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GH: July 2024 Discussion Thread

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I know the actor who played Cam wanted to leave but then he was barely used and was just fodder for the flop of Joss/Dex. The lack of interest in bringing the character back says it all.

That's a shame as long scenes are what soaps excel at, or should excel at, compared to other genres. 

Felicia and Cody would certainly be "soapy," but I think it would destroy what is left of her (even if I didn't need her to reunite with Mac). 

You're probably right. It's kind of funny because as much as we hear about how Korte loves Carly - and I'm sure it's true - the character is in a huge corner, maybe more than ever. 

At least they don't seem to be putting her back with Drew.

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I still wonder if it had in another ideal universe been up to Mulcahey alone if he would've tried to go back after SJB, lol. He was obsessed with her work. But that may just be wishcasting my own brain, as I still would though I think Laura has always done a solid job with often dreadful material, particularly since the 2010s.

Felicia has been mostly totally redeemed from her disastrous late 90s-2000s period over the last decade-plus. There's no need to ever do anything like that with her or Mac again.

I think Cam will be back in force eventually. I have my doubts it will be William Lipton though, as he's just got a regular position on a new Amazon show (for whatever that's worth).

Edited by Vee
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not gonna put Carly back with either Drew or with Sonny. 

I think that Jarly stands a very good chance. 

A big deal moment: Spinelli said to Carly, and us the audience, as we were listening & watching, that Jason loves Carly the same way that he, Spinelli, loves Maxie. So, was that the show telling us they are going to do Jarly again? Some of us think so. 

Possible more dialog: Jason said to Carly "When all of this is over, I'm getting my life back. And, it is the only life I want."

I could go on & on, but I won't. I'll just say one more word: HUGS.

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Yeah… Charlotte is not needed and Jake is. If she’s gotta Frank’s new Starr, can’t he at least be Frank’s new Cole? 

And even if they are gonna push Jason/Carly, wouldn’t it make more sense to include his kids in the storyline in order to add another layer to it? 

Can’t blame him for wanting to leave after the way he/Cam were treated 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Id keep Jake, Charlotte, Danny, Rocco and age up Georgie to their ages and add friends


I would also promote a new HW Team of:

Emily Culliton, Charlotte Gibson and Kate Hall

Id replace FV with one of  his other producers:

Anyone got tea on how Michelle Henry or Mary Weir would do as EP or even Jennifer Whitaker?

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I thought that was another good week. 


In fact, it goes back to what I said yesterday about a clear A story with all the other stories filtering around it. I don't like that the center of that story was Natalia, but I feel the reason it's been so good and juicy was the Natalia expose impacted so many people I do care about (though side-note loving Eva in that white dress and she's been breath-taking to watch): Maxie (KS has never been better than when she was in Boss mode), Kristina/Blaze, Lucy, Scotty by Lucy and his connections to Ava, Sonny, Nina, etc. It has had a domino effect that ripples out. From Natalia of all people. A newbie. But again, it does connect to the other stories going on from Sonny vs Ava, whatever the writers (or was this PM's plan?) planning for Ava...cuz her list of friends/allies has been gradually shrinking and with her on the outs with Trina...RED FLAG for me...how Deception is affected aka woooooow a business story...Alexis's choice to leave the Intruder. I saw so many possibilities and all of this because Ava recorded Natalia and blew her out of the water...which in a way could be seen as sweet revenge on her for c@ckblocking her from Sonny. Heck, it even touched on what PM was setting up with Natalia vs Kristina/Blaze.

Which I LOVE the Kristina vs Natalia scenes. I felt it has been a long time coming. And KM was giving as good as ER was. It felt very gloves come off. And yes, I thought the Blaze actress did great with her reveal scenes as well as the scene when she found out about her label dropping her.


And speaking of it since I've mentioned it above...Ava, Ava, Ava. Even through all of this, they could never make me hate a good villainess and I feel that's to the strength of the powerhouse that MW is. And I really love that she's been doing some disgusting things. Alexis and her license. Blowing Natalia out of the water. About to gun for Sonny. And yet she was still given a moment to be a human being on Monday when she saw the comments about Kristina and Blaze and MW allowed Ava to show humanity at the consequences her actions brought. But still...moving in an actual direction again. I really love that. To the complexity of the femme fatale she is. And just like Sami on DAYS OF OUR LIVES circa late 90s...she still has one last trump card to play. And I was right there with her as the wheels started to turn in her head when Scotty mentioned that all she needed was for Sonny to lose it in a public setting cuz the truth about Sonny's meds being messed with STILL has not come out and that Ava knows. 


Given from what I've glanced above that they are already trying to find a way to keep Val when his storyline was totally leading to him leaving...I wonder how Ava's storyline will change as PM's run nears its end.


Why oh why do they let Drew shave? LOL!!! But seriously, he was not giving his usual hotness. Meanwhile, Curtis been working out because he was looking beefy. Mmmm. lol.


So they really have done a great job building up Drew/Nina. From hating each other to lusting for each other, but STILL hating each other. And now their respect growing over the last month and a half. Another story I feel that PM made full of win. And Willow makes three it seems at a glance above. Classic soap. And I do love it when I call it. 


I continue to like the meet-cute between Trina and Gio. And seeing Trina missing Spencer. Cuz that scene with her and the art book was good. And now Trina humming around Gio and him just letting her. Nice. Thank God Dex and Joss kissed because I was not sure what their status were and her circling Gio is a NO for me. 


I will always live for Sonny/Dante scenes. 




Like I said clowning. As in speculation. Anyway...

I know, right? Some of us actually do speculate all of the time and it's a great feeling when as a fan you hit a bullseye.


For me, I called Drew/Nina and the hate sex from a mile away. So it's good to see I was right on the money.


And I think we all call out the undercurrent between Willow and Drew from a mile away and we all were speculating...or clowning about it then...cuz Michael's head would explode if the writers went there. And judging from some of the comments that I did a quick glance out since you know me and my level of spoilage...I want to get there myself. Lol. Sounds like we were all on the money about that, too. Sadly, it also sounds like the writers are already trying to rush through it. 



Exactly!! Like I've mentioned, the best thing about Jason's return has been that he's interacting with his kids after decades of putting Carly above all.


Yeah, I think they are overdue some friends for sure. 

Edited by Taoboi
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AFAIK we have zero idea if any of them want to be HWs and/or if they'd be any good at it. I agree that at this point Frank needs to go. But, it seems to me that this would be one of those times when promoting from within is not the right way to go. If it were up to me, I would hire Wendy Riche back, trim the cast, bring Patrick Mulcahey back & let him & Korte actually do the things they wanted to do, the things they began that we liked & whatever the things were that we never got an inkling of. I think that PM/EK was actually a good team, with a good eye on how to get from where we are to a Port Charles with heart, with stakes & where character is King. 

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