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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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I like All-Stars still. I like that it is getting ugly. Haha. I've been waiting for this. I just hate that Janelle's on the receiving end of it. If it was Erika or Boogie or Will, I'd be happy. Haha.

Honestly, I think if Janelle is not evicted this week, she is going to make it to the Final Three.

Two of the next five POV competitions are going to be the faces and the one where you have to recite all the HOH's, Nominees, POV winners, and final nominees. Janey's been studying every day. She's going to win a lot of the upcoming POV's - especially because after this week, she'll always be playing in them.

They are screwed if she survives this week.

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I' m not letting Kaysar off the hook, but, he paid for his stupidity. He got voted out because, like some of the pthers, he was tripping off of the floaters. You leave the damn floaters alone, and the only time you use them is to get them to vote your way for at least one week. Because they are not members of any alliance, when the others are gone, they will cut each others throat, and then you lay low, voting with any of them for your own best interest. James, like he did last time, will be out also. And, like I said, I like Jani, but she should have made some smarter moves than this, and now she's upset that CT just might turn theri backs on her. You can't look one or two moves ahead. You have to look all the way towards the end of the game, if possible, and you also have to watch what you say, even if you are beyond pissed. That is the big reason why the producers changed it from the BB Dani was on, because behind everyone's backs, she was talking [!@#$%^&*], and everyone who got voted out found out what she said.

Jani just needs to lay low, if possible, and maybe, after this upcoming HoH, if she's still in the game, consider throwing the next couple of comps, that way maybe she could take some of the heat off of her. She's as hot as the sun, and not just because of how many comps she's won. She needs to start using her damn head, like she did the last time. She didn't win, but it took alot more people to get her out than it is taking now. All that flirting and running to CT has gotten her what? Nothing. She now has an entire house trying to get her ass bounced. And all we will see is Mike and Will doing another fake phone call in the DR laughing at how they used her.

A shame, but it is a game after all.

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Here are some words from Ashley Gordon, Howie's sister:

"HEy Howie Fans,

My mom talked to HOwie last night and said he was in good spirits and doing fine! I think he is doing much better than all of us. My mom and dad did not take it well last night and neither did I. MY mom said he was laughing and goofing around with her so that should make us happy. They can't talk about the game so that we will have to find out after the show. He told my mom he got a bunch of stuff yesterday that people sent him to wear in sequester. So those of you that sent him stuff, hopefully he got it all!!!

I hope this makes you feel better just a little bit, even though it does suck never to see howie get an hoh, and that howie did not even get good bye messages and everything was hurried.

And worst of all, he got blindsided by his friend that he was so nice to the whole season.

ALSO: Howie will be on the Early Show on MOnday!!!!!! This must be an exception for him because its normally only for thursday night evictions.

This sucks with Howie gone!!


Also how sad is it that Janelle is so upset??? They are totally bestfriends, and she is so destroyed, she wants to go to sequester!"

The veto competition is tonight!!!!

Do we even know who is nominated?

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James and Janelle ARE nominated.

And yes, veto competition tonight.

I really hate to be a pessimist, but I really feel it's Janelle's week to go :( I'm usually all pumped and stoked and anxious for the veto competition, but meh, I don't really even care anymore, LOL. This game is Danielle's to lose. I knew if she lasted past week one she'd win the entire thing. If Janie can't, and Will can't, I want her to win it, hands down. If Erika, Boogie or George win, I'm done with Big Brother, LOL. Seriously done with it.

My hope for BB8 is they go back to putting in 14 STRANGERS. I'm tired of the pre-made alliances, cliques, family members, partners, exes, etc. It's just getting old. I think I'm sick of BB all together ... bring on Survivor!

I hate how invested I get in these stupid reality shows. LOL.

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I know. Its depressing to watch. Right now, Janelle's fate is pretty much in Boogie's hands. Will wants her to stay and he could vote to keep her and I think Janelle might be able to get George's vote. If that happens than it will be a tie and Boogie decides. Hopefully Will can convince him to keep her. I dont even think she will win veto bc she's not into it. She's ready to leave bc she's emotionally and mentally drained

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The plan apparently is if James gets veto and goes off, Erika goes up and Janie goes. If Janie gets veto, Erika goes up and James goes. Small chance George goes up over Erika...

George has told Janelle if he gets to play for the veto and wins, he'll take her off. George has also realized he was played by everyone in the house.

Janelle also more or less told Will to step it up and if he won to take her off the block and make a stand. He won't because he's a pansy-ass. Worst-case scenario is of course James winning it, but also Dani and Erika winning it.

And I agree Cheap. I don't see Janelle winning it. Sigh.

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:( All of this sucks. Boogie is an ass, and yes I do blame Janey for not getting rid of CT, but James also didn't listen to the S6 when they told him to, and he went after CG instead. If they would have gotten rid of them at the beginning before they used their charm and got all chummie with S6, things would be so different. I can't believe how everybody got fooled by them and didn't go after them from the start.

Last night after readind the life feeds on Clubhouse, it appeared Janey did cry a lot but Will turned on the charms AGAIN an told her that she's the princess of BB, she's awesome, etc, etc... :rolleyes: He even told her to hate him b/c he felt so guilty to get rid of Howie but she says she doesn't, and hates Dani/Erika/CG instead. Sigh. Man, he's really funny though, he said that he was at the lowest point of his life and so pathetic, and that he hates the game of BB but somehow is good at it.

I'm glad Howie left the way he did, it's his style and I expect nothing less from him and at least he wasn't a hypocrit. He let it out, and will get over it quick. Miss you already Howie B) I know he's not the best player but entertainment is more important to me, and he sure gives a good show, HELL YEAH :)

I have come to realize why I don't like Dani when I did so much in BB3. First time around, she controlled the house but nobody knew it, it was brilliant gameplay. Now she's too bossy and in your face, I don't like that. I know just how cool outside the house and beautiful she is, but she reminds me of Lexie, don't mess with her, she's hard core.

I sure hope Janey wins Veto and still wants to play. KR, I hope you will still post after Monday when you go back to school, me and my hubby get a kick out of your posts and you sure have kept us well informed fo this year's BB B)

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Janie was asking George where her PoV gloves were so it looks like its a physical competition. James excels in those and since she's not into it, I dont see her doing well. George isnt going to get it. I think Erika and Dani will throw it to James. It looks like Janelle's time is up.

I did read that Boogie wants James out so if Janelle doesnt get veto, best case scenario is that anyone but James and Dani get it bc I think noms will stay the same and Boogie is the deciding vote

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If James and Janelle stayed nominated, I could see a tie happening, and Boogie evicts James, but frankly, Boogie wouldn't have the balls to do it. Danielle would turn on him in a second, would he risk losing her for Janelle?

I'm hoping it's the morph-o-matic (where the houseguests faces are mixed together). Janelle, in her tiara, was studying the memory wall. She'll win that one hands down against the others, IMO.

James knows he's safe, and I mean, he didn't try last time he was nominated (against Janelle), because it was a sure thing she was going, so.. . we'll see.

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