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B&B: July 2024 Discussion Thread

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At this point I can't even blame the character... everyone is been written so bad, that I am struggling to find any saving grace. Even hate watching or cringe-watching doesn't work right now.


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I saw the day the weird homeless guy performed.  Then was killed I think.  It was bad.  Not watched since - could they have just not had him sing realistically for 1 bar at the end of a song instead of trying to make it look like all these people showed up for a “superstar”?  It looked terrible.   I saw Thomas pining for a mother for creepy baby boy Douglas, who -  what Dad allows their kid to refer to their latest piece as “mom” after 2 months?  He’s not so young that he wouldn’t understand  - Dad is a creep. 


Thomas nor Sheila are redeemable for me.  Which makes this all impossible to watch.  

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I admit it...there's been a nice rhythm going on with the writing. And I've been liking it. There's been so false steps (rushing Thomas/Paris, Jack and Right Hand Bill Henchman as red herrings, Carter/Katie breakup off-screen, Hollis on screen-as I'm sure @Soapsuds would love his frequent presence over the last few weeks-but no storyline), but overall it really has picked up to hold my interest. Or it's the fact that people aren't just saying the same ole thing.


Thomas's return. What a perfect little Friday cliffhanger that was. And not only was he back just as Hope was catching feelings for Finn, but he was back with PARIS as a fiancée. Lord...lol. I have always liked the idea of Paris with Thomas. Ever since the last thing Thomas's schemes got exposed...and there was chemistry. I also liked right before Hope/Thomas got together, that Paris was being Hope's confidante, teasing about how hot Thomas was before Hope got a clue. So it seemed a natural fit to me for them to get together at some point. Though I would have rather it happened a year or so ago when it was teased. Now...the whiplash is WOW. LOL!!! That said...I enjoyed Paris vs Hope after Hope pulled a Brooke on Thomas. And now Paris wants to rush the wedding. It screams mess, but it's not a boring mess. 


And speaking of cliffhanger and whiplash...this Luna story. I was worried once the WTD story was over, and Dollar Bill was revealed to be Luna's dad. I figured that would be it. I was also annoyed that Katie was butting in where it should be LI in her place. So...knowing that her and Carter broke up, yeeeah it makes more sense now why she would be sniffing around Bill again now that he has Poppy. A triangle with Bill in the middle? I would rather it be Li and Poppy, but I'm not against it. 


And then...the bombshell. Bill doesn't even seem to be Luna's Dad after all. Not the secret I was expecting from Tom when he saw Poppy last week. And I wish the writers had held the mystery a little bit longer. It screamed too soon. And they STILL haven't explained if Tom really is Luna's Dad. Besides, I just don't see Li messing with the test given how she dislikes her own sister.


And before I could even dig into that nugget of potential drama, Tom is DEAD??? By who?? I do hope it is NOT Sheila. That would be the predictable route. I did like seeing Jack popping up for the first time in forever. And I loved seeing him mixing it up with Li. As I did love seeing Right Hand Man cuz 1) Barber and 2) did he and Bill even make up? That said...I hope those weren't just cameos and the writers do something with them. I won't hold my breath. 


Still...not bored. 

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I watched the lasted episode in 1.75 speed. Yeah.

Bradley sure wants all of Sinn fans to start hating Finn right? Why is this man acting like a completely different person? I dare to say, but they are slowly turning him into LIAM. I said it. It's like copy-paste of Liam and Hope dialogue from 2013-2014. Why would he care about Hope and Thomas so much? Steffy needs to put a recorder on Finn and hear her AI doll emotionally cheating on her EVERY f-cking day. How many times will I NEED to hear Finn say to Hope how AMAZING and WONDERFUL she is. Jesus Christ - get a room or just pull it out, if you may. 

And the way he is saying... the GUY for you... will be standing in front you... CUE the violins... LOL - Give me a break. 

Brooke sounds stupid the past few episodes and I'm her biggest looover. Is is possible for a 60 year old woman to talk about anything ELSE than someone else's love life. Why in this ageist Bold world all vet characters do nothing but comment on the younger one's love life? I'm sick of this. Isn't Brooke bored with Hope's love triangles at this point? Hope is in her 30s right? She was 18... 15 years ago. You can let your baby duck swim on her own, kitty-cat.

The only character that is consistent is Steffy. Even if I dislike how bitter she has been the last 2-3 seasons...  she is at least someone I can right now... identify with and root for... since her husband is a complete fool and... a brutal emotional cheater. I get being supportive, but being smiley-dovey-cheerleading-lovey with you wife's biggest rival is a NO-NO in my book. Respect your f-cking WIFE, you wooden idiot!


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Wow...so Carter and Katie broke up off screen? I didn't even register that information. LSV should be front and center, IMO and not a second rate sidekick for the Forresters.

Are Brooke and Ridge married at this point? Does anyone know? Do Brooke and Ridge know??? lol

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Carter and Katie have been given scraps in episodes for years now. Nothing substantial. I pity what HT is made to act out these days. She literally is starting to look bored with the script in some scenes, who can blame her.  

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Ahhh…was that back when after Steffy left LA Liam and Hope were given their “big happily ever after” crap only for Hope became obsessed with Wyatt and the diamonds? No wonder why Kim Matula quit with that nonsense. 

Speaking of nonsense did Thudley already drop his plans for the Vine? She hasn’t appeared since May it had sounded like she was sticking around long term.

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Hahahha probably it was something like that. I just have this sense of deja-vu when I watch Finn and Hope... and sadly for all the people repeating all the time... that Bradley is not going there with Hope and Finn... he IS THERE... I really don't have to see Finn penetrate Hope to GET the point he is a complete and utter cheating-no-backbone-fool. Which is what I'm AT right now. He is emotionally cheating every single time he is praising and drooling over Hope. EVERY single time. No excuses. NONE. It's quite disgusting to have this love-dovey-touchey-on-handy-massagey-attitude towards a woman your wife despises. No loyalty what's-so-ever... But How can we talk about loyalty when this idiot wants to SAVE and spend time with his WIFE's shooter.



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The Hope and Brooke scenes are embarrassing.

5 minutes after crying over Thomas, Hope is in lala land thinking about Finn. This girl should be locked up in some psych ward. But how does Brooke react? Not like a real mother.

"Hope, sweetie, you don't want to fall for Finn." THAT'S the way to talk to your batsh_it daughter? How about shaking her? How about giving her the "Snap out of it!" that Cher gave Nicolas Cage in Moonstruck?

Nothing registers with Hope regardless. She just stares into space like someone loaded on anti-depressants.

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You do realize that Brooke is "The slut from the valley that slept her way through Beverly Hills"(Stephanie quote)? I am surprised Brooke doesn't tell Hope to try them both at the same time and see how it feels.

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