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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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Hehe. Like I said...hit or miss when it comes to May.


Awwwww. BUT...I agree. And during to their awesome break-up...like everyone else here...I just don't feel anything else, but grovelling before the happy ending will do. It will be full circle to that scene in fact. And I liked that 2013 was a step in the right direction with them getting back on good terms from the break-up. 


Well if Sonny can recover from AJ's murder...



While I agree with this, I felt the 8-19 episode felt more like an official shift for these New/Old Writers than even that. I admit that I'm impressed with how watchable it has been been in spite of the abruptness. 


It has a flow again. A momentum. And while some things still bug me (Sasha/Cody interruptus silly comedy, Ava/Nina becoming friends again like before PM), it's surprisingly good binging. 

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Hold up, hold up, hold up!!! No one told me that people were going to running around reading each other. LOL!!!!


I was mentioning that I liked the scene between Jordan and Molly the other day. Part of that was the fact that they don't usually have scenes together. And alone. It was nice and unexpected and it was a versus. 


I'm now wondering if Cathy wrote that episode (and will probably go back in the thread to look), because this episode is ON FIRE. I didn't have Joss vs Trina on my bingo card given how they try to write Trina as a background character at times. But not only did Trina have a point of view. Not only did she read Joss down. But TA BROUGHT IT. She was having NONE of Joss's sass and I was here for it. And it is good to see the Ava/Trina friendship more or less restored since I felt it was abruptly changed. Ava will always need that Achilles heel that humanizes her, but keep her as the femme fatale. 


Meanwhile, Anna vs Sonny??? The fact it looked like they were about to throw Anna (well, more) on the Altar of Sonny to make him look better only for Anna to throw KAREN ON A POLE in Sonny's face. OOooooooo read, Anna...REEEEEADDDD. And then she dragged Jason away, too. I was hollering and love the history usage. I even like that the New/Old Writers acknowledged that Anna broke it off with Sonny during PM's run. The amount of grey in Anna and Jason during this episode were fascinating to watch. And now Jason is reading Anna with her WSB past as a double agent after she brings up his accident. And awww at the Anna/Jason breakup...one of my favorite pairings under PM. More, please.


Speaking of Sonny, MB suuuuure is rising to the occasion. That said, Sonny is really coming across slimy to me as the episodes keep going. He was about to use Anna for bait. He doesn't give a frak about Anna. But at the same time, we are supposed to see Sonny as some hero? I am not getting grey from him as much as I am getting polarizing. I guess it is better than the indifference I normally feel when it comes to Sonny (outside of Brenda)


And Kristina...aka 'deer in the headlights.' (well-played, writers with that piece of dialogue.

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)The bombshell of her deciding that she was going to keep the baby after all. I think we all know I am a Kristina fan, but BIIIIITCCC*H. Like father, like daughter. But it's the first time in a long while since I've disliked her. If the New/Old Writers are going for a Molly v Kristina family feud...I'm Team Molly. Moreso after I gasped when Alexis told Molly to look in her briefcase.


Liking everything surrounded the funeral so far. And definitely feeling it. 

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Exactly Mansi has never excelled at the flawed sympathetic heroine type going back to days. She plays crazy really well exactly what she won the Emmy for the setting Hobo Ben on fire at the cabin to murder him for kidnapping her, stealing Thomas & trying to murder her/Chad. Eventually breaking down after Chad stops her from murdering him which I'm still sad she didn't succeed.

So if that is where GH is going with Kristina going off the deep end into a descent into madness in truly becoming her fathers daughter to play to Mansi strengths I'm glad. I fine with it as long as it isn't DID like Abby has on Days which is what Marci Miller excelled at the sympathetic flawed heroine.

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And there he is. The gun waving thug Sonny Corinthos, shooting another man in cold blood and I assume he’ll get away with it just like with AJ. Honestly as much as I’ve enjoyed watching the show again recently, if this is just another case of Sonny walking, I’m out again. The unholy trio never paying for anything is exactly why I stopped watching the show for years.

Lord is Drew about to bang Willow in the exact same office he bangs her mom?!?

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If they were trying to be really soapy, Sam would have overheard Dante’s clearly pained conversations about Lulu with either Tracy or Carly and began to question how solid they are as a couple. But we have whatever is happening bts with KeMo keeping the drama from fully unfolding.

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Wooooow!!! It was coming for a while with Molly vs Kristina since the loss of the baby. But daaaayyyy-ummm Molly DESTROYED KRISTINA. And I felt for everybody (you go selling it, NLG), BUT Kristina. Why? Because ever since Molly started to think Kristina is why the baby is dead and Molly found those papers, it was a ticking time bomb before the explosion. That said...the funeral was great. And it built throughout. And the looks that Molly was giving (KV was a force, building through her scenes just like AL does as Summer on Y&R) because of not only what she knew, but her look said what I was saying to my tv...it's a baby's funeral and Kristina was sooooo making it about herself. And once it got it 'what did you call my daughter?' and Kristina shaded Molly ability to have a child physically....oooooo bitca...so I loved Molly tearing her apart. And the fact that everyone was still trying to coddle Kristina...KV played it so well and I STILL felt she was holding back. And then she became like ice...not leaving without TJ. Just such a great series of scenes. And RIIIIIIIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well I see FV is back to product placement to get that money in. Side-eye. Why was HOME AND HEARTH there? And this Lois storyline. Ugh. It was such a circle in a square peg with all the other juicy drama going on over the last few episodes. 


I LOVE Lucky being back...but in true FV tradition...that intro was clunky...should have just left the whole scene until the end. I did love the Laura/Liz scene. I loved Maxie being told about Lulu returning to town...something else I've been wanting this year. LAURRA, ALLL YOUR KIDS ARE COMING HOME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I really loved the Chase/Dante scenes...shades of PM introspective writing. 


Backing back a little...I love Ric already having chemistry with MV's Molly. And having her back. And awww at Joss/Trina making up. And why is it that every time LH subs for Sam, she just fits in so perfectly?


And all I can do is shake my head at Sonny and Ava basically resetting to pre-PM settings. That said...Maury West has been rocking that ponytail and giving a lot more of fierce Ava. And now Wagger done upped and carried her off.


Speaking of carried off...where's Scotty?


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Yeah, the start of this Lucky storyline is giving me 'Brenda in Paris' at the start of her 2011 return vibes. Still I like that JJ has a kind of swagger about him or found his rhythm again by the end of the episode.


And looky...we are about to get a Nik appearance. All of Laura's kids are coming home slowly, but surely. Warming my heart.


And speaking of appearance....YURI!!! So all the recurring characters are slowly popping back up again.


I didn't mind Brennan playing cat-and-mouse with Jason. Lol. And eventually, Carly will be worn down. Cuz...that Beast...hehe.



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