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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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POV is her ONLY chance. With James' nullification, Janey's donezoooooooo!

I hear ya. I'm still gonna watch though. I probably just won't be as intensely into it as I am. :lol:

But think of it this way, once she's gone, you can see them all kill each other and not care! Every Thursday, you can be happy like I will be :lol:

As long as James, Will, Boogie, or Marcellas don't win, I'll be glad.

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I heard that James and Janelle had a conversation after and he finally realizes that she was loyal to him the whole time. She thinks he's still loyal to the alliance and it will be quite a shock for all of them when they leave teh show and see his DR entries. James now feels guilty and regrets what he has done over the past week but I dont think he can undo it bc then he'd have CT and Danielle after him. He acted way too soon

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Kaysar's on to Marcellas. He was bashing him to Janelle like all night.

Also, he says his fighting with Danielle is staged. But I don't know about that. If that's the case, why would they both say it in the DR?

Also Danielle of all people just said Janelle weights too much. I won't even touch that statement.

Cheap, I can't find that anywhere on JOKERS, but I hope it's true!

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Ugh, I so want to love Danielle this year but she is making it really hard. IMO, this is now her game to lose.

And yeah, Mike, you're right. If Janey does go this week, I won't have to worry at all anymore and can sit back and enjoy the ride.

I'm still just not feeling All-Stars very much anymore. I really don't know why.

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Well, I think it's because they didn't really cast a lot of All-Stars. George, Erika, Mike Boogie, and James really leave something to be desired for me in the All-Stars department.

And on top that, no one is playing like All-Stars! Howie, George, Erika, Marcellas, Diane, Nakomis, and Will are all just kinda sitting/sat around.

Also, there are no twists so it's not being kept very fresh.

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Danielle vs. Janelle this week. I LOVE IT! My two favorite B.A.Bs!

If Danielle sticks with her plan to oust Janelle, I have a feeling it's going to backfire on her.

The way I see it, if she nominates Janelle and James, Janelle will have enough votes to stay. She'll get Kaysar, Howie, Will, and Boogie's votes. Marcellas will chicken out, Erika will go with majority, etc, making James nullify moot. I believe Will and Boogie will try to keep Janelle in because

a ) Their deal.

b ) Will believes he can continue using his charm on Janelle to his advantage.

c ) Will will want to screw up Danielle's plans, just as he has done with S6, because that's what he do.

And then there's this coup d'etat thing.

She has to put Janelle up against someone from CT, taking away their two votes.

Now... I'm not saying I want Janelle to go, but I'm glad things will, hopefully, finally shake up and it's time one of the S6 get the boot, if only to give them a reality check.

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