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GH: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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Tomata. lol.


But seriously I do agree that I am VERY happy her other family is on its way back. But you know I've been saying that all year for my wishlist under PM so I am flaunting that fact...well...A LOT.

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And speaking of my aforementioned binging, Oooo THIS is what you were all talking about!!! lol.


Yeah, those Sonny/Carly scenes were in that slapsticky style that I just don't like from these New/Old Writers. Which I thought was sad because Carly walking in on Natalia/Sonny holding hands...I just felt there was potential for real drama there. Then again...I wouldn't mind Carly Carly-ing all over Natalia...which is probably a sign of how much I dislike Natalia. I did like the Blaze mention though. And hehe at Diane at Carly/Jack. 


I also thought that given the amount of times Sonny and Carly have covered for each other, Sam was within her rights to read Carly. In fact, that whole scene with them in Lulu's room (foreshadowing?) was like the Sam vs Carly scenes of old when Sam would have an issue with Carly putting Jason in harm's way. 


Not tension between Chase and Dante! I guess I didn't have to worry about Dante though. 


I see I'm clearly annoyed at Sonny and Kristina when means I know whom side I am on in this umbrella tale. *cough*Alexis*cough* And I can't believe that the light bulb went off in Kristina's head (that Sonny is the one who killed Wagger and KM played that well) and she is still going to say nothing to help her mother. And speaking of Alexis, I'm already over her and Heather together. But I LOVED her scenes with Martin. And sly dog Martin...Sonny is paying you, but you want to aim the police at him for Wagger's murder? Perhaps he feels that Sonny will wiggle out of it, and he wouldn't be wrong. And Molly vs Carly...uhh...I don't feel Carly is a weak link, but go head. 


Yeah...knowing what's coming...I'm over this adventure with Jason, Anna, Holly, and Lucky, and ready for Lukcy to get home and start interacting with people in Port Charles. 

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It’s just bad timing. They wanted to get Lucky onscreen sooner than she was back filming. It’s stretched out because they are in a clear stall pattern. She is almost always back airing in October since her return a few years ago.

As far as the rest- she hasn’t been used as much since Spencer was killed off. They shunted her off to prop up the deeply unpopular Heather story. Whatever was going to happen to pit her and Anna against Sonny was one of the things dropped when Mulcahey was fired, very abruptly.

I am happy her family is back. I hope they use her heavily to help reestablish them.

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Amen. re: Laura's family.


I definitely hope to see that when Laura starts showing up on screen. Lucky has to adjust to being gone for a decade. Lulu has to adjust to being in a coma for years. Mama Laura there to help them along as the matriarch she is. 


Maybe with some Nik in tow...but let me not hope tooooo high. lol

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Oh I am well aware of how FV is putting the show together like a puzzle, it’s especially noticeable right now. I just think the details that matter to the audience and should matter to the people working on the show are not important to him. Even when you look at what Anna and Jason have been up to, Laura has a history of being involved in capers. And has a complicated history with Holly.  But the way Valentini puts the show together matters more than using Laura appropriately.

Speaking of Valentini- I think it is ridiculous that several characters need lawyers and instead of using Scotty, who was already involved, they have brought back Martin. Even when Diane was telling Kristina not to tell her anything because she wasn’t her lawyer, I thought Scotty being absent continues to be glaring right now. There was room for him here too, but he pisses Frank off.

And get Isaiah out of that hospital bed.

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It is. But I think there is some merit to what he posts. I personally am tired of people like NLG, Genie, Kin and Tristan either publicly admitting they are being punished or sidelined when Valentini has kept his pals employed and frontburner until he lost some measure of power this year and they were finally let go. And I don’t think KeMo has been fully earning her check for the last 10 years, and I still think the way he handled her has been shitty. And Billy Miller is the only one that made Drew work, and he was let go because he allegedly stood up for Kelly.

Maybe Martin was pinch hitting. I know it would be a lot more fun for Scotty to be telling Alexis and Molly that they should hang this on Sonny to save themselves and Kristina.

This whole story would work better as a murder mystery! But nobody is allowed to think on this show beyond 30 to 60 days max! And it shows!!

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