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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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knh it was mainly Regency that brought up the possiblity of physical violence from Edward to Tracy.

It's funny you mentioned it because I had a "random thoughts" posts and that was going to be one thing I talked about.

As far as whether or not Tracy and Alan were physically "punished" as children...the answer is likely yes because I remember a remark back in the day that Alan made to Tracy...that Ned never got enough whippings as a child and that was part of the reason he was so spoiled.

Generally if people whip their children they were whipped...but not always.

I can't really see Edward or Lila "spanking" them...but I totally could see Edward slapping them, either one of them.

As far as physical abuse....IMO slapping IS abuse, but I doubt Edward "beat" either of them to the point where they had physical scars.

It could have been when he raised his hand that he was tempted to hit her and may have done it in the past but I doubt he continually physically hit her to the point of obvious abuse.

No....Edward was and is much too crafty for that.

I used to wonder though if maybe there weren't some kind of sexual abuse in Tracy's past. Not by Edward...maybe an uncle or a friend of her father's. Because back when GH was written well and they focused on the Tracy/Edward relationship...there was always something there "unhealthy" in terms of I used to wonder if a dark twisted part of Tracy weren't a little in love with her father.

I say dark and twisted not just for the obvious reasons but also because Edward is just a sadist. Flat out.

He has such a low regard for women unless it's one he's romantically involved with. And for Tracy to idolize him in any way for ANY reason...kind of makes me sick to be blunt about it. It also says a lot about why Tracy's relationships with so many men have failed.

She's looking for the acceptance her father has never and probably never will give her....and she lets men dump on her if they will give her even the slightest crumb of attention...because she doesn't feel she's worthy of anything better. She hasn't figured out yet that she doesn't NEED Edward's approval and that if his love is conditional it isn't worth destroying herself over trying to MEET those impossible standards.

In other words...Edward has Tracy convinced she's unlovable...and the smart part of Tracy knows she isn't...but instead of just walking away from Edward's poison she puts all her efforts into proving him wrong.

When really she should've moved far away and stayed away(like in MinervaFan's AU Tracy Walker fic...and she would've discovered all on her own that everything Edward had drilled into her from day one was a lie.

And whoo ! Enough about that from me.

The scenes with Alan and Tracy and the remote. HOney those are old as in sometime between 1989-93 old. I think it was a Thanksgiving episode( or around that time because of the football game) before the Pizza tradition started but still...I wouldn't know where to look for a clip.

Ms.Q I meant to tell you....I rewatched your "time after time" video and it's sooo good. The black/white young Tracy/Luke...awesome. :) So sweet and touching.

Does anyone know when TG is scheduled to be back for his short stint before he's back in October? He normally doesn't come back in the summer but he took off one month early and this is supposed to be because he'd be back in August. Here it is the middle of August and I haven't heard a thing....anyone else?

Maybe the actual scenes will be in September.

I honestly think he's going to go off and blame Dillon (and Tracy by default) for Lulu being pregnant and of course Tracy will defend Dillon....angst. But angst is good. We need some.

I feel November will be a make them or break them time for our couple. I don't know that they'll have that many scenes once Laura is "awake" but the ones they have should be good.

Question: where IS Laura at now? It can't be too far if Lulu can go back and forth within a day.

And why don't we see Lucky visiting her?

Oh yeah and Tracy rocks.

That is all.

*waves to Keith.

I loved your story. Can't wait for the next chapter.

If Lulu doesn't miscarry will our girl give up Luke so Dillon and Lulu can raise the baby together?

Such a complex rich telling Keith. I like it. :)

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Thanks, ILoveTracyQ. Glad you approved. I have so much story to tell. There will likely be some testing the waters with Tracy and other men, so there will probably be a divorce--Laura's return will play heavily into everything, if only for the whole angst factor and the ability to use it and Lulu/Dillon to come between LuNacy for a bit. In the end, it will be eventual LuNacy again, but it can't be easy, right?

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Ms. Q , thanks so much for all the videos. I am just loving all the vids and all the new fiction (from you and Keith )!!!

In my world (read: my little 24 hour fan fic) there will be powerful, soul shattering, earth moving TRACY RAGE!!

uh... When's GH's Tracy Dearth gonna end? Any ETAs on Luke's re-emergence??? I thought it was supposed to be August, but now I'm hearing September?!?!?!

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Coupla comments to ILTQ's long (and fascinating) quote on the Tracy-Edward Relationship.

1. Scars don't equal abuse, even when it's physical abuse. A talented sadist can inflict hours of intense physical pain without leaving even a bruise. If this is between consenting adults, wow with the kinky fun, right? If it's between a father and his child, it's abuse. Never ever ever assume that the lack of scars indicates the lack of physical abuse.

2. Spanking (as in disciplining) your child isn't necessarily abuse, imho. But if you're forty and the sight of a belt buckle still makes you sick to your stomach, 30 years after your father has moved out of your life, then yeah--it might have been a little more than disci;ine.

3. Treating women you're not f**king with disrepect is not abuse. It's misogynistic, arrogant, and completely unacceptable, but it's not abuse. Convincing your daughter she's completely unloveable, playing cruel, heartless, sadistic mind games with her, cutting her off financially when she tries to play by the same twisted rules you established, and establishing an environment of complete and utter hatred against her in the family? That's abuse.


Ned & Tracy are up to 26 pages. Edward is about to enter the picture. This is not happy.

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*steps in* Hello! :D

Welcome back, coolkid! Sorry you had so much trouble at the airport. They don't all you to carry on anything now, do they? Except a driver's license and some cash. Love the olive idea, but I'm with ILoveTracyQ, TPTB wouldn't understand. Maybe we could attach a screencap of TQ eating the olives. ;)

I think Guza overexaggerated again. *sigh* What about the Q alliance spoiler? That hasn't happened yet, has it?

angel! Looking forward to the Beautiful Disaster update.

Thanks to ILoveTracyQ, MinervaFan, Keith, and LaineyBev for the Oh, Baby feedback. Glad you're enjoying it. I know I'm supposed to compare my writing to others, but I really wish I could come up with the wonderful stuff the rest of you write. Keith, words cannot express how much I enjoyed Chapter 1 of your most recent story. I definitely can't wait for more. You've got Tracy's character nailed.

knh, I'm beginning to think the SoapTalk clips aren't going to be put up. JE doesn't seem to be very popular at HellaGood, and even though I put in a request (and nex even bumped it up), there's still nothing. And sorry, I don't have the Tracy/Alan/remote clips. I'm not sure anyone does.

I'm thinking TG starts re-taping in August (probably started already) for a couple weeks and the scenes air in September. Then he leaves again and re-appears in October? I just miss my girl. And that stuff she filmed a few days before SoapTalk aired? I bet it's been cut. *sigh*

Edit #1: This week's SOD (per SZ): Lulu/Tracy's relationship got a Thumbs Up! SOD has been so smart lately, LOL.

Edit #2:

Thanks. :) I didn't like how the transitions came out. Kind of choppy and all that, but I think most people pay attention to the actual clips and music. (or at least I'd like to hope that...heh)
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***Waves to everybody***

I'm back from a long weekend and look what happens....all these posts (3 pages worth) Crazy!! After going through the past four days worth of posts I just have to say:

Ms.Q I loved you new chapters of Oh Baby :wub: and thanks so very much for posting all the vids and clips. I had most of them, but some I didn't have. I know that takes a lot of time and I really appreciate it. :)

MinervaFan I read your 24 hour fic and it was GREAT!!!! :wub:

Keith I read you fic Boo! and I loved that one as well....can't wait for more!

Knh I have come to the conclusion that Hella Good is never going to post JE's episode on SoapTalk maybe when it repeats someone will be able to post it.

I think I have some good news according to Soapzone Tracy/Dillion/Edward are in the abcmedia net pics, I couldn't see them because the system was down, but the person who posted did, the only bad news is that it is for the week of Aug. 28th. I don't think I can wait that long to see Tracy but with the possibility of Lulu wanting to move out of the Q's Tracy has to be on to try and get her to stay......right? That was a spoiler I read, that Tracy will convince Lulu to stay.

Woohoo on the thumbs up Lulu/Tracy got in SOD :D:D:D

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Not a lot of action going on here, huh? :(

No problem, nex. SendSpace has this thing thing now where you can upload 5 at a time. It takes about a half hour or so, but I just find something to do in the meantime. And thanks so much for your comments on Oh, Baby.

And yes! ABC Media Net Pics of our girl! Now, why is the website down? *cries* I wanna see what she's wearing, LOL. And why oh why does SoapEscape have large versions of all of the newest pics except the one of Tracy/Edward/Dillon and Nikolas/Jax/Spencer?

Question for ILoveTracyQ ('cause she knows this stuff, LOL): Why did JE leave in 1993? I know a lot of it had to with being promised a big SL with Gerald Anthony, and then for whatever reason, that didn't happen, but what else was there?

On another board, there was a post that said JE decided to vacate the role because she was a pro-choice activist and was uncomfortable playing a character who blackmailed a woman (Jenny) after she had an abortion...except that Jenny didn't have an abortion, so either the poster was wrong or JE got the SL confused. Anyway...Just wondering. The poster called her "evil in real life" because of that, and I just didn't understand. Am I missing something?

And I won't even get started on Paul being a better person than Tracy, and Tracy "kidnapping" Dillon...Although technically, I guess it was kidnapping. Kind of. *sigh* Good thing I'm not a poster there 'cause I am soooo terrible at defending Tracy sometimes. LOL.







From GHFF: A small "epidemic" of pregnancies hits Port Charles. What does ELQ have to do with all of this? Oh man. TQ is sooooo going down. I love how every time she's CEO the company just happens to be in some kind of turmoil. Jeez...That Tracy is so incompetent and incapable of running a business. *rolls eyes*

Edit: SoapDish finally has a TQ spoiler. Tracy will be back on screen soon and will be a sounding board for Luke as the 25th anniversay storyline begins with Luke's memories of Laura. A sounding board? Are you freakin' kidding me? Yeah, yeah. JE can do so much with a single look, but I'm getting the impression that Luke will get all the dialogue, while Tracy's stuck with "Mmm hmm's" and that kind of thing.

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So let me get this straight: There was a lot of weird, hot sex going on lately. (Ric-Sam, Liz-Jason, Lucky-Maxi, Lulu-Dillon etc.. etc..) Tracy didn't get to have any weird, hot sex of her own, and yet HER character is going to have to pay for all the bad choices these people made when they start popping up pregnant?!?? Ha!! I would HATE this if it weren't for the fact that it could actually be a very good non-Luke story line for our girl.

Hmmm... If she is going to be a "sounding board," then there is the potential for some real emotional connections/conversations between Luke and Tracy. That could be promising. God, I hope they end up in the sack at least once before Laura comes back. Once blondie is back, I think I'm out of the GH thing until she's gone. I really don't want to watch the buildup to a 25th anniversary wedding with Luke & Laura. Yucko.

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LaineyBev714, Guza has insisted there will be no "fairy tale" reunion for L/L (vol.1) on the 25th anniversary, that there will be no remarriage, no whatever....blahblahblah...this man also promised us Tracy getting "slammed into motherhood" over the summer, and that turned out to be about six scenes over two months. Bite me, Guza.

MsQ, I will strangle Guza myself if this turns out to be another "ELQ just happens to get in trouble while TQ is in charge, so of course she must be incompetent and made to pay" storylines. Last time, AJ had fracking embezzled millions just in time for her to be CEO and take the fall for the company's problems. Now, I'm absolutely sure they're going to suggest she's responsible for *defective ELQ condoms*.

A point to be made: just exactly what is the CEO's role in the production of defective condoms anyway? Does she sneak out of board meetings, or away from lunches with potential investors, to go out to the plant with little sewing needles to poke holes in the condoms as they come off the assembly line??

And while we're at it--there was a huge storyline during the Paul Hornsby years about problems at the ELQ cannery. I realize that diversification is the hallmark of good business strategy, but really! How does a company go from canning tuna to making condoms? Not really a logical progression there that I can find.

MsQ, you are kidding me with that abortion story! :rolleyes: Wasn't there an article on the NLG site about pro-choice actors on soaps? I very clearly recall JE stating that she was *not* really an activist type of person--in fact, that her brother chided her for her lack of political involvement. It was just the idea of having a son (whose life could also be ruined by an unwanted/unexpected pregnancy) that made her aware of the abortion/choice issue. That hardly makes her a pro-choice activist, and certainly would not be a cause for JE leaving the show. Personally, I'm sure the fact that the promised SL didn't come through (and her oft-stated desire to raise her kids on the East coast) had more to do with leaving GH than any political views.

As for Paul being a better person--here's a clue, Dufus. When an evil cartel poisons your kid and tells you the only to get her healed is to marry someone you don't love in order to commit corporate fraud? GO TO THE EFFING POLICE! Go to the CIA. Name names. Get them captured. Also, heck, why not tell the doctors that they should be looking for a poison, rather than a biologically-based illness? Why not do what NORMAL people would do, instead of convincing Tracy that you love her (buttface jerk) and breaking her heart (hate you and your a## face!)?

She didn't kidnap Dillon. She took him. And frankly, with everything Paul and Jenny had done to her, do you blame her? If I was Tracy, I would have visions of "poor Paul" and "sweet Jenny" convincing a judge that Dillon was better off in their "stable home" than with his medication-withholding, scheming, cruel, globe-hopping witch of a mother. And I sure as hell would NEVER let Jenny Hornsby lay a finger on my child. (I'm not even one-tenth as ... erm ... Tracy-esque as TracyQ is, and I would have done the same thing she did. Of course, I might have let Marco come with me, cuz he was kind of cool...)

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Honestly I'm not sure why JE left although I think it was mainly due to no story with GA.

As far as defending TQ....I really don't anymore. Especially not on SZ.

The particular poster you're talking about is not someone you can debate things with anyway.

I just love Tracy and let other people hate her all they want...snickering at the people they like(silently of course...MOST of the time) because they aren't any better.

If I let myself get upset every time someone said JE can't act or Tracy is nothing but a witch...I'd never have any peace online.

So I let people say what they're going to say...and I also don't hold back.

I worried about offending people in the beginning posting on boards..but nine times out of ten those people don't seemed concerned about who they offend...so I make sure I throw in a "NLG is the most overrated actress in GH history with Finola Hughes a close second" every now and then just for giggles. Or whomever I'm feeling snarky about that day.

It's just an opinion about an actor or character.

No biggie to me. And I've read some doozies...people calling Jane fat and ugly and all kinds of nasty names.

It's just nothing at all to me now. Which is kind of sad.

As far as Gerald Anthony and the Jenny abortion story. The poster doesn't always get his facts right but I rarely bother to correct him.

I *think* it WAS an abortion...or maybe Jenny was planning on getting one and then had a miscarriage.

I can't remember.

The way I remember it was that Tracy was blackmailing Jenny over ALL of it....that she lied to Ned about being a virgin...that she had an affair with a married Senator when she was a minor...that she had or was going to have an abortion.

It's no secret that Jane and Gerry loved working together and they were apparently told they had a "big story" (see it's not only the current IIC who lie) and the Big Story never came to fruition.

It's no secret Jane was disappointed over her lack of getting to work with Gerry.

It's also no secret she had a problem with the Jenny storyline but JE being the diplomat she is it was never really explained or explored. I think it was mostly rumor based on a few comments she made in one of the mags that was blown out of proportion.

Anyway the spoiler from SD doesn't sound like much of a spoiler to me. It sounds like someone who isn't an insider taking their best guess about what MAY happen.

I just want JE on my screen in something other than playing with teens and for more than five minutes a week.

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Good morning/kind of almost afternoon (depending on the time zone, LOL). I don't usually pop in at this time, but...

Thanks for your input, MinervaFan and ILoveTracyQ. I hope I didn't step on anyone's toes. :o

Not sure if this was directed at me, but since I brought it up, LOL...No, I don't blame her. If these people were real, I'd have done the same...I just understand the "kidnapping" argument.

Keith, that's a good point, but as wonderful as those scenes where, I like it better when JE's doing the "acting" other than "reacting."

Lulu, Dillon, and Georgie are on today. Can Tracy be too?

BTW, sorry everyone, but I had to retire Olive!Tracy. That was probably my favorite banner ever, but it had been up for too long. ;)

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Well, I definitely saw it as more than reacting, even if she wasn't the center of attention. Better than being evil!witch!scapegoat!Tracy who gets blamed for everything, I say.

And thsi may seem funny, but I'd love to have the Olive!Tracy banner :P If only for the memories.

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*a lone bugler plays "Taps" for the passing of MsQ's Beloved Olive!Tracy banner*

FWIW, I saved all of your banners for the JE/Tracy site I fully intend to create "someday."

Keith, what you just said? Word. evil!witch!scapegoat!Tracy makes my blood boil, especially when it's OOC. (I can understand fanfic writers being OOC; when the paid so-called "professionals" do it, it really gripes my butt-butt!)

I'm not even paying spoilers any attention anymore. Until I have it from a reasonable source that a scene was actually filmed, I won't hold my breath. And then, given the hack-saw edits known to happen on GH, I won't breathe easy until I actually see the scenes.

Guys, you know that little Ned-Tracy story I was working on? Promt #23? It's now 27 pages long, and I don't see an end in sight. Okay, I know the end is in sight, but I can't even fathom how many more pages it's going to take. I think I'm going to have to parce it out into a multi-chapter story, which amuses the hell out of me. (It's a damned prompt story, Deb--in/out in ten pages or less, that's the idea.)

The next prompt after this one is Happy, and my mind keeps seeing a Tracy/Coleman story. Let's hope I can write it in under 50 pages. *grumblegrumble!@#$%^&*]moan* *stupid stories that take on a life of their own and don't let me finish them and get on to other things....*

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