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DAYS: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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He probably had some time or guarantees left on his contract and Ron made GV work for it lol.

On a different note, I fine Holly so unlikeable I am team Sophia.  I don't know why Tate even puts up with Holly when Sophia seems cooler and more interested in him.  I know Holly is upset about recent revelations, but none of this is Tate's fault and she's being crappy to him again.  Theresa and Brady weren't wrong to want Tate to stay away.

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Yesterday, I literally could NOT believe it. The show was awful. I had no idea that they could make me hate "Body & Soul" more than they already had. But, oh, yes, they did it. Imagine, just reflect for one moment. Bonnie, changing her lines as she memorized them. Audacious! And, Hattie, good grief. I couldn't be more pleased to be past Killer Konnie! But, I had  hoped to have a time of looking forward to the show. No such luck!

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Hey, we finally got some more insight about Sophia’s character

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Her and Fiona interacting was a surprise but I enjoyed them. I liked seeing Sophia finally have scenes with other characters. The conversation with Fiona could give Sophia more motivation to pursue Tate. 

Because Tate kinda needs a change right now lol agreed that Holly is awful but I understand why she is the way that she is. I think the pacing for their storyline moved too quickly today though. They really should have waited a little before Tate found what Holly was doing, or at least had Tate figure it out but wait to confront Holly. But I enjoyed their scenes today even though I also think that the writers just kinda scratched the surface again instead of having Tate and Holly just go all out and have a full on argument/fight. Their storyline had like B&B pacing.

Leo Howard did well too but he still plays Tate as too laid back. He should have played it as much angrier and hurt today, with Holly and with Brady.

Speaking of Brady, Xander’s plan is really half assed and needed to play out longer. This was another storyline with B&B pacing today. Plus, Tate didn’t notice that Brady didn’t smell like alcohol?  

As for Eric and EJ, their argument was good too but I still think it’s time for them to brawl lol Btw, what is this false narrative that Holly didn’t go to Paris because she didn’t want to play second fiddle to Eric? She stayed in Salem for Tate.

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Setting aside how a high school girl is working in a bistro slinging martinis on a weeknight.  As well as the fact that all of this is occurring the same night that Connie was arrested (or is it the next night?).  I enjoyed the Fiona and Sophia scene.  I thought she gave good advice for Sophia to admit her feelings, and cut the chord if Tate doesn't respond.

Not only that, but I'm very happy Jada instantly intervened in Xander's plan.  Yet, I don't get it.  Was he hoping to drug Brady into shooting himself?  How does that work?  Brady was passed out, so would Xander shoot him, and put the gun in Brady's hand?  Couldn't they tell it was murder from the angle?  And wouldn't it be smarter if Xander stayed out of the way and let his hitman cover the liability?  And how does one break into John Black's house?  You'd think it would either be covered with security tech, or with so many people living there, somebody would be home (Xander certainly didn't check to find out).

Finally, when Brady wakes up, how is he not going to remember his one conversation with a stranger in the past six months?

I've not soured on Holly, but it is a lot that both girls in the Tate triangle have questionable morals.  There needs to be one nice option.

My totally probably incorrect guess

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Edited by j swift
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Tate on Wednesday show....

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Two good shows on Wednesday and Thursday.

The Tate and Holly scenes fell flat for me. Leo Howard wasn't very good. He should've been really pissed off that Holly was using him. 

Sarah is finally being written better.

Xander lord.... Dude is getting on my last nerve. He committed so many crimes and didn't pay. He needs to shut the f.luck up!

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I would also like to think it wouldn't be that easy for anyone to break into John/Marlena's house with all the damn kidnappings between them.  Really, John?  Xander used and Amex to break into your house!!!!!

Leo Howard must be the most laidback person in the world.  He plays Tate like he is so chill and cool with everything.  Also, who leaves there drunk/drugged father passed out like that?   I would at least stay to make sure he doesn't choke on his own vomit or something.

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Well, I mean everyone's sudden turn into acting is pretty silly to be fair.  Alex isn't much worse than two convicts playing the female leads either lol.

I know Tate's a teen, but I can't imagine anyone leaving their own parent in that condition.  It's not his fault, but if anyone I knew was in that shape I wouldn't leave them alone just in case.

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I'd love to hear the Body&Soul pitch that Abe gave to the streaming site. “So, we're going to reboot this cancelled soap opera, but with criminal doppelgängers for the actors that we can't afford.  Yes, we were so lucky to find exact dupes for the actors because this psychiatrist in town was cloned multiple times, between the times she turned into the devil.  No, in real life, not in the plot, and we're getting a tax credit for hiring parolees. As well as a local chef and a former CEO.  Also, good news, it's being written by the local gossip columnist, we've cut the cast down to just four people, and we're shooting the whole thing in a pub!

Edited by j swift
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Plus, Xander’s plan is to make it look like Brady shot himself, yet Xander’s fingerprints are all over the gun

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That was his biggest flaw yesterday; he needed to play Tate as a lot more angrier. Or at least receive some better direction. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Today felt like a Jamey episode

A lot of fluff and filler, people acting out of character, the lack of a Friday cliffhanger. And it was short too. Only 32 minutes. 

The Johnny/Chanel fight was so forced. I do like seeing them angry and messy but I don’t like that it’s because of this forced bullshit. There were so many opportunities that Days could have taken with this couple and this is what they decide to give them? But at least the driving force behind all this was fired lol too bad he didn’t take his Annie Wilkes with him though. 

Sarah sending Brady up the river and being so content about Xander plotting to kill him was weird too. It could have been written a little better. 

Eric questioning why Xander was with Brady could be interesting though. I hope they run with that and somehow weave it into Holly and Tate’s problems as well. 

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I was going to just come here and post the same.  I don't really mind Howard, but I keep thinking how JMM would play scenes and that's not a great sign for a recast.  JMM would have done them with so much more emotion and hurt.  Unfortunately, I also think they need to cast someone who looks younger than Howard as well.

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