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DAYS: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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I wish you were being sarcastic.

MY problem with Leo and Javi isn't the age gap. It's Leo. It's the Leo character and all the damage done to that character. It's who he is and the way he's written.

Greg Rikaart is good-looking, and I've said exactly that. I've also said he's not sexy and he's not hot, and pairing him with the new hot gay guy in town doesn't work for me. It's especially bad that this coupling has been rushed so they could hurry up and get to their first break up.

Look, I love gay representation on soaps. Can't DAYS ever do hot and sexy?

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Ok. I didn't know if there was a way in the credits to know if Jamey wrote the breakdown. I am NOT a fan of his.

But I do like Leo. 

And Greg just ran the NYC marathon a couple weeks ago. He's in amazing shape obviously and looks great. I do like Leo and Javi and look forward to their story. I'm very intrigued by it so far. I don't do spoilers so we'll see what happens. 

I get it. Seeing Leo and Javi in bed on Monday's episode was like WTF? Where did that come from? Rushed writing. I do like the coupling though. 

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And that’s what gets annoying to me, after a while. And why I suggested that they should have cast a younger actor to play Leo back in 2018. That way, him being young and immature would make sense.

And of course, the way he treated Gwen and other people annoys me too 

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They could have but Leo would often ruin it

For example…

Edited by AbcNbc247
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F*ck off, Kristen.

I understand her doing what she can to try and get Brady back, even though at this point she really does need to get a clue. But there’s no reason for her to be such an annoying pain in the ass. Sarah could have gotten motivated to try and walk all on her own. And Kristen acting like she was marking her territory with Ava was a little unnecessary too. 

I am looking forward to Brady and Ava a little though and the effect that it’s going to have on Kristen. With any luck, this’ll be the thing that forces her to get over Brady for good. And yeah, I do agree with Ava; Tate is a bit of a jackass lol

Speaking of Tate, I liked his scenes with Holly too. The two of them dancing together was really sweet. And it was nice seeing them act like a normal couple, even though I’m still hoping that Sophia gets back at the two of them somehow. I mean, I understand everything that Tate went through and the mistakes that he made. It is in character for him to be a little stupid lol but it’s still messed up. Sophia deserved better. 

Maybe Aaron could be better lol even though I don’t really seem him and Sophia as a couple either. But I liked their scenes and that they each had someone to confide about their problems. Btw, how can Mark be charged in Salem for a crime that took place in Paris? With any luck, he’ll be out of jail soon and his own storylines can continue #Mavi

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Sarah confiding her fears about Xander and his guilt, to Maggie was really good as well. Xander feeling responsible for what his mother did could lead to something interesting happening, especially once Sarah starts walking again. 

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I think it is strange that DAYS started 2 relationships & then ended them so quickly.  Sofia was odd breaking up with Tate over such a little thing. Then Leo & Javi over a misunderstanding.  What in heck has happened to romance in Salem?! One more thing what is wrong with Cat's hair?!!

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Oh, yeah.  Leo probably should have been cast as younger to begin with especially considering he was teased as John's son.

The way he treated Gwen was deplorable and we have to hear how sad he is about losing that friendship which is 100% his own fault.

Tate calling out Holly's name while he was in bed with Sophia is kind of a big thing lol.  

I like Cat's hair personally.  Women always straighten their hair and make it look perfect on tv.  I like her natural curls and waves.

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It's never happened to me nor has anyone said someone else's name to me either.  I thought it was a thing that only happened on tv shows lol.

I think there is an accidental slip of the tongue and what Tate did.  It's very clear Sophia was insecure about Tate's previous relationship with Holly so that was a deal breaker for her.  I would be irritated if she bought Tate's bs and stayed with him.  She had respect for herself and walked out.  The singular action by Tate wasn't the reason she broke up with him.  For a teenage girl I thought she actually showed a lot of maturity and wasn't overreacting at all.

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I think this is the main issue with Leo to be honest - I don't think Rikkart looks bad, but he's obviously in his 40s. So we have a 40-something gay man, who acts like a messy 21 year old (at best) and for whatever reason attracts a lot of hot men? I'm sorry, I don't really see why they would at this point not treat Leo as a last resort situation. As someone else said, at least build up the relationship with Javi to the point where we understand what the possible attraction there is.

To be honest, the only Leo relationship that made sense was with Craig - and that was because he was a newly out gay man in his 50s (?) and probably jumped into a long-term thing with the first option. 

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I totally understand your point.  To me it's not Leo's age or looks.  He's 40 plus obviously.  Whatever.  That's not the reason to dislike this coupling.  The writing and build up is.  I have no idea why Javi would like Leo because the show hasn't told us.  If the show had given us some scenes to explain why they both were attracted to one another and why they connected it would help.  Looks mean nothing in this scenario to me.  I just need some human interaction between them to buy this.

9/10 teenage girls would have been dumb enough to stay with Tate.  Heck, I probably would have at 16 or 17 because I was dumb lol.  Sophia wasn't immature at all.  She really liked Tate, but saw he still had feelings for Holly and wasn't going to be second best.  She made a choice to respect herself.  I am probably giving Days writing too much credit but that's how I perceived it.  Anyhow, not a big deal or that important.

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I mean, if Leo was portrayed and written like a gay man in his 40s I could've probably understood the attraction - life experience can be sexy. The reason why the age thing comes up is because he's being written as much younger and it's somewhat jarring. 

Hell, if they wanted to write him like a conniving grifter like they sometimes seems to allude to, he'd be a lot more smart than he usually comes across (except for the days when he gets to have The Salem Brain).  But all his schemes are Sami-at-15 at best.

He's just not hot enough to be a man-child like Brady (and even he is getting beyond that point).

Edited by te.
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