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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 13

Sofie inadvertently runs into Casey while out shopping. Casey makes mention that Sofie has had little to no contact with him lately and calls her out on it. Sofie explains that she's been busy, but Casey doesn't buy it. Sofie finally reveals that Aaron told her that he was in prison. Casey says that he likes to forget all about that place, saying the only reason he went was because he took the wrap for his brother. Sofie understands and Casey offers to drive her home. Later, Casey pulls off on t



Episode 12

Rosanna and Paul enjoy a nice dinner at Al's. Rosanna compliments Vienna on the muffins as Paul fidgets in his chair. Rosanna comments about how nice it is that Henry has finally found love and comments that maybe she and Paul can start on the right track now. Paul brings up Craig's memorial, but Rosanna's teary eyes make Paul second guess mentioning the service. Later, Paul gets a call from Meg. Seemingly unconvinced, Rosanna decides to follow Paul. Meg arrives at Rosanna's suite at the Lake



Episode 11

At Memorial, the doctor gives Jack the good news that he can go home tomorrow after they keep him for an additional 24 hours for monitoring. Jack insists that Carly and Parker get checked out by Dr. Michaels, but Carly protests that she and Parker are just fine. Jack applauds Parker for his heroic efforts, saying that if it had not have been for him, bad things might have happened. Carly goes to answer a knock at the door and reveals Kit standing on the other side. Kit issues her apologies for l



Episode 10

Susan runs outside and finds Bob trying to crank his car. Susan offers to take him home, and he eventually, although reluctant, accepts her offer. As soon as Bob enters the house with Susan, Kim begins to drill Susan for information and gets catty until Susan reveals that she just drove a drunk Bob home. Kim thanks the Lord aloud for letting Nancy be asleep and asks Bob what the hell he was thinking. Bob staggers up the stairs to his bed, and Susan tells Kim that Bob needs serious help. Kim fire



Episode 9

Susan yells at Bob to get a grip of himself, but Bob shooes her away. Later, Bob leaves his shift surprisingly early and Susan, just off the clock, follows him to Yo's and watches him down three shots of alcohol before finally confronting him at the bar. Bob breaks down in Susan's arms and cries that his life is crumbling before him. His baby boy, the one that he just knew would follow in his footsteps, drugged him in order to become interim chief and give the go ahead for the biogenetics lab. A



Episode 8

Carly notices Sam's odd behavior, but is thrown when she spots Parker out of the corner of her eye. Parker reminds her that he was supposed to take him to a friend's house and smarts off that she's too busy kissing up to Sam to notice her own children. Just then, Jack busts in the door and calls out to Sam. "Leonard Samuels!" he yells. Tom stops by Bob and Kim's and finds the house empty. Nancy comes in from a game of bingo at a girlfriend's house and greets Tom with a smile and a kiss on the



Episode 7

Casey steps into Bob's office at Memorial. The usually neat and well-kept desk seems sloppy and unattended. Bob comes into the office, but not before sticking his head out the door and barking some last minute orders to nurse Janice. Casey greets Bob with a mild "hello" and Bob's face turns from a pale white frown to a rosey red grin. Bob mentions that he had told Tom that Casey would be coming back soon, but he didn't realize his favorite grandson would be back this soon. Casey explains that th



Episode 6

Andrew comes in and tells Lucinda that a Mr. Mayer is here to see her. Lucinda welcomes Noah in and immediately thinks that something is wrong with Luke. Noah assures her that Luke is fine and recalls a time when Lucinda told Noah and Luke that if they needed anything, they could come to her. Lucinda asks what it is and Noah recalls the story of being refused an apartment because of his and Luke's sexuality. Noah confides in Lucinda that Luke asked him not to come, but his one shot at happiness



Episode 5

Casey promises Tom that the pills are only to help him sleep. Tom tells him that if he's having problems sleeping, he should consult his grandfather. Casey argues that Bob has problems of his own since one grandchild just got released from jail and his son just went to jail. He's probably not a happy camper. Tom insists that Bob would want anything and everything to do with the health and well being of his grandson and promises to make him an appointment. Vienna comes to Al's and sees Henry h



Casting News!!

Effective Immediately!! IN: Anne Sward as "Lyla Peretti" Zach Roerig as "Casey Hughes" OUT: Wole Parks as "Dallas Griffin" Chauntee Schuler as "Bonnie Jenkins" Dylan Bruce as "Chris Hughes" Ryan Serhant as "Evan Walsh IV" Alex Charak as "Elwood Hoffman"



Episode 4

Lisa comes by WOAK to bring Kim some ads to run for the re-opening of Mabel's. Kim asks Lisa what made her decide to close down Crash and re-open Mabel's. Lisa explains that Oakdale was abuzz with disappointment when she converted the famous red hots stand into a karaoke booth and after a good month of profit, it went downhill. Lisa asks Kim how she and Bob are holding up with Chris now in prison and Evan on the run from the police after taking Bob hostage. Kim admits that she hopes Evan gets wh



Episode 3

Snow falls outside the lonely remote Colorado cabin that Rosanna sits in. Before long, her driver comes in and asks Mrs. Cabot if she's taken to the state while being here on business or if she's ready to return home to her husband. Rosanna blankly replies that she and Paul are no longer together. He and Meg are expecting a child together and she wishes them nothing but happiness. The driver apologizes and grabs her luggage. Rosanna stops the driver and asks him if he has any family. He replies



Episode 2

Lyla stands in shock that her daughter would think that her mother would need an ulterior motive to return to the same town that she once called home. Margo knocks on the door and Lyla answers it, cheerily welcoming her in. Just then, it clicks with Katie. Margo called Lyla home. But for what? Not knowing the answer for herself, Katie says it out loud, bringing both Margo and Lyla to look at Katie with blank expressions. Again, it clicks. Margo called Lyla to Oakdale to lecture Katie. Katie beco



One Out! Two In?

According to ANTW's latest interview with Oakdale Digest, fan favorite Scott Bryce will exit the role of Craig Montgomery sometime this week. The exit is storyline dictated. "We wish Scott well in all his future endeavors, but Craig's exit from Oakdale will send shockwaves through the town and leave tons of story to tell for months to come," promises Executive Producer and Headwriter Dusty Alford. In other news, Martha Madison was recently seen leaving ANTW's new studio in Louisiana. Word h



ANWT: Episode 1

Katie sits all alone in a suite at the Lakeview. Soon, Lyla emerges, gushing about her new singing job at the Lakeview. Katie, obviously distraught, asks her mother to go ahead and tell her the real reason she has returned to Oakdale. Brushing away tears from her eyes, Kim reads the latest letter that Chris has sent from prison. Kim knows Chris like the back of her hand. She knows her baby boy wanted what was best for the hospital and never meant to hurt his father. Bob comes in from his late



Oakdale Diaries: Holden Snyder

Thursday June 7th, 2007 Lily teases me for keeping a blog, but oh well. What doesn't she give me a hard time about? If she didn't, she wouldn't be the Lily that I know and love. I'm back. I get so frustrated nowadays. It seems that everyone in my family has more issues than a newspaper. Meg has this "great" plan to foil Craig once and for all. She thinks that if she's able to finally get the company back, she can just drop Craig the next day and everything will go back to normal. And ev



Oakdale Diaries: Cleo Babbitt

Dear Diary, I'm writing this to you tonight from the couch. I'm staying the night at Will and Gwen's house again tonight. I have to get up early tomorrow and go to the Wagon Wheel. Maybe they'll let me have my old room back when I tell them that I have a job now and there will be no more interferences with my monthly payments. I love this couch. It's not too soft, not too hard. Just the way I like it. I have a pillow covering up the stain on the couch from where I accidentally spilled some



Oakdale Diaries: Brad Snyder

Okay. So Aunt Emma bought me this thing when I was like ten. Some crusty old notebook that she intended for me to use to "express my innermost thoughts and feelings". Chicks have diaries. But I guess men have journals. I don't know. I never understood that. So enough about my dysfunctional family and my need to write in a journal. Here's my predicament. Katie being the free spirit that she is has grown attached to my little brother, Jack. I can't help but feel pity for the poor girl. She g



New Blog Coming Soon!

That's right, boys and girls! A new ATWT fan fiction (penned by me) is coming soon to a PC near you! This fan fiction, much like my old one, will stem from the closing actions of an episode of ATWT. After that episode airs, the next day..I will completely "take over" the show and make it my own. I hope you all are as excited as I am and I hope you all tune in! Together, we can make this happen! Now, comment! And show your excitement and enthusiasm about this new blog!



If The World Kept Turning...

The fall-out from the shooting sends shockwaves through Oakdale. Emma becomes a walking zombie, blaming herself and Jack & Carly for bringing Grant to Oakdale. Lisa tries to help her friend cope, but finds that she too is having trouble with it all. Grant's lawyer reads the will (which he informs them Grant made changes to right before he died) and notifies Emma and Lisa that his whole estate, money, and everything is to be split between the two. While Lisa tucks her money away, Emma gives h




Are you wondering what would have happened if TPTB had decided to keep the world turning? Well, according to a very reliable contact at TWOO, viewers will get their chance this Friday. According to the contact, TPTB are planning to release a short draft of all the stories they had planned for the 2007 year. In other news, next week looks to be equally entertaining, as well. TPTB are working on a special week full of memorable episodes picked out by you, the viewers! Viewers are being aske



Episode 300: The TWOO Finale

And now, the finale of... THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening NOTE: This episode is extra long, but well worth it. Enjoy. Barbara, Will, and Gwen arrive to the party. Barbara is irked to even be coming (because of Dana), but knows Grant through a former business venture. Will questions Gwen as to why she's been so pissy, and Gwen chuckles that it must be the harmones or something. Will places his hand on her stomach. "Just think, this baby will be such a blessing", he says. Gwen t



Episode 299

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Grant's party continues. Lisa finds Emma and asks to borrow her lipstick. Lisa walks towards Emma's purse as the camera zeroes in on a gun inside the purse! Lisa gasps when she sees the gun and asks Emma what she's doing. Emma chuckles, saying that she left it in there after killing a rattlesnake out by the pond the other day. Lisa exuses herself when she sees Roxie and Chris gathered. Emma grabs her purse and shoves the gun deeper inside of her purse. Crypt



Episode 298

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening It's the day of Grant's birthday bash and everyone pours into the Lakeview's seventh floor party hall. Dana is dressed to perfection with a blue dress. She spots Milly in a black business suit and scolds her mother for not coming festive like they had agreed. Milly tells her daughter to buzz off. Milly walks by Jack as he holds a conversation with Holden. Holden confesses Lily's been nervous acting ever since Craig stalked him back to the house last night



Episode 297

THE WORLD OF OAKDALE TWOO Opening Maddie is excited that Gwen is pregnant, but wonders how. Gwen talks of the treatment she has been doing since her fall. Maddie is ecstatic and later joins Luke at Java to tell him the good news. Luke gets upset when Maddie reminds him of his recent stunts and takes off. Later, Emma gets a visit from Emma. Lisa listens as Emma gives Luke advice, saying that when Luke is able to forgive himself, then others will be able to forgive him as well. Lisa excuses he



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