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Y&R September 2024 Discussion Thread


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I poked my head in today as I hardly watch the remaining 4 that much (my love for you all keeps me around here) and so much raised so much concern (I even said this on "X" too). 

1. Why does Chance call Jill by her first name? She's your grandmother. And the feeling between him and Billy didn't even feel like they were related. Furthermore, it annoyed me how Chance never lorded over Billy's head that Chancellor is his birthright. Not Billy's. 

2. It then transitioned to Chance wanting to be a cop again. So why leave the force? This is a major issue with these shows nowadays as no characters have a set goal or motivation. It's plot-driven to the 100th power. Characters shift jobs and companies like they change underwear.

3. It's like 100 companies on this damn show. Everyone has a company and we have no idea what that company does. Audra has a company. Billy has one. Jack has one. Victor has one. Victor is trying to get Nikki one. Hell, I don't even know what Newman and Jabot do anymore. I know Newman has always been a conglomerate but their makeup and beauty sector has always been the division we all cared about. 

4. Victor trying to screw Lily (while feeling no remorse) over is disturbing and out of character. After everything Neil meant to Victor, I just don't see that man trying to screw Lily over to put Nikki at helm of Chancellor. Hell, it'd be crappy if Nikki co-signed it as Neil was her friend the final years of KSJ's time on the show. It bothers me that the Winters clan still aren't centered on this show. 


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Yeah, that was the only thing that has bugged me about the recent Lily/Victor scenes. There was a pause when Lily said she wants Victor to get Billy out so she can get her old job back. But we the audience know Victor is planning to make Nikki the head of Chancellor. 


That pause said everything. 


I also agree and continue to say that Chance should have never left being a cop. Every soap needs that one good guy who is usually the cop. 

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Unbelievable that Josh Griffith already wants to unwind Chance's decision to go into the family business -- and return to police work. Why put him in business in the first place? As soon as that move was made, Griffith dropped Conner Floyd to recurring, and he's really done nothing until he decided he wanted to be CEO. When he hears "No" he just decides to leave???

And yeah, all these companies. It's all ridiculous and painful to watch. There's nothing about it that looks like real life/real world.

Billy snaps up ANOTHER company that Jill worked on for 3 years and couldn't get, yet now Victor's going to swoop in and take it. In what world could this happen? In what world does it make sense for a company to do nothing but buy other companies?

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Honestly, I think you can skip it all. There's nothing compelling -- no "I gotta see this" plot, no can't-miss performance.

All you need is a paragraph or two to catch up. I've watched Y&R for DECADES and it's always been #1 with me, and I have never hated what's on my screen so much. It's awful.

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I have to agree. Every single plot with potential ends up with a pfffft or is a 3-week arc that's meaningless.

Take the return of Katie, for example. She came back as an angry tween who was pissed at the world, including Claire -- for a week. The next time we saw her, she and Claire bonded over an ice cream cone.

When Lily found out Daniel cheated on her with Heather, we had thoughts of a juicy story -- Lily getting back at Daniel. Instead, they made up within 3 episodes.

This happens time and time again.

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From your lips to God's ears! I'm (barely) watching 9-4 and Chance is talking about this very thing to Summer afte the midpoint tag. lol.

Outside of that and some Kyle vs Summer clips, I would say the same. Skip.


I agreed with the rest of that except for this. When Lily and Daniel are even allowed to have scenes, she's civil, but she really still comes across mad at him. 

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The company mergers annoy the f*ck out of me at this point. Especially, when in real-time, we're watching conglomerates try to merge and are met with legislation and years of going about doing so. But, we see Victor gobble up every company in a millisecond and then they disappear from the canvas with no real story. 

Like what happened to Newman Media? Or the construction sector? Didn't Nick have a company that Victor took over about a few years ago? That's what I am saying. All these business stories are trash. 

Long do I miss the days of Safra v. Tuvia. Or Jill having created the Men's Line. Or Victor having acquired Jabot and it nearly took a decade for the Abbots to acquire it back fully? 

And I still can't get over a child of Nina having no ambition and just blowing in the wind. If Nina was one thing, she was persistent. 

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@BetterForgotten @ranger1rg @Taoboi So, I'm on the last week of August (8/26–8/30) and I'm already BORED out of my MIND! Not to mention, between the shït scripts and the piss-poor phoned in acting of Sharon Case & Reylynn Caster, this soap really needs a major change, and I am hoping by January of 2025 we receive some kind of news concerning that change.

Also, Conner Floyd & Allison Lanier have chemistry, but Chance & Summer do not. At all.

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Well, thank you for the upcoming clips I saw last night.


Outside of Chance appearing to stand up for himself with Billy...nothing has been going on this past week. HOWEVER, the upcoming clips has some juicy drama going that I will soldier on. Cuz we know I'm always here for a READ. 

Awww I enjoy seeing them. I'm always here for that one good no-drama couple. But I do feel there's so much more they can do with Chance. Especially since the writers are finally doing so much with Summer. 

Amen. Those were the days.


And even when there is a good idea like the original Takeover story that brought back Tucker and also gave Nate a personality...it had so much underlining tension because while Nate whined it was about Devon not giving him control and Devon saying otherwise, the drama was REALLY about the fact Devon never forgave Nate for sleeping with Elena and Nate never forgave Devon for ending his doctor career. And both actors played that subtext every chance they got. Add on memories of Neil...and that was a potential good story that grew slowly. In fact, I dare to say that the best JG business stories have been with the Winters. So much so that JG recycled the basic story for this latest mess with Billy. And even that had legs once it was revealed that Lily was playing everybody. But alas...JG just gets tired too quickly...which brings me back to the beginning of this paragraph. A good idea, but boredom sets in with the head writer. Because characters switching jobs ain't it. 


I will always say Chance was best as a cop. Because every soap needs that good guy/hero character on the canvas. 

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