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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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ITA. I only want those two to win.

Wow, I can't believe how well Chill Town has played this year.

LOVED their "phone call" and it was so true. They are manipulating the entire house....it's freakin amazing.

I love watching how Will plays this game......he plays with his words. Amazing.

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Janelle is the true veto queen. She does it again

Tonight's show really made Erika look like a dumbas. "Im technically a part of Chilltown" She's like watching a really bad trainwreck. Whats even worse is that she thinks she can beat CT. She cant beat anyone but George and thats a maybe. Danielle would have had her back and would have taken her to the end but I have a feeling Erika is out this Thursday. She has no one fighting for her in HoH and she cant play for herself. There's George but I wouldnt put much into him. I think its Janelle or Boogie's to win. Erika better hope she gets that veto or else she will be walking Janelle out the door. LOL....how lovely would that be

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How long did crazy Dani ring that bell for? LOL!!

Will was smart to stay in the room and not let Danielle in.

So Marcellous, who was responsible for you being here?

Chill Town

So Howie, who was responsible for you being here?

Chill Town

So James, who was resonsible for you being here?

Chill Town

So Danielle, who was resonsible for you being here?

Chill Town


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Loved the phone call too Toups. I sure hope that Mike will win HOH on Thursday or Will will decide he needs too and not throw it. If Janelle gets it I am afraid she will hold to her deal with Erika and go after CT. They both need to stay. I feel it would be Will that would go and I definitely don't want that. If one of CT has to go please don't let it be Will.

On Thursday as long as Will doesn't go I won't be mad. Will deserves to win this - more than anyone else in the game. I know that some don't see what he has done as being that great since he has thrown all the comps, but where some have gotten where they are at through winning comps - Will has got where he is at through sheer manipulation. He/CT have manipulated everyone of them and I wish I was sitting with each of them watching this.

Go Will.

I really felt for Danielle. But she did the same thing to Marcellus, and karma bit her in the behind. Erika was so stupid, and I can't wait for her to find out how bad she was played.

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Dani going off on Erika: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ilo6eo-WI0

Dani ringing the doorbell 800 times...possibly the craziest moment in BB history? LOL : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeVvVJAOUr0

"I gave you my heart." :lol:

These people are too emotional. This is another reason why I love Will. He doesn't freak out or takes things personally. He just doesn't care and doesn't get emotional. Will's all about having fun. :)

About the double eviction....it's not going to be good for Will. He won't have the time to manipulate people. So the double eviction could be his downfall. :(

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I'm heartbroken.... :(

Screw it! I'll be looking at spoilers until Thursday! :lol:

-I so wish Danielle would've smacked that !@#$%^&*]. Here's hoping she'll be harrasing Skeletor until she's evicted.

-Erika, you're toast. Dani will probably convince James NOT to vote for you too.... dumbass.

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I felt awful for Danielle. Say what you want about Howie, Kaysar, and Janelle, but at least people always know where they stand with them. Danielle was buh-lind-sided...and betrayed.

Oh, and who cares that Danielle got drunk a handful of times in 60 days? Calling her an alchie is a little ridiculous.

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