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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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-- OK, but don't we all know when the show airs? And can't we tell that the show is about to be discussed when it's actually being discussed?

LOL I'll stop being a troll on this now. It's kind of funny that we're not talking about the show itself and instead about the credits and crew.

-- Regarding the show, I don't find Jordan robotic, nor do I find Brad and Terry robotic, either. I liked seeing Brad and Terry again, although I hate the idea that it's more tokenism.

-- Still, I like the GH we've been seeing for the past couple weeks more than the "Mulcahey months" that were all over the place and in many ways maddening.


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I personally don't mind seeing the credits. It's the writer in me and I am curious. Also, it helped me when I was waiting PM to leave and New/Old Writers came on. And I knew back with the New/Old Writers that when I saw the name Lloyd Gold...I would be rolling my eyes. lol.


And if it bothered me at all, I can simply use my arrow and move right past it without comment. 

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To me this Jordan, although very good looking, is not actually a very good actress. But, I have no complaints with either Brad or with Terry. 

Now, there's no way I can go that far. I still rue the fact that we had Mulcahey & there were so many fine things underway. And, now most of them have been "reset". Ugh. Hate that term & also its actual effect. Don't get me wrong. I begrudge Frank CVE being back. I can already tell the kind of drag on & on & on storytelling is in play. 

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What do you consider to be those fine things underway? Laura helping to redeem Heather? Blaze as a rock star? Having us wonder what the purpose was for Jagger and Brennan? Seeing the promise of teen storylines that quickly disappeared?

I'm not saying that CVE is the answer, but Mulcahey was not working as part of a team. I simply think GH is better since he left.

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Exactly. It provides a nice demarcation so if I’m behind a few episodes I could stop reading the thread after a certain point to avoid spoilers and get a sense of where the discussion viewpoints are based on.

Their line readings are very unnatural and almost take me out of the viewing experience. They sound like people trying to remember and spit out dialogue as opposed to people just having a normal conversation. A lot of the cast hired post Frankie V taking over deliver their lines like this and its really hard to listen to.

I agree that the show has been more entertaining overall. I thought the character work and dialogue during PM’s tenure was much stronger quality wise but these last few weeks have made for an easier, mindlessly soapy watch that suits FV’s producing capabilities better. I expect to be bothered by the contrived plotting that’s already reared its head sooner or later but I’m not as ready to drop the show like I expected to be.

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I never had any problem at all with Laura exploring whether justice had been done for Heather. I also never wanted to see her released into the general public, which is where I think CVE will now take this story via Scott suing the device manufacturer. Seeing Heather moved to a more patient-driven lock-up instead of in with hardened criminals made perfect sense to me. 

The way Carly, Jason & Sonny were all being written. Jason & Danny, especially. ChaLynn wedding. Gregory's demise. Finn crashing, burning & departing. Jake calling Jason to go help his mother because of Finn. Do I really need to go on? Do people not remember? 

Blaze started being a rock star simply ages ago, definitely during the strike & then under D&C. Since PM/EK there was a lot more Kraze & the Ali/Krissy relationship, well, except for Natalia, but even that it was the girls versus the homophobe. 

Yes, I was okay with both Jagger & with Brennan, then. 

HUH? PM/EK began the stories with Jason & his kids, not ended them. 

Well, thank Soap Jesus for that much! 

I do not think we know that. It seems to me that PM/EK were very much working as a team. The problem, I believe was that Frank didn't want to let them do their thing. 

And, as to your last statement, we will have to agree to disagree. To me GH is definitely LESS SO in every way since PM walked. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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