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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Exactly Cheap.

He was SUPER NICE to Erika last night. I bet you anything he's nominating her. I don't want to get my hopes up that Janelle will win veto.... But I think if Erika and Janelle were still on the block come Tuesday night, Will would evict Erika. Will told Boogie repeatedly last night that they have to take Janelle to the F3.

Worst case scenario is obviously Tranny winning veto. God would that suck, but maybe at least I can finally respect her for earning her place in the house. I was kinda happy she won veto last night because it meant George or Booger would go out over her :lol: I'd rather Tranny stay over those two.

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I'm stumped. Why does Will want to take Janelle with him and Booger to the Final 3? Does Will actually believe he and Booger can beat Janelle in an HoH competition (the final one no less)? I'm thinking their best bet is to take Erika with them because I think the odds of them beating her in the final HoH comp are better versus Janelle.

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I agree. Now Will technically said he was going to use her to get to final 3. Didn't say he'd TAKE her to final 3.

As it is right now, Mike's there, Will's almost guaranteed a spot in the final 3. Smartest move they can make this week would be to evict Janelle. Erika could last in the endurance comp, but the other two are memory competitions.

best move for Chilltown -> mike or Will win veto, keep the noms the same, Will evicts Janelle.

What will prolly happen -> Janelle wins veto, removes herself, evicts Erika.

Worst case senario -> Erika wins veto, removes herself, evicts Will.

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If Erika wins POV, she SHOULD make a final two deal with Janey, and then evict Will. That way, she'd be guaranteeing herself a spot in the final two with Janey and Boogie there. But she will probably boot Janelle.

If Boogie wins POV, then Will votes......he'll probably boot Erika. That way, he is guaranteed a final two spot.

If Janelle wins the POV, then Erika's gone.

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I think Will might want Janelle in F3 as a crutch. He knows that if its Erika in there and she wins, theres no way, she will take Will over Boogie. Janelle will. Plus I think Erika and Janelle are more evenly matched. Erika will dominate the Endurance comp and Janelle will dominate the Puzzle comp. Its the Q/A comp that CT will have to worry about and depending on the questions, either female could win it. Will's best chance is to keep Janelle.

If Erika or Janelle win, I really would hope that they evicted Will. At this point I dont think either can beat CT. They NEED each other like never before. How great would it be for the showmances to play CT and be their undoing? That would be a great end to this season.

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I dunno, they've said they're voting for gameplay, atleast Danielle is.

If I were on the jury, i'd vote for Will. He's worked everyone, he deserves it. I would not vote for Boogie though, I find he's played a coattails game. Boogie vs Janelle - I'd vote for Janelle. Boogie vs. Erika - I'd vote for Boogie.

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If Janelle was up against Will, she would get Howie, George, and Marcellas. James, Danielle, Erika and Boogie would vote for Will for the win

If Erika were up against Will, she would get George, Marcellas and possibly Howie. The rest would vote for Will to win.

If Janelle were up against Boogie, she would get Howie, George, Marcellas. Danielle, Erika and Will would vote for Will. James would be a swing vote.

If Erika were up against Boogie, she'd get Howie, George and Marcellas. Janelle, Danielle, Will and James would vote for Boogie to win.

If Janelle were up against Erika, she would get Howie, James, Danielle, Will for the win. Erika would only get George, Marcellas and maybe Boogie

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