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Y&R: November 2024 Discussion Board


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That's where I am on Y&R.

I can deal with this questionable material when the show looks this good. I had really given up on Y&R and on hoping we'd ever see the show we knew again. I've posted more about the sets problem and the production cheapness as much or more than I've complained about the writing.

The entire production seems energized, created by people who care.

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I went back and looked a you’re right, I think it’s Rory as well now that I zoomed way in. I didn’t recognize him with the dark hair. I also still don’t want Rory back as Noah ever though lol. 


Same. It works also so much better too when most of the cast can actually engage themselves as well when they thrown a bone. 

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Stafford posted a few bts videos of the car crash scenes on her IG and you tell they put a lot of effort into it. You can also see Ed Scott in the background supervising sh!t in one video.




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Now THAT was a wedding. Another time to enjoy the couple with lovely words, great camera angles among the guests...it actually looked like it was bigger than what it was. And then some drama among the guests (Diane vs everybody, Billy vs Jill, keeping everyone oblivious) and outside of the wedding (the crash). And of course...a cliffhanger to get people to tune in. Another winner of an episode.


Let me get this out of the way right now...I don't like the weakening of Jill, either. It worries me that it will be the last time we see Jess, and I'm not here for that at all. That said...Jess sold ALL of it. I actually got choked up with her vs Billy. Not for him of course. But for HER. A mother having to break her child's heart. Because no matter what she hoped for, Billy was going to be Billy. And his recent actions did not help. And long term, it does not seem like he would change, and the family's future had to be taken into account. That was so well done and sold by JW. And I liked her moment with Lily as well. And Victor getting his shot in at Billy. *chef's kiss*


But...that was the thing I liked about the wedding. Victor's invisible pulling of the strings. From what was going on with Chancellor to his manipulation of Diane on to his good side as keeping everyone in the dark about the car crash. Nicely done. And just him and Nikki in team couple mode. 


And you can't have ED back in town without Ashley calling Diane a bitca. lol. Of course, but I loved all the Diane moments this episode. Her vs Jack. Kyle butting in irked me, but her having to fire him...hehe. I liked they held his reaction, too. 


And you all were right about that car crash. It looked so well done and executed. And the camera angles. Y&R really stepped up. And poor Sharon losing it. Was it wrong that I was hoping they did not get to Phyllis in time though? smh.


And so...they are back. Le sigh. I hope Victor has a dungeon in the new house, too. hehe. But a solid cliffhanger.

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Poor Billy. Don't care.


AHA!!!! So Diane and Jack staged EVERYTHING!!!  All to save Kyle. I like it when a story seems off, but you figure out what's going on. And it made for a great cliffhanger.


And Sharon confessed!!! FINALLY!!! Of course, she would do it to Nick. No one makes befuddled look so sexy like Josh Morrow, but I still can't believe Sharon told him everything. It was great to see that yes, the original plan was that she was going to kill Daniel...something else I called. It kinda lessen the blow a bit knowing she's probably being manipulated by Ward/Jordan. I would have found it more believable if it was an alive Cameron since JG was toying with it clearly or even Daisy...back to get close to her daughter. I do look forward to seeing how this will turn out.


I haven't mentioned her a lot this past week, but lol at Audra for our old school Y&R comic relief. Her dissing weddings in Genoa City a la Susan about Salem weddings on DAYS was funny. Just look at Abby's.

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 And now this episode with the bouquet. lol. I do hope that is a sign that she is truly here to stay and there is a story assigned for her. 


Overall, that was a great week for Y&R with all these stories finally exploding after some built. The wedding itself. The spiral of Sharon. Diane's deception. They all had great turns in their stories. And with Ed Scott back, I'm ready to see the climax. 

Like I just said over in the GH threads, it's to the strength of the actress that I could believe in the character and what they were trying to do. JW sold that. I cared about her pain more than I cared about her son. 


He...had it coming. 

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Exactly! One thing I liked about old school Y&R is that even if the substance wasn't hot, the decoration was so it distracted you from that. 

I see teases that Jordan and Ian Ward will have some scenes together. I didn't care for Ian's character at all, but I'm curious to see what he can do in tandem with Jordan.  I'd especially like to see those two veterans acting together.

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