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B&B: August 2024 Spoilers

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Actually, Sheila saving Steffy would be logical because Sheila discovered the backpack, etc. Plus Sheila is an expert when it comes to psychos + caging hostages!

But if I were Brad, I'd up it further: As Sheila runs out of the pizza joint, Hope joins her. Together they overpower Lunacy and rescue Steffy just as the demolition begins. That would be classic camp and, frankly, classic B&B.

Of course only on B&B would a building be demolished without crews conducting multiple sweeps to make sure someone isn't in the building, like squatters, homeless, etc.

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Oh, I think the show needs someone that is going to play non-slut Logan again, since Hope is no longer that. And what's left for her to do... A lot in my opinion. Bridget is a story without an ending and a character that has been so abused and so humiliated that I think she is the perfect opportunity for a proper villain to emerge. That's just me. Some people won't agree. 

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I never thought that Bridget would be back full-time, mainly because of the way her presence either ages up Brooke or de-ages Hope, due to the circumstances around Hope's conception and birth. If Hope is in her mid-twenties, then that would put Bridget in her mid-forties and push Brooke close to 70.

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I want Bridget to come back to be a reminder to the audience and the characters on screen how vile Brooke used to be and her history. In 2024 it seems like Bradley is ignoring 90 percent of what she did. 


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@Maxim Bridget + Hope are the *same* character! lol You could take every single Bridget story and insert Hope and vice versa.

Your assessment is exactly the way I feel about Bridget after AJ took over the role. AJ is fine and solid actor. However, it's obvious Bridget was not treated with the same reverence or potential after JF left the role. And, during all these years away, they could've at least had Bridget get married off-screen and have some kids.

Rick and Bridget are the only two characters that are true 'Forresters' and 'Logans' - they both should be on canvas in some capacity.


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Couldn't have said it better. I think Bridget and Rick should be back.  Even though Bradley struggles to write for Rick... He may be worth one more attempt. And Brooke should have some real problems with these children... Like some seeeerious issues like Stephanie had with Kristen in season 1. A daughter who can't stand her mother and wants to outshine her. Brooke's children act like she is Mother Theresa every time they are all together and it's laughable.  

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