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June 5-9, 2006


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Ratings for the week June 5-9, 2006

(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)

Total Viewers

1. Y&R 5,523,000 (-167,000/+191,000)

2. B&B 4,214,000 (+57,000/+190,000)

3. GH 3,324,000 (-74,000/+50,000)

4. AMC 3,290,000 (-182,000/-21,000)

5. OLTL 3,276,000 (-358,000/+187,000)

6. ATWT 3,264,000 (+25,000/-148,000)

7. DAYS 3,071,000 (-204,000/-164,000)

8. GL 2,754,000 (-114,000/-233,000)

9. PSNS 1,861,000 (-53,000/-544,000)


1. Y&R 4.3/14 (-.1/+.2)

2. B&B 3.2/10 (same/same)

3. GH 2.7/8 (same/same)

4. AMC 2.6/9 (-.1/same)

4. OLTL 2.6/9 (-.2/+.1)

6. ATWT 2.5/8 (same/-.2)

7. DAYS 2.4/8 (-.2/-.2)

8. GL 2.1/7 (same/-.3) <---------- ties low rating

9. PSNS 1.5/5 (-.1/-.3)

Women 18-49 Viewers

1. Y&R 1,455,000 (-66,000/+9,000)

2. GH 1,189,000 (+1,000/-91,000)

3. AMC 1,180,000 (+10,000/-37,000)

4. DAYS 1,177,000 (-94,000/-3,000)

5. OLTL 1,157,000 (-95,000/+18,000)

6. B&B 1,011,000 (-58,000/-37,000)

7. ATWT 856,000 (-19,000/-31,000)

8. PSNS 809,000 (-40,000/-122,000)

9. GL 765,000 (-94,000/-162,000)

Women 18-49 Rating

1. Y&R 2.2/14 (-.1/same)

2. DAYS 1.8/11 (-.1/same)

2. AMC 1.8/11 (same/-.1)

2. GH 1.8/11 (same/-.2)

2. OLTL 1.8/11 (-.1/+.1)

6. B&B 1.5/10 (-.1/-.1)

7. ATWT 1.3/8 (same/-.1)

8. PSNS 1.2/8 (-.1/-.2)

9. GL 1.2/7 (-.1/-.2)

Girls 12-17 Viewers

1. PSNS 147,000 (+62,000/-13,000)

2. DAYS 126,000 (+30,000/+33,000)

3. OLTL 67,000 (-7,000/-30,000)

4. GH 59,000 (-6,000/-52,000)

5. AMC 43,000 (-14,000/-46,000)

6. Y&R 37,000 (+2,000/-21,000)

7. ATWT 26,000 (-3,000/-47,000)

8. B&B 14,000 (-6,000/-48,000)

9. GL 10,000 (-23,000/-35,000)

Women 18-34 Rating

1. DAYS 1.6/10 (-.3/-.5)

2. Y&R 1.6/10 (-.3/+.2)

3. AMC 1.5/10 (+.2/+.5)

3. OLTL 1.5/9 (same/+.5)

5. GH 1.4/9 (-.1/+.3)

6. PSNS 1.2/8 (-.1/-.7)

7. B&B 1.1/7 (-.2/same)

8. ATWT 1.0/7 (-.1/-.1)

9. GL 0.9/5 (-.2/-.3)

Men 18+ Viewers

1. Y&R 1,241,000 (-63,000/+157,000)

2. B&B 1,001,000 (+42,000/+232,000)

3. ATWT 721,000 (+28,000/+132,000)

4. GL 578,000 (-46,000/+100,000)

5. AMC 552,000 (-118,000/-42,000)

6. DAYS 503,000 (-123,000/-96,000)

7. OLTL 484,000 (-116,000/+28,000)

8. GH 473,000 (-114,000/+37,000)

9. PSNS 285,000 (-61,000/-162,000)


Day-To-Day HH Ratings - HH/Total Viewers


Monday: 2.7/3,321,000

Tuesday: 2.5/3,301,000

Wednesday: 2.6/3,333,000

Thursday: 2.7/3,284,000

Friday: 2.6/3,211,000


Monday: 2.7/3,580,000

Tuesday: 2.4/3,217,000

Wednesday: 2.4/2,984,000

Thursday: 2.4/3,284,000

Friday: 2.3/3,255,000


Monday: 3.5/4,573,000

Tuesday: 3.2/4,306,000

Wednesday: 3.1/3,874,000

Thursday: 3.1/4,170,000

Friday: 3.1/4,148,000


Monday: 2.4/3,185,000

Tuesday: 2.2/2,803,000

Wednesday: 2.5/3,081,000

Thursday: 2.6/3,215,000

Friday: 2.3/3,071,000


Monday: 2.6/3,099,000

Tuesday: 2.5/3,202,000

Wednesday: 2.6/3,218,000

Thursday: 2.9/3,748,000

Friday: 2.7/3,353,000


Monday: 2.3/2,945,000

Tuesday: 2.1/2,722,000

Wednesday: 2.0/2,441,000

Thursday: 2.2/2,827,000

Friday: 2.0/2,833,000


Monday: 2.5/3,095,000

Tuesday: 2.6/3,238,000

Wednesday: 2.6/3,252,000

Thursday: 2.6/3,465,000

Friday: 2.7/3,328,000


Monday: 1.4/1,799,000

Tuesday: 1.4/1,758,000

Wednesday: 1.5/1,949,000

Thursday: 1.7/2,013,000

Friday: 1.4/1,783,000


Monday: 4.6/5,802,000

Tuesday: 4.3/5,516,000

Wednesday: 4.2/5,260,000

Thursday: 4.1/5,442,000

Friday: 4.2/5,596,000


For the SEASON September 19, 2005 through June 11, 2006


1. Y&R 4.2

2. B&B 3.3

3. GH 2.8

4. ATWT 2.6

4. OLTL 2.6

4. DAYS 2.6

4. AMC 2.6

8. GL 2.3

9. PSNS 1.7

Women 18-49 Rating

1. Y&R 2.1

2. GH 2.0

3. DAYS 1.9

4. OLTL 1.8

4. AMC 1.8

6. B&B 1.6

7. PSNS 1.4

8. ATWT 1.3

9. GL 1.2


NBC Ratings Report

ABC Ratings Report

CBS Ratings Report

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LsKtreet/ABC Board Ratings (LIVE+SD Ratings)

JUNE 5-9, 2006


1.(1) Y&R 4.3 (-.1)

2.(2) B&B 3.2 (SAME)

3.(4) GH 2.7 (SAME)

4.(4) AMC 2.6 (-.1)

4.(3) OLTL 2.6 (-.2)

6.(7) ATWT 2.5 (SAME)

7.(6) DOOL 2.4 (-.2)

8.(8) GL 2.1 (SAME)

9.(9) PASS 1.5 (-.1)

Women 18-49

1.(1) Y&R 2.2 (-.1)

2.(4) AMC 1.8 (SAME)

2.(2) DOOL 1.8 (-.1)

2.(4) GH 1.8 (SAME)

2.(2) OLTL 1.8 (-.1)

6.(6) B&B 1.5 (-.1)

7.(7) ATWT 1.3 (SAME)

8.(7) GL 1.2 (-.1)

8.(7) PASS 1.2 (-.1)

Women 18-34

1.(1) DOOL 1.6 (-.3)

1.(1) Y&R 1.6 (-.3)

3.(5) AMC 1.5 (+.2)

3.(3) OLTL 1.5 (SAME)

5.(3) GH 1.4 (-.1)

6.(5) PASS 1.2 (-.1)

7.(5) B&B 1.1 (-.2)

8.(8) ATWT 1.0 (-.1)

9.(8) GL 0.9 (-.2)



Monday 2.7

Tuesday 2.5

Wednesday 2.6

Thursday 2.7

Friday 2.6


Monday 2.6

Tuesday 2.5

Wednesday 2.6

Thursday 2.9

Friday 2.7


Monday 2.5

Tuesday 2.6

Wednesday 2.6

Thursday 2.6

Friday 2.7


Monday 2.4

Tuesday 2.2

Wednesday 2.5

Thursday 2.6

Friday 2.3


Monday 1.4

Tuesday 1.4

Wednesday 1.5

Thursday 1.7

Friday 1.4


Monday 2.7

Tuesday 2.4

Wednesday 2.4

Thursday 2.4

Friday 2.3


Monday 3.5

Tuesday 3.2

Wednesday 3.1

Thursday 3.1

Friday 3.1


Monday 2.3

Tuesday 2.1

Wednesday 2.0

Thursday 2.2

Friday 2.0


Monday 4.6

Tuesday 4.3

Wednesday 4.2

Thursday 4.1

Friday 4.2

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Only by a few seconds, anita, I'm thinking you'll have me beat next week ;)

And NOW for the SON (LIVE+SD) vs. SOD/SOW (LIVE) Comparison

FOR May 29 - June 2 Week:

1. Y&R 4.4 (+.1) (Just Live - 4.3)

2. B&B 3.2/10 (SAME)

3. OLTL 2.8/9 (+.2)

4. AMC 2.7/8 (+.1)

4. GH 2.7/8 (-.1) (Just Live - 2.6)

6. DAYS 2.6/9 (+.1) (Just Live - 2.5)

7. ATWT 2.5/8 (+.1)

8. GL 2.1/6 (SAME)

9. PSNS 1.6/5 (+.2) (Just Live - 1.5)

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A 2.3 for DAYS on Friday, that sucks! These numbers for DAYS are very disappointing although I thought Tuesday and Wednesday were some of the worst shows all year. Monday and Friday were awesome though. Oh well at least JER is out as HW. With the US Open this Thursday and Friday, it could affect DAYS numbers even worse next week, even with the returns of P&K.

The bright side: DAYS is still #2(tied) in 18-49 demos and #1(tied) in 18-34 demos.

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Well I guess the rumor that Days got a 3.0 last Friday was just that - A RUMOR. Patch's return didn't pull in the numbers expected.

Man these ratings totally stink for all the shows. All of CBS held firm except for Y&R which dropped a little.

Overall very bad ratings though. Is that ABC's lowest combined rating in awhile? Just wondering.

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Steve's appearance on Friday lasted all of a few minutes. Many of those who saw it would have tivo'd the episode to avoid sitting through the other nonsense on the show. Plus, the morons at NBC barely promoted it. I'm not surprised it didn't get a spike.

Next week should get a nice spike, though.

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I never said it was true-when I posted I said it was a rumor but it was totally realistic given who was coming back so I thought there may be some truth to it. This sucks. How can the two worst shows of the week get higher ratings then the best shows of the week for Days?? I guess I should not be surprised-SN was only on for like one minute so this week should be the realy big numbers. I just hope US Oopen doesn't kill it. Maybe with all the stories climaxing in the weeks ahead more people will come back. It always seems people watch the bad shows and the shows they should watch get the higher dailies. Days always seems to get better numbers when it isn't as good rather then when it rocks. Oh well-it is summer too and people aren't always going to flock to TV I guess. Better luck next week :) .

Exactly-people may have tuned in for the one moment knowing full well they weren't going to get alot. This week should be higher though.

All the numbers for soaps suck though-everyone but Y&R is in a rut.

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They did add it to the promos during Passions on Tuesday of last week but it was just a snippet. I don't think it would have made a difference because, like Ponz said, it wasn't like SN was on during the whole show. He appeared at the end and that was it. There should be a bigger spalsh this week in numbers and if there isn't it is either summertime and people are not watching TV, US Open screwing it all up, or people just don't care until JER is officially out. That is the way I see it but it does seem like more people came back to watching the show this week. Last Friday it sounded like a few people did but many more started posting about it this week so maybe the same will show in the numbers.

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As a viewer who dumped DAYS a long time ago, my interest hasn't been peaked to watch yet. My interest is peaked somewhat to watch the P/K reunion, so if the numbers don't "shine" for that week - that's a problem. Right now, including this week here (June 12) - not so much a problem. But that 2.4 might be a 2.3 in JUST LIVE ratings, so I have to think they're definitely going to go up for this week (JUNE 12) - because it is Patch and Kayla both back (Kayla returned June 5 or June 12 week?) and there isn't much lower to go from there vs. the record low for them. But it's the P/K see-each-other week that should be the "boom!" And if it doesn't go "boom" then there is a problem.

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