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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 188

After a long night, Paul, Rosanna, and Barbara take all their information to Margo who reveals that the time frame hasn't passed yet to file a missing persons report. Meanwhile, Luke informs Lucinda about Noah's disappearance and hopes that she can give some sort of financial aid to the search. When Kevin learns about it, he's not pleased, but reluctantly accepts Luke's excuse that he just wants to make sure Noah and Carrie are alright. Later, after running into a dead end with Margo at the stat



Episode 187

Susan appears at The Enquirer and finds Emily working. Susan apologizes for the way that she snapped at her yesterday and feels as though she owes her daughter an apology. Emily admits that she was in the wrong too for being so hard on Michael and reminds her mother that she said some pretty cruel things about her mother's taste in men. Susan sighs and guesses that one day, the Stewart women will finally get it right with the men in their lives and smiles that maybe Emily has a chance to do just



Episode 186

Kim stands shocked at Chris's statement, but eventually admits that he's right. She can't stand to be in the same room as Bob anymore because she's constantly feeling like she's disappointing him. He's made it clear that he thinks her hatred of Susan has caused the rift, Kim explains, but instead, she thinks that the rift happened way before. Chris hangs his head and sadly mumbles that this is all his fault. They've drifted apart because of him. Choking back the swelling tears behind his eyes, C



Episode 185

While Barbara goes to the penthouse, Paul and Rosanna look for James. Paul accidentally lets it slip that Carrie is Jennifer's half-sister and is appalled that he isn't telling Barbara. Paul frets that he knows his mother is and she'll smother Carrie with love until the point of insanity. He fears that she might seek Carrie to fill the hole that Jennifer left when she died. Back at the penthouse, Barbara discovers Carrie's purse and Noah's open cell phone with the last call being to 911. Imm



Episode 184

Dusty pushes Emily to cheer up her mom, especially after Michael's farewell to her. Emily eventually agrees and what starts off as an innocent invitation to a picnic soon becomes complicated when Susan accuses Emily of babying her now that Michael is gone. Meanwhile, Alison is shopping at Fashions when she runs into Chris. He explains that he was looking for Lisa. He just got released and is only in town for a week or so. Alison later goes to Susan's and tells her mother and Emily that Chris is



Casting News!!

'ANWT' Came "Colin" for 'GL' Alum 'GUIDING LIGHT' alum Wes Ramsey has been cast in the role of "Colin Taylor". Although he was originally intended to be a dayplayer, Colin's importance in an emerging storyline prompted the powers to be at 'A NEW WORLD TURNS' to cast Ramsey in the recurring role. Look for Colin to be a love interest for one Oakdale dame who is currently going through a romantic drought and a menace to his adoptive sister. His first airdate is October 1, 2008. The Doctor i



Episodes 181-183

Bob and Kim are overjoyed to reunite with Chris. Immediately, Chris brings up what he did to Bob and apologizes profusely, stating that he'd never be able to forgive someone like Bob did. Bob mentions that it wasn't easy, but he loves his son. In an emotional scene, Chris apologizes for failing him as a son. Kim's tense stare at Bob pokes a needle in the moment. Chris realizes something isn't right and later asks Nancy if his parents are doing okay. Nancy recalls the events of the past few month



Episode 180

Alison stands in shock and confusion as Casey scorns her for being so evil and hiding the fact that Gabe had been sending him mail reporting on his and Sofie's sex life. Alison denies she did anything of the sort and points the finger at Margo, recalling that she obtained the box from his house. Casey is still furious and asks Alison why she would keep this from him. Just then, Aaron comes in the door and announces he's home. Alison stays quiet in front of Casey, but as soon as he leaves, she go



Episode 179

Lyla tries to comfort Katie, telling her that what she did was heroic. Doris didn't die in innocence, she reminds her daughter. Katie huffs that Lyla was the one that was practically screaming "guilty" when Michael was accused of trying to kill Doris. Later, Brad informs Katie that Michael spoke with him at the jail and he's leaving town as soon as he's released. Katie wants to stop her uncle, but Brad holds her back and tells her to give her uncle some room for a change. Exhausted, Katie thanks



Episodes 169-178

This is a 2 week synopsis for the week of 9/15 and 9/22. ---------------------------------------------------------- Dusty wakes up and feels beside him. His hands run down a naked body barely wrapped in a sheet and he turns to face her. Emily smiles and tells Dusty that she is officially out of his life since she still hasn't given him an answer and it's been 24 hours since he proposed. Dusty grins and teases that she said "yes" enough times last night that he thinks he knows her answer by



Episode 168

Friday Rejoicing in their victory, the kids breathe a sigh of relief as they sit down for pizza with Jack and Carly. Parker takes the initiative to escort Sage and J.J. away from the table once Jack and Carly start talking. Sage overhears Jack's plans to leave and rushes back to tell her brothers. Quickly coming up with a solution, Parker has J.J. pre-occupy his parents. He sneaks back in through the window minutes later, covered in grease and holding a mechanic part. When Sage asks what he d



Episode 167

Thursday An extremely tired Margo arrives at the hospital, eager to learn what caused Doris's panic attack. Lyla covers for Katie and later, Brad unintentionally informs Margo that his wife was headed for Doris's room when he last saw her. After lecturing Katie and warning her to steer clear of the investigation, Margo returns home where Tom reveals the D.A.'s office will probably be handling the case and it should make its way to court sometime next week. Alison tries to comfort her moth



Episode 166

Wednesday Meeting Alison and Dusty at the door, Emily makes a side comment about Susan being upset upstairs. Alison leaves to check on her mother while Emily stays downstairs with Dusty. Dusty begs Emily to give him a chance and reminds her that he did the same thing by forgiving her for holding him captive. In tears, Emily confesses that that's exactly why she can't marry him. Across town, Nancy confronts Kim at WOAK about her behavior regarding Susan and reprimands her for being so cruel. K



Episode 165

Tuesday Kim pulls into the hospital parking lot, on her way to take Bob the lunch he left behind at home. She stalls when she notices Susan sitting, staring blankly, in her car. As she strolls over, Susan apologizes and quickly scurries into work. Kim's baffled and soon realizes that Susan must have found out about Michael. She confronts Bob with the news, who sends Susan home on account of the fact that she's an emotional wreck. Kim scoffs, but Bob asks her to take pity on Susan; she just fo



Episode 164

Monday One one knee, Dusty explains that he's not as crazy as he thought he would have to be to propose. After Jennifer's death, he never expected to love again, but in some twisted way, Emily makes him feel whole again. He chuckles that he would have never pictured them together, but "when you know, you know", he concludes. "And now, I know that you're the one. I can't let you get away from me. Emily Stewart, will you marry me?" Speechless, Emily flees out the door in a trail of tears. As



Episodes 161-163

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Almost in a cat and mouse scene, Rosanna seemed to evade James's watchful eye at every turn in Canada. Happening upon a young woman in the park, Rosanna learned that Cabot's adoptive parents were run off the road, but police claimed it was an accident. Putting two and two together, Rosanna gussed that James had something to do with all of this. Before she could reach Paul, though, James trapped her in an elevator and forced her into a bus, discreetly aiming the gu



Episode 157-160

Katie rallied behind her uncle when she learned that Doris was off her medication for biploar disorder. Surely, she concluded, Doris must have done this all to frame Michael. But alas, no one share the same belief. Knowing what Doris was capable of, Michael pushed away his family in an effort to keep them safe. Lyla remained quiet the whole time and slipped away to confront Doris in her hospital room. Doris faintly paged a nurse, who quickly escorted Lyla out. Brad questioned Lyla about where sh



Episode 156

Still unsettled by Gwen's words, Carly tries to clear her head by going for a run. Unable to focus, she gives up halfway through the park, finding a spot near the water's edge to sit. The more she thinks about it, the more annoyed she becomes at Gwen for taking Jack's side. Fuming, she doesn't see Nancy heading her way, until the older lady lays a hand on her shoulder and asks if she needs help. Startled, Carly quickly rises, shaking her head no. Dressed for her power-walk, Nancy gives her a rel



Episode 155

Smiling, Carly opens the door and finds Jack on the other side. She grouchily asks Jack what he wants. Jack replies that he's not done with their previous conversation from last night. Carly quickly sends Sage upstairs to deliver one of Hallie's toys. Once she's out of earshot, Carly matter-of-factly reminds Jack this is her house. Who stays---who goes---is her decision. Jack stares at her for a moment, then asks if she wants him to leave. Katie stirs and immediately recollects last night's e



Episode 154

Casey appears late, but nonetheless present, for his meeting with Dusty, Alison, and Aaron. While Dusty takes the initiative to tell Casey what he'd be doing at the new nightclub, Aaron sees the meeting as an opportunity to plant the seed of doubt in regards to Casey's work ethic. As Aaron alerts Dusty that Casey was late, Alison rolls her eyes. Dusty warns his new employee not to be late anymore and gives him instructions for the first day of work. While Dusty shows Casey around the new buildin



Episode 153

Holden and Lily juggle giving Ethan animal crackers, Natalie her allergy medicine, and Faith her summer reading book. Lucinda comes in and laughs at the chaos, asserting that they should take a break. Lily sighs that she has alot of work to do for WOAK since she and Kim have agreed to split responsibilities at the station. Holden pulls Lily aside and tells her that he thinks it would be a good idea for Lucinda to watch after the kids for a while so they can have some alone time. Knowing he's wan



Episode 152

As Jade searches for a new outfit to wear out on the town, Luke approaches her at Fashions. Jade growls that she doesn't want another lecture and immediately dashes to another rack. Luke follows closely behind and reprimands Jade for being so careless as to move so fast with someone she just met. She just met the guy and she's already moving in with him. Jade reasons that Colin simply needed a roommate and she said yes because she's too ashamed to ever return to Holden and Lily's. Luke tosses up



Episode 151

Fearing for her life, Carrie uses a paperweight to get Paul off of her. While her blow fails to incapacitate him, Paul struggles to maintain his balance and brushes his throbbing scalp. Tears flow from her face as Carrie admits to being Darryl's daughter, but she's nothing like the old drunk bastard, and she never will be. As for James, she retorts, the only time she's seen him was at the grand opening for the cancer ward. Barbara comes in amongst the yelling as Paul accuses Carrie of having ult



Episodes 146-150

Gwen stared at the note in disbelief. The more she tried to dismiss the note, the more she remembered Will's anger when Iris returned to town and his relentless attitude that she would never change. Broken-hearted, she hurried to pack overnight bags for her and Hallie before Will returned. As she packed, Gwen took out her cell and called Iris. Meanwhile, at Java, Will encountered his mother and shared his relief that their plot can't be exposed. His marriage would be over if Gwen ever found out



Episodes 136-145

When Michael got another job offer, he hesitated because of his feelings for Susan. He confided in Kim that even though Susan broke things off with him, he knows she's not serious. She just needs breathing room. Kim urged Michael to take the job because she privately feared Michael's absence from town would send Susan back into Bob's orbit. Bob saw Kim's diehard attitude to keep Michael at Memorial as a sign that she had finally buried the hatchet. When Nancy confronted her daughter in law about



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