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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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I had actually considered that possibility.  Maybe she is Olivia.  That would explain why she had some familiarity with people, as well as mannerisms that could allow her to pass for Ava, along with considerable effort on her part.

This idea would allow that new writing team to abandon the direction that PM took the character, at least in part.  It could allow for a partial "redemption" of Ava, just enough to keep her out of jail, and sharing custody of Avery.  Come to think of it, Olivia being the replacement could explain why she was so determined to fight for Avery, since they could claim that she was determined to have a family of her own by raising her niece as her daughter.

Edited by StevieM
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I thought the opening scene with Kristina dreaming of holding the adorable baby then waking up and sobbing was pretty good. She lost my sympathy with the “my baby” convo with Alexis after though. It was Molly and TJ’s child and the only reason the baby is dead is because you ran your behind to Ava’s hotel room. I did like her asking Sonny to take care of Ava at the end though, let her embrace her inner Cassadine and Corinthos.

Ava, Ava, Ava. I was wondering what her next move could possibly be and holding the identity of who really was after Sonny is a decent play I guess…even though I’m pretty sure she doesn't know it was Pikeman for real. I still like her and Jagger teaming up.

I enjoy having the Sonny/Carly/Jason threesome back on good terms but I am kind of sad to see Jason back to being Sonny’s errand boy as soon as he’s free from the FBI. Feels like they just went right back to default instead of exploring something different with him.

Scott was his usual slimey lawyer self today and I just don’t care for Heather or this hip story or how Portia is seemingly going under the bus for it. I did like that Trina finally got to say her peace to Heather.

So far this “rebooted” writing team has brought some energy back to the show and I do like how characters careers are actually being utilized (Felicia as patient advocate being todays good example). For now I’m more willing to stick around as a viewer than I thought I would be.

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And just like that Sonny’s tampered meds is wrapped up in a pretty bow. How stupid. Now he’s going to be fine and as per usual he will now get one over on Ava and she’s going to lose custody of her child because he got bored of her

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. This writing is so stupid.


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No.  The law is absolutely clear about this.  The baby was Kristina's.  She was the mother.  She was never actually TJ and Molly's surrogate.  That was just the term they chose to use.

Kristina, like all pregnant women, including those planning an adoption, was an expectant mother.  And when a pregnant woman, like Kristina, gives birth, she is the new mom.  That includes women who have previously said that they are inclined to agree to an adoption. 

TJ was the baby's father.  But Molly was not the mother.  She was never the adoptive mother because there was never an adoption.  Molly was the prospective adoptive parent.  That means that she had reason to believe she would become a parent at a later date, but certainly not a guarantee.  Even if she did ultimately adopt the baby, that still wasn't her baby that Kristina was carrying or that she gave birth to.  Kristina was carrying her and TJ's baby, and she gave birth to her and TJ's baby.

If the adoption had moved forward, after the child was born, then a termination of parental rights would have been issued.  At that point Molly would become an adoptive mother and Kristina would become a birth mother/first mother/natural mother, or whichever term you prefer to use.

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I honestly don’t care about the legalese of it all. Kristina had no interest in having a baby beforehand and was only doing it so her sister could have one. Changing your mind last minute and wanting to keep the baby for yourself was a shitty selfish thing to do and being so reckless you end up flying out of a window and causing the baby to die is even worse. Her whole “my my my” spiel was just more disrespect to the two people who trusted her with all of their hopes for starting a family that her own actions killed.

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TJ/Molly had a legal contract for surrogacy with Kristina.   It was spoken about multiple times.  It was not adoption.  Yes, Kristina had to ultimately sign it after giving birth, but it was not a maybe/maybe not adoption issue.  Kristina wouldn't just be able to walk out with the baby and fight with TJ.  Both Alexis and Molly are lawyers.  You don't think they would follow laws?  Lol

It doesn't make Kristina right.  It's just not as easy in the state of NY as @StevieM you make it out to be.

Edited by carolineg
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Thank you. This is exactly how I feel. That was Molly and TJ’s baby until Kristina decided to change Her mind and ended up getting the baby killed.

I almost did. When Sonny gets full custody again which I’m almost positive about, I think I’m going to be done watching. I’ll catch Ric scenes on YouTube and just read this thread to see if there’s anything else worth catching up on.

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The contract was not legally binding, and that was also spoken of multiple times.  Kristina was acknowledged as having the right to keep her baby.  Molly could not have gone to court and forced an adoption.  That is what the show said about how it works in their fictional universe.

In real life, it also works that way.  Kristina carried the baby, and it was biologically hers.  She could only terminate her rights after the baby was born.  That is how it works in most states, certainly including New York.  Many states also have a waiting period and require the adoption to take place in a courtroom.  And Kristina absolutely had the legal right to back out of her initially stated plan to allow Molly to adopt HER baby.

In both real life and the GH universe, Kristina most definitely would have been within her rights to walk out of the hospital with her baby.  Even TJ would not have been the legal father until he established his paternity, either by petitioning the court to order a paternity test, or by prevailing upon Kristina to allow him to sign the birth certificate.  

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I reject the moral premise of your argument.  Kristina could not have known how she would feel before she got pregnant, let alone before she gave birth.  And the fact that she didn't want a baby is irrelevant.  The only thing that matters is that she wanted the particular baby she was pregnant with--she wanted HER baby.  

The pain that Molly feels over her infertility, as well as the pain of a failed adoption plan, pales in comparison to the devastation that Kristina would have suffered had Molly succeeded in her goal to facilitate a coerced adoption.  Molly fully understood that the adoption she had hoped for was falling apart.  She understood that Kristina wanted to keep her baby.  Once she recognized that, she should have let it go.  She should have allowed TJ and Kristina to work out their situation pertaining to their daughter.  Instead, Molly used Kristina's love for her as a weapon with which to bully her into giving up her child.

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Apparently, I saw what happened on screen very differently than you did.

It doesn't really matter to me, though.  My point is that in real life Kristina would not have been seen as having issued a voluntary TPR (termination of parental rights), nor would her actions, agreements and promises have been legitimate grounds for a court to issue an involuntary TPR.

I am not a lawyer or a legal expert, nor am I pretending to be.  I just know a little something about the basics of adoption.  The laws are set up to favor the adoptive parents when there is a conflict.  But even still, there are limits.  Molly couldn't benefit from a system set up to benefit adoptive parents because she never was one.  She was a prospective adoptive parent, nothing more.  The baby was never hers.  Kristina was the mother.  



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