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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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I agree KR (and we don't get to agree often). Will and Boogie are not theats yet.....

If anyone is stupid enough to think they can win by taking them to the finals, that is stupid.

Janelle is playing smart. Although I would have put Will up if I was in her place, there is still time for that.

The thing I love about Will is he THINKS he is outsmarting everyone, and really, I don't think he has anyone fooled.

two against four is alot better than 5 against four.

I am not sure why James is acting like such a moron. It will bite him in the ass once again.

And remember, Janelle plays the dumb blond way too well. She is good at that!

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The reason James is upset is bc he was never loyal to the Four. He knew eventually they would not have the power and the house would target them. Once that happened he would splinter off with Danielle or Diane, depending on who was in the game or both. Janelle this week has targeted both of his allies. Notice how he's distanced himself from S6 since the game started by making friends with everyone and throwing S6 under the busbut making himself look innocent. I think Janelle even commented once that she was upset that he wasnt up there strategizing with them. He's out for himself and I dont blame him. Will was right when he told Janelle that she could test loyalties this week and he has failed miserably. I think she knows that she cant trust him now.

I know where Howie stands but how about Kaysar? Has she lost him too?

LOL...Diane screwed herself over this week. Janie was going to put her up initially and if she had then Diane could have fought for veto to save herself. But instead she went up to do damage control as James suggested and Janie didnt put her up but will now backdoor her instead.

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Hasn't Janelle told Will he won't go up and that Diane will? At least that's from the recap I read this morning.

Does anyone know if WIll offered to split the $$ with Janelle if he wins, the recaps I read we not too clear.

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They can't talk about splitting money, I don't think. At least they can't in Survivor!

That's the plan, Lucid. The plane is Diane I think.

As for Kaysar, Janelle has said to...Will?...I think that her loyalty first and foremost is Howie and Marcellas. I think the Michael breakup really put a strain on Janelle/Kaysar.

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Janey is good at comps but her level of trust is as bad as Howies last year. The fact that she eats up everything Will says is sad. She blamed Kaysar for not putting up CT when he was HOH and now she isn't either. Instead, she made an enemy out of Erika, weakened her on alliance by joining up wth CT, and now has the whole house after her. After she is taken out, Howie is a sitting duck and Kaysar just doesn't seem to care about the game at all anymore. A lot of BB6 is at fault for the fall of their alliance, but Janey is who has hurt it the most this past week by alligning with Will. I just expected much more from her and for her to be smarter. She's being taken in just like Howie was by Maggie last year.

She said Howie, Marcellas, Kaysar. Maybe she just sees that Kays doesn't even want to be there and that's why.

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James is going to be pissed because Diane said she wouldn't nominate him. Well, sorry, James, we can't keep EVERYONE in the house who is going to protect you.


1. Diane and Janelle have both called each other ugly

2. Diane said on Joker's Updates (pre-game) she wanted Janelle out and couldn't wait to evict her.

3. Diane's roommate, Toni Ferrari, called Janelle and told her Diane was out to get her.

4. Although you wouldn't know it by this season, Diane WAS tough her season and took out the major players her year.

Janelle would have been a FOOL not to take out Diane this week. That's why I said on here on Thursday the SECOND she got HOH - DIANE, DIANE, DIANE!!!

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got it, thanks Proteus

I don't like this wishy washy Janelle, she just seems so confused about what's going on and looks like she doesn't have a clue. She should not have won HOH if she didn't know what to do with it. She's not thinking far enough ahead, she's got to be 3 moves ahead of everyone else if she wants to win t his thing.

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It's like she can't make a decision by herself. Anyone can manipulate and pull her strings. There's no way imo that she will win. Heck, I think by what she did will get her voted out next week.

I just think CT is more of a threat than Diane and that Janelle has made a foolish move that will lead to her being evicted ASAP.

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Did we watch the same episode? Because in the episode I saw, Janey told S6 she wanted to put up two floaters RIGHT after she won HOH and BEFORE talking to Will (before he came into the tub.) It is a very good plan. What is she supposed to go? Get rid of Chilltown for all of the FIVE floaters so when they finally decide to step up and have balls and win competitions, they put up S6 because they already did their dirty work by getting rid of five houseguests? It's silly. Will pushed her to do what she wanted. He didn't manipulate her. At least not from the tape I watched.

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Sorry, but anyone that would be roommates with Toni Ferrari deserves to go! :blink: That girl is freaky scary!!! :lol:

Seriously, IMO Janelle is dumb if she can't see that Will is feeding her a huge piece of crap and she's eating it with a knife and fork and asking for seconds. :rolleyes: It's bad when you're thinking Howie's the smartest player out of S6!! :lol:

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Smart move on Janey's part. IMO. I don't care what anyone says. Diane's after her - she said/alluded to "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." how many times last night? Three?

Diane is a threat to Kays/Janey.

I don't like Erika.

So it looks like it's another win/win week.

Marcie, Dani, and James are pissed because they are handing the game over to Chilltown. And James and Dani are saying Janelle is gone next week.

My thoughts on this:

a ) win a challenge first, then say who will be gone. You might want to wait for the POV challenge to be over, as well.

b ) if you want chilltown gone so badly, do it on your own terms/week.

c ) danielle would have gone after janelle anyway. janelle already nominated her once and removed her from this week's HOH competition.

d ) wouldn't james and danielle also be handing the game over to chilltown, as they say, by backdooring janey? so what sense does that make?

these people are so dumb. honestly! they !@#$%^&*] about will and boogie, and next week they are planning to go after someone who is in their alliance and who protected them TWO TIMESwhile she was HOH?

The fact of the matter is that everyone knows Janelle is the smartest and strongest player, and they are looking for an excuse to go after her. As if they needed one. We all know they were gunning for Janey/Kays the first chance they got ANYWAY. Ten houseguests have been saying it for four weeks now.

It's going to be interesting to see if/when these guys win HOH, if they will go by what they have said for four weeks and get CT out as they've been BEGGING other HOH's to do and as they've said they would. :rolleyes:

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