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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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I'd love it if CG got James out.

Can you imagine being James? The people responsible for your eviction - APRIL AND CHICKEN GEORGE!! HAHAHAHA.


We started ROTF when she started doing the wave after she won Queen! LMAO!!

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Alot of people think this show is rigged and I dont but if it is, I hope they stear it so that Janelle and Danielle are final 2. They've been hyping this feud for weeks and its building up week after week. I love how the two moms broke it down. This is really good and Id love to see them together at the end

Haha, Marcellas got hit with karma. Last week before Kaysar went out, George was talking to him and said someone from the red room leaves every week. Marcellas snapped his fingers and said not this week bc someone from upstairs is out. LOL....well Marcellas someone from the red room left this week and it was YOU!

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I am really glad both moms kept it classy and didn't attack the other - at least that they didn't show it anyway! :lol:

I love Janey's mom! I loved her when they featured her last season too, talking about Kaysar/Janelle. And I looooooooooove how she used to post to us last year! So cute.

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Hello Big Brother supporters!

Well I've been in here 44 days and it feels more like four months. The time goes by so slow here. We are running out of things to do and talk about. After Kaysar left I was really sad and really wanted to avenge his eviction. Thank goodness the first HOH competition was broken. Winning another HOH felt great! But it also makes me a little nervous because I know it makes me an even bigger target. The week was very stressful. James basically helped Dani win the Golden Power of Veto so that didn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy......Howie and I are pissed off about it! After Danielle won Power of Veto I had to put up a replacement nominee, and was pressured to put up Marcellas as a pawn. Poor Marcellas! Even though he hasn't been the greatest friend to me in the house I still didn't want him to leave this week. The voting is tomorrow....I hope I can get enough votes to save him. I really hope Howie wins HOH on Thursday otherwise I feel like I'm toast.

So the remaining members of the Sovs and Chilltown decided to make a pact to stick together until final 5. I think Boogie or Will won the special power and I'm curious to see what it is. Right now, if I had to pick one person to go to the end with, it would be Howie. He is the most loyal friend and I know he would never betray me. Besides he's just a beefcake, LOL.

Well the blogs are the only way we can really communicate with the outside world and we really miss our friends and family.

To Big D:

Please forgive me for the stupid shower incident. Nothing happened. I really miss you and think about you all the time. The flirting with Will is all just strategy. Please remember I'm trying to win $. I can't wait to get out of this house and be with you again. xoxooxoxoxoox Muah!

Hello to my family and friends. Mom, Dad, Nick, Travis, Angela, Ron, Naters, Jessica, Dina, Karla, Kaysar and Beau Beau! xoxox

All the supporters out there!

All my love,


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Entertainment Weekly: Did your secret alliance with Janelle go bad?

Marcellas: Here's what I thought was brilliant about it — the fact that we had an alliance within her alliance of the two divas. Because of the rift between the [season 6] four, it became this secret alliance where we were supposed to not like each other. I thought that was brilliant because here I'm talking crap about Janelle and she's talking crap about me and then we're in the gym saying, ''I gotta go so people don't see us talking.''

God. Who is he kidding.

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