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A General Hospital fan fic featuring GH characters.

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Robin's Christmas Surprise!! S&L: Episodes 81-83

Secrets & Lies: Episode 81-83 Monday, December 25, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, NaVell J. Lee & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH begins in the den of the Quartermaine Mansion. Kevin walks over to Monica and begins kissing her all over. The two begin to make love when Alan walks in. Alan asks what’s going on but Monica just pulls Kevin in closer. Alan yells for Kevin to stop but he laughs evilly. She hears her name being called over and over and over. She



Christmas Eve Part 1 S&L Episodes: 78-80

Secrets & Lies: Episode 78-80 Sunday, December 24, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, NaVell J. Lee & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH begins in the living room at Wyndemere Castle. Nikolas walks to the window with his cup of coffee. He smiles at the snow falling down as he sips his hot cup of joe. He flashes back to the intense night of passion that he had with Carly. He knows it’ll be a great day. Soon after, Carly walks into the living room wearing one of Ni



Nikolas & Carly Make Love! S&L: Episodes 74-77

Secrets & Lies: Episode 74-77 Saturday, December 23, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - In Europe…..two people board a plane making it’s way to Port Charles. Though they don’t see each other, both have something in common and have connections to Port Charles. Both haven’t seen people in Port Charles for a while now, but they intend on making up for time lost. - At Club Evolution….. Dillon: (sighs) Oh, man....what the hell is g



S&L: Episodes 70-73

Secrets & Lies: Episode 70-73 Friday, December 22, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, NaVell J. Lee & Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33) Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Monica arrives home at the Quartermaine mansion, and sits in front of the computer...waiting for any sign for Kevin to sign on. She waits patiently, while also looking around to see if anyone is about to come into the study. Kevin finally signs on and IMs Monica, asking how her day was. They begin talking about the p



S&L: Episodes 67-69

Secrets & Lies: Episode 67-69 Thursday, December 21, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Nikolas arrives at Carly’s house promptly at 9PM. Lulu answers the door. The two of them begin talking about Christmas plans. When Carly finally makes her way downstairs, Nikolas’ breath is taken away. Standing at the bottom of the stairs is Carly, in a lowcut black dress that slants as it gets closer to her knees. He notices the beautiful plat



S&L: Episodes 64-66

Secrets & Lies: Episode 64-66 Wednesday, December 20, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH opens at Jake’s with Kevin and Mac shooting some pool and knockin’ back some beers. Kevin tries to cheer Mac up by purposely losing some games to him, but Mac sees right through it. Kevin learns that Mac is upset because the Mayor is coming down hard on him. Mac changes the subject, instead wanting to know how his friend has been doing for



S&L: Episode 60-63

Secrets & Lies: Episode 60-63 Tuesday, December 19, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Venus Stone Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Dillon comes into Kelly's and notices Lucas sitting at a table by himself. It takes everything he can muster not to let his feelings show on his face. After his heated argument with Maxie, he wanted to make sure that he can keep the feelings he's harboring in check. Carefully approaching the table, he sits down across from Lucas. "Hey, how's



Sudden Actress Swap! Additional Casting News

Actress Swap! New Addition To Cast! by Leph Turn Look for actress Ashley Jones (Bridget, B& to join the cast of GH as "Sarah Webber". A few months ago we broke news that Erin Hershey Presley was to play the role, but due to the actress' pregnancy, the show decided to recast the role with her permission. Originally the writers planned to write her pregnancy into the show once they learned the news, but she didn't want them to make special concessions for her. It is expected that she w



S&L: Episodes 54-59

Secrets & Lies: Episode 54-59 Saturday, December 16, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Lucas and Bobbie sit in her living room in silence. They both try to start conversation but can never finish what it is they’d like to say. Finally, Bobbie decides to put this time to good use. “Are you happy Lucas?” she asks. “I mean are you truly happy. Does this Brandon treat you well?” He looks up at his mother with much love and respon



Interview w/ the Headwriter

Interview With The Headwriter By Val. E. West Sweeps is over and what a month it was for General Hospital on SONBC. The show's been holding strong in the ratings and storylines seem to be progressing at a very good pace. Now with some permanent backup, can the writers continue their momentum? SONBC reporter Val E. West recently conducted an interview with one of the head writers at the show. VW: Thanks for sitting down with me to do this interview.



S&L: Episodes 50-53

Secrets & Lies: Episode 50-53 Thursday, December 14, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler Produced by: NaVell J. Lee Opening Video - GH begins in the apartment of Lucky Spencer. Nikolas has just seen that Sam is alive and deduced that Lucky was aware the entire time. He punched Lucky. Sam: Why in the hell would you punch him? Who are you? Why are you here? Nikolas: I'm your cousin Nikolas. Get up Lucky! Lucky: What was that for? Nikolas: You bastard. How could you do this? How could you d



S&L: Episodes 47-49 (UPDATED)

Secrets & Lies: Episode 47-49 Wednesday, December 13, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH begins in the office of Dr. Lainey winters. Lorenzo Alcazar has requested to meet with her to discuss Diego’s departure from his life. Lainey tries to get Alcazar to see that Diego leaving was not his (Lorenzo’s) fault. As she reads the letter, she gets better insight into the mind of his young son. She offers to be someone that Lorenzo c



S&L: Episode 44-46

Secrets & Lies: Episode 44-46 Friday, December 08, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee Produced by: NaVell J. Lee Opening Video - Lorenzo arrives home from a trip to Manhattan to find his house empty. He remembers that both he and Diego have an appointment with Lainey today so he goes upstairs to look for Diego. On his way up, he notices that the painting covering his safe is ajar and rushes over to it. Damn it, his money is missing. He calls Diego’s name once again, but



S&L: Episode 41-43

Secrets & Lies: Episode 40-43 Thursday, December 07, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & NaVell J. Lee Produced by: NaVell J. Lee Opening Video - David Hayward makes his way into Alan's office at GH. Alan greets him in and the two begin to talk about his residence at Pine Valley. He starts to tell Alan about his work and what he has done at the hospital in Pine Valley, but is very vague about everything else, and Alan happens to pick up on it. Alan: Dr. Hayward, I sense that you are n



S&L: Episode 40

Secrets & Lies: Episode 40 Tuesday, December 05, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Na’Vell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - Lulu runs into Carly at MetroCourt, and the two begin to talk about how Tracy is the new CEO of ELQ. Carly starts questioning her just why exactly Lulu is is worried about the ELQ business. Lulu tries to shrug it off, but Carly knows otherwise, and suspects that this could put a strain in her friendship with Dillon. Lulu feels that a part of her



S&L: Episodes 37-39

Secrets & Lies: Episode 37-39 Monday, December 04, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH begins with Robin talking with Liz at the Nurse’s Station. Liz shows Robin some pictures that were recently taken of her and Cameron. Robin asks if she and Lucky are on good terms once again, but Liz says no. Robin says her goodbye and heads over to the elevator. She is surprised when Patrick steps off the elevator and greets her with a big hug.



PREVIEWS: Wk. of December 4th

This week on GH: Secrets & Lies- - Lucky's been keeping Sam's presence a secret, but this week.....someone else finds out she's alive! - Wanting to ensure that Jason and Liz don't hook up, Carly tries to get Lucky to work things out with Liz. - The realization that Sam will never really know her sisters or her mother really takes it's toll on Alexis and she breaks down to Nikolas. - Mac gets word that he may be replaced as Police Commissioner - Tracy and Luke plan to take over



TRACY TAKES OVER ELQ!!! (S&L Episode: 36)

Secrets & Lies: Episode 36 ICU: Tracy, Edward & ELQ Board Meeting Sunday, December 03, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Na’Vell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video ACT I GH begins with the members of the board of ELQ chatting with each other. Monica keeps her distance from Alan, Tracy & Luke discuss strategy with one another, Ned tells Skye that unlike the rest of the family, he won’t ostracize her for being with the one she loves. Everyone gets silent when Edwa



S&L: Episode 35

Secrets & Lies: Episode 35 Saturday, December 2, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH begins with Monica locking up her office at General Hospital. She’s not in a very good mood. Instead of spending her Friday afternoon having some leisure time, she’ll be locked in a board room with people who she can’t stand voting on business for a company that really serves no purpose for her. Monica ends up missing her floor while she’s in deep



S&L: Episode 34 (REVISED)

Secrets & Lies: Episode 34 Thursday, November 30, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - GH opens with Lulu walking into Carly’s office. The young blonde flops on the couch in Carly’s office and lets out a huge sigh. Carly looks up, asking what’s wrong. Lulu complains about working at Kelly’s for such a crappy salary. Carly: Well you know Lulu, you won’t have to worry about the crappy pay much longer. Come next week, you’ll be one step



S&L: Episode 33

Secrets & Lies: Episode 33 Wednesday, November 29, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee Produced by: Ryan Chandler Opening Video - When Lucky reports to the PCPD the next morning, he tries to act as if nothing is wrong. While he’s doing his paperwork, he keeps getting distracted by thoughts of Sam. It really bothers him that he wasn’t able to save her then, but he’ll do his best to save her now. His thoughts are interrupted when he notices the mayor enter the building and go i



S&L: Episode 32

Secrets & Lies: Episode 32 Tuesday, November 28, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee & Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33) Produced by: Ryan Chandler & Na’Vell J. Lee Opening Video GH opens with Skye walking downstairs for breakfast. She greets her family warmly, as if nothing happened. Skye speaks to Alice, who gives her the cold shoulder. Skye questions why Alice is being so rude. Alice apologizes, saying she was ordered not to speak to her by Tracy. As Skye looks across the




This winter on General Hospital, the second part of "Secrets & Lies" begins. They will harbor secrets, they will create a web of lies, and they'll be out for revenge.... ANNOUNCER: He watched her die…… Lucky (to Liz): She was calling my name and I could do nothing to save her. ANNOUNCER: They thought she was dead……. ANNOUNCER: But they were wrong…. Lucky: How can this be? Sam: Where am I? ANNOUNCER: She can't remember everything about her past or remember the one s




Secrets & Lies: Episode 31 Saturday November 25, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee & Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33) Produced by: Ryan Chandler & Na’Vell J. Lee Opening Video Act I Thanksgiving with the Quartermaines….what should be a great celebration for what the citizens of Port Charles are thankful for ends up a disaster. It wouldn’t be a holiday at the Quartermaines’ without some drama right? The evening starts off pretty tame you can say. There’s a bad storm outs



Alicia Leigh Willis FIRED!!!

Another One Bites The Dust By Dura Cell In addition to the recent exits announced yesterday, we have gotten word that the execs at GH have officially given Alicia Leigh Willis (Courtney) her walking papers. Negotiations between the actress and the show have gone on for months now and when they stalled, the show promptly wrote her out of a prominent love triangle storyline that was to happen between Courtney, Carly and Nikolas. When asked for comment, the actress only had this to say.



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