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Days: Chelsey's trial!

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I read that Kate gets a cop to destroy the evidence of Chelsey being the one who killed Zack. As a result, she goes free as if nothing happened. Hope will agonize over this, since her goal was to punish Chelsey to the greatest extent allowed.

What do you think of Chelsey being let go? Is she going to learn a lesson this way?

Personally, Chelsey being set free allows no justice for Zack's death. Sure Chelsey will be greatful for being let go, and may consider her luck and be good for a short period of time. In the end, I don't think Chelsey is going to learn any real lesson. I didn't support the idea of her having to spend countless years in prison for an unintentional act, but by recieving no punishment whatsoever, she will never learn that poor actions do have consequences. I would've preferred that she recieve some community service hours, or house arrest for a while, or anything along those lines. I'm also assuming that this victory for Chelsey, Billie and Bo, will drive a greater wedge between Bo and Hope.

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IT will just be another in a long line of irresponsible moves by soap operas these days. No one on soaps ever pays for their crimes anymore.

Used to a person had to pay in some way even if the law didn't get them but these days they get off scot free all the way around. And the sad thing is that many fans don't care. If the characters is liked then they don't want them to pay.

Years ago when Bob Hughes committed adultery on ATWT with Kim, both characters even though loved were in deep water with the fans. And it took a while before even Bob was liked again. I remember reading a lot about this.

Nowadays characters can get away with murder if the fans like them.

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Oh I agree with you on that part. My post I guess was more general about how daytime portrays crime these days (any type of wrongdoing I guess).

They even let the characters we don't like off (i.e. Jonathan Lavery on AMC) if they see something they like in the character or the performer.

I wonder sometimes if it has to do with GH's redemption of bad boy rapist Luke or if it is just society's acceptance of some criminals esp. celebrity ones. In our climate today it is almost difficult for a celebrity to ever be found guilty anymore and even that used to be different. Today when a celebrity goes up for a crime (even when it is obvious they are guilty) you will still see loads of fans outside pawning over them and professing their innocence.

I think it has just boiled over onto the shows and esp. soaps. I am not a prude or anything like that but I do hate the message that it sends. And I also hate to see people like Chelsea get away scott free.

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I figured this would happen. Days was no way going to let her go to jail.

Oh and this should be in spoiler island since many are spoiler free and if you know where you got this you may want to add the link just in case people want to read for themselves or see if there is more info on this and other things :) .

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I never believed Chelsea would go to prison. I thought that maybe Chelsea would take a plea and her sentence would be "time served" or she'd go community service. But this??? WTF!!

I have hated Kate Roberts for years. She needs to get her comeuppance and SOON!

About a couple of months ago, someone posted a spoiler/rumor that something was going to happen to Chelsea that "hadn't been done on daytime before." Rachel Melvin even commented on it. Anyone remember that?

Will Chelsea ever pay for killing her brother? Will Bo ever get a clue about his demon spawn? Jeez!!! This show is mad frustrating.

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I'm not worried because I know Chelsea will be punished, Reilly-style (assuming he sticks around). Most likely she'll be sterilized, as his other Evil Women have been in the past, through some kind of horrific accident.

I would've preferred she get off another way, though. Kate manipulating it is too easy, imho. It'd have been nice if they used the setup of the rookie cops and had some kind of police error be the reason she was released. That'd cause more anguish for all involved, I think, especially since Bo and Roman are cops.

Bright side: at least for now they aren't undoing it. It was my fear that at the trial we'd learn someone else ran Zack over. So, kudos for keeping it Chelsea, Days writers.

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This is the final straw for Kate IMHO. I will now hate this !@#$%^&*] with a passion. If DAYS wanted to cut costs they should axe murdering whore !@#$%^&*] Chelsea (kill her off !!!!!!!) and now maybe kill Kate off too, with a big murder mystery. Love your idea sungrey!!

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I've hated Kate's actions for years now (mainly screwing with Sami) but this is the last straw for me. I am so sick and tired of Sami being ostracized for the things that she does, yet Kate can do things just as worse yet no one gives her a hard time. I hope that Hope & Sami beat that bitch with a bat for years and years of frustrations from dealing with her.

Even though I love Kate, she needs to be punished. And so does her swamprathoe of a grandchild Chelsea/Georgia.

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This is stupid and maddening. I hate Kate so much -even more than Chelsea if possible. I want to club Kate with a baseball bat. She does get away with murder (literally - didn't she kill Franco?) and she should have gone to prison for drugging Sami and Brandon. Witch needs to die and quick!

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We need an attorney or court clerk or legal assistant to remark on Chelsea's dilemma. When Rachel talked about doing something that had never been done on daytime, wasn't she talking about a sibling accidentally killing her half-sibling? Has that been done before? I hope not and wish it wasn't this time either. What I'm hearing from those in the know, the most Chelsea would have received would have been community service. Hope's statement would not go over well in court to seasoned professionals who hear really truly sordid stories. Chelsea had no intention to run over anyone and never saw what she hit. That coupled with the past midnight hour on a dark New Year's Eve and a four year old out on the street alone, was really on Chelsea's side. Kate wasted her time and money hiring a dirty cop to erase the tape showing her driving with a cell phone at her ear past a convenience store. It wasn't needed at all and now she is open for prosecution for her actions when this is revealed and I think Eve will not cover for her. I've not been able to get a clue as to how Chelsea reacts but I do believe that Hope knows. I think Hope gets a glimmer of what Chelsea has been doing and faces her with it. That should be excellent.

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