalanced, hired thug. I best remember her for getting in a vicious physical confrontation with Lucy Cooper over baby Marina's well-being. Sad to say, I loathed Lucy so much at this point in time that I was rooting for George to get her good. 

    This was the peak era of JFP trying to get SB people onto GL - beyond Wolter, and Deas, and Walker, and Marj, there was also the guy who played Bunny, and she tried to hire A Martinez.

    The only one I rooted for was Eleni when she was held hostage by George 

  10. 10 hours ago, Taoboi said:



    God, I'm going to miss her...










    From doing a rewatch, I enjoyed when all 3 were tight...witches of Eastwick style.

    @Cheap21 didn't the show tease Drew vs Kenya? From what I recall Kenya dragged her with less effort than she dragged Porsha 

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