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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Deb, That Kissing Luke piece was soooooo flippin' hot. Remind me not to read your stuff at work anymore. Gonna get me fired! Geez.

Nah.... Might be awhile before Lainey 'puts out.' I was working on something (or trying to work on something) where Tracy becomes obsessed with Touching Luke, because it's her Sustenance. I was going to call it Sustenance.. but it's a bit similar to Kissing Luke.. I mean not really, but sorta... and now I'm overwhelmed and well... I'll get there. It's just gonna be awhile.

There was something else I wanted to do called Choices. Maybe I'll go in that direction for awhile. Dunno.


Did I tell you that story gave me hot flashes? Oh my.

Ms. Q, I hope you are okay!!! When you log on here, send me a PM and let me know how you're doing. Did you feel my positive vibes today all the way in Illinois? I was sending 'em!!!

OH -- GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend of mine from work walked with me to the Apple store and helped me pick out a new ipod (old one bit the dust). And we were talking about the video Ipod, and I said "I can't do that, I have dialup!" And she LAUGHED at me!!!!!!!!! So I bought the video-ipod. And my friend and her boyfriend are coming over next saturday to hook me up with highspeed internet.


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Good news about the high-speed! Making downloading clips much easier!!! I know...I had to read that story like four times today! Damn! Don't give up on your story idea about touch! I am sure it will be just equally as hot!

I need a new Ipod too. I have the very first version of the Ipod mini and the battery dies like every five minutes. I got a pink one originally so my boys wouldn't want to borrow it. Now I want to borrow their way cooler Nanos and they are like sorry, mom! Ha!

I will be around about 9 central tonight.

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hey, I stopped in the BR, but no one was in yet. I can't really keep myself up very long, so I'll try to check in agan if I can but if not than I thought I'd just say a quick hello to everyone here

night all

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OFF TOPIC: Hi all. I'm fine. Tired and sore, and blood is gross, and I can't open my mouth very much, but fine, I guess. Oh, and I can't tell if the pain from the one side is from the procedure today (which mean that pesky tooth was not causing the problem, and I'll be getting a root canal in a couple weeks), OR if the pain is from the fact that they cut into my gum to get the little sucker out. *shrugs* The other side doesn't hurt though, so I have no idea. And why, why, why did they make me sit with the IV in my arm for 25 minutes before actually inserting the drug. I was thinking, "Wow, this is taking a long time to work," so I said something, and they were like, "We haven't given you anything yet." Yes, I felt stupid. And you all are cracking me up with the hydrocodone jokes. :lol:

TOPIC: I really, really, really miss Tracy. I was at SOC earlier. There's some talk of her in the TG vacation thread. About fic...So far, I'm having no problems sitting up and reading and typing (i.e. I'm not lightheaded), so maybe there will be a surpise from me this weekend. Maybe not. I don't want to promise anything. hooked, I'd join you in the breakoom, but I'm still really tired. I'm gonna sleep more more, eat some ice cream, pop a pill (I don't remember taking the hydrocodone the first time...seriously, I opened the bottle, and I think I swallowed it, but it was a very difficult process, and it might have ended up on the floor. Ugh). Anyway, for the same reasons, Lainey, I'll PM you later. Oh! There are new rumors at SoapDish about a good chuck of the cast leaving due to budetary reasons. Hopefully, not true, but while Jane Elliot is NOT part of the list,


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UGHHH...why wouldn't they get rid of the whole lot of new characters that all suck????

Hope you sleep well tonight...(and you can take two vicodin so if you forgot and took one already , it is o.k...I had to take two at a time before for mouth pain) My periodontist told me it was fine!

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Ms. Q, I'm sending you some feel better hugs - {{Ms. Q}} :) How's your teef? :D. Hopefully now that this is done, it will be the end of the pain you've been having.

MinervaFan - Woooohooooo!! LOVED, LOVED, LOVED "Kissing Luke Spencer" - VERY sexy! I sat here in a daze for a few minutes after reading it this morning just picturing it in my head all over again just savoring it before I let out a sigh and then realized what time it was when I snapped out of it and ran out the door 'cause I was late for work. LOL

Hooked - LOVED "The Stakes Get Higher" YOWZA! - How HOT was that!!!! LOVED IT!! Since you are in bliss (opposite of writer's block :) ), when's the next one? heehee

Lainey - Listen, Call it "Sustenance", "Choices", whatever ... just bring it on!! You know I'm a LuNacy junkie like you and now I'm on a binge, so I need another fix. :D. Don't worry that it's close to someone else's. You are good at what you do, you are like no one else, and no one else is like you. Don't overthink it - just feel it, and do your thang. Oh, and uh, welcome to the 21st century - highspeed internet will change your life.

knh - get well girly-girl - PLEASE!

My daughter got me an ipod nano for my birthday last year, the new metallic one - mine's hot pink, and she got it inscribed "To The Love of My Life Mommy". Awww isn't that sweet? Me and my baby girl are sissys like that.

Budget cuts on GH? Puh-leeze with this nonsense already - they should get rid of Logan, Ford, Amelia, Stan, and anyone else new that I forgot. Well... 'cept Cooper 'cause he's a cutey pie.

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Okay, first, thanks for all the great feedback on "Kissing Luke Spencer." I eat that stuff up, so, mmmm...nummy.

Second, I've added two new authors to the Master List on the ficathon--David Evan Smith and Minerva McDore. Both work almost exclusively in Alternate Universes.

Third, dudes, J-E.com got plugged on the Stuart Damon group! QuartermaineFan from YouTube mentioned joing the forum and said it was really Q-friendly. We might get some new members soon.

MsQ and knh, I hope both of you are feeling better. We've been sick in our house ever since we got home from New Orlenas, so I totally feel your pain. Sending much love and good vibes from both me and Fey.

Lainey, don't get discouraged. Write what you want to write, and don't compare it to anything but the color of the paper. Do the letters contrast enough with the background to be readable? That's really the only important comparison when it comes to fan fiction. Your stuff is unique, wonderfully entertaining, well-written, and smart. You have a good grasp on the characters. So stop beating yourself up, okay?

Finally, to all you people who are talking about iPods, I'm BEYOND jealous. When it comes to technology, I've always been a 72 Pinto kind of girl. I'm still borrowing Fey's CD walkman (oh, I got in trouble last night because the batteries were worn down and I hadn't recharged the spares), and my writing computer is like, well, a 1998 Emachine with a used graphics card and the wrong video drivers. High-speed internet and digital cable are the only cool tech things I've got, so ya'll can just quit whining about your outdated iPod Nanos. LOL. Spoiled babies. ;)

Oh, did ya'll see DorianFan18 created a LuNacy message board? http://z4.invisionfree.com/we_all_need_LuNacy/index.php I went ahead and joined. Just thought I'd pimp it here.

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Hi. Again, thanks for the hugs, well wishes, and all that. :)

hooked, what was the strength of the vicodin? I still have some of the first batch left (which is 750), but the new stuff in only 650. No fair.

TracyLuv, I hope so, 'cause the last thing I need to find out is that the one wisdom tooth wasn't the problem, and they'll need to do a root canal in the tooth in front of it. Oy.

Hey, anyone who's had the top ones out before, is the pain supposed to travel to the side of my head, like temple area? It's only like that one side; the other side is behaving well. But it's still...I don't know weird.

MinervaFan, thanks for the link. I hope you all like the banner, 'cause I made it yesterday before the surgery. :P

Lainey, yay for high speed! I'm so excited for you. You will be a video, clip, whatever else downloading machine now.

In the words of Tracy Quartermaine, TA!

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Don't remember the vicodin strength Ms. Q...I gave it all to my cleaning lady for her back! I had all four wisdom teeth out at once...but that was a long time ago, so I don't remember about the pain. Isn't that the thing where you can get dry socket or some infectioin like that? Hope today is a better day for you...I love the banner you made for that lunacy board.

I am off to birthday party hell this morning....two parties--one at a gross game place and one at a gross moon bounce place. My mom comes in early afternoon...gotta make the almost hour trek to the airport to get her (Lainey...I know you just love Bush Intercontinental in Houston!!)

I had this idea last night to write something, but I was too tired...maybe later.

Have a good day everyone!!

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First up, I want to apologize for going off topic again, but for the first time ever, I've run out of all things TQ to discuss. :o:( So...I put my phone on silent, and it still woke me up. Hmm...hooked, the dry sockets are bottom teeth only, so I already crossed that bridge, and I'm on the penicillin to prevent infection. So guess what? The phone call? Was the friend I planned on sending out for table salt and more ice cream, and her ankle went POP, and it's A) sprained or B ) fractured. She's waiting for a ride to the hospital, so she can get that X-rayed and all that other stuff (oh no), so...I need to bug someone else now and make sure I give her a call later. And wow...It's really, really hard to sit up at the computer for more than 10-15 minutes. I gotta lay down again. I think this time the phone is going off. Later all.

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Ms. Q.....hope you're feeling better. Could be hurting cause of the things they use to keep your mouth open..my whole face was sore for a few days after my teeth came out.

On a happier note....Lady Ashton has started writing her very first story! I have actually typed things! Hope to finish it this weekend :)

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