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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I don't mind Carly as much as I do the other two grim reapers of storylines. But no one is allow on this stupid ass show to have a storyline without them. Everything, and I mean everything is about them. And they wonder why gh sucks ass in the ratings. This is why I can not watch this stupid show as a whole any more as I do the others. It just tee's me off so much. They all need to die except for lunacy and a few others. I can't even take Sonny whoring it up with his latest skank. Damn he should be dead of an std by now. [end of rant] :angry:

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LOL funny, girl-tell us how you really feel. Don't hold back. Oddly enough, even though I hate how every woman in town wants him, I can take Sonny over Jason and Carly any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Without Jason and Carly polishing his image, I have a feeling we'd just have dark Sonny, eventually shooting himself or something-the way that character would probably end it, on a well written show.

Carly and Jason? They are far too shallow to have much use anymore, but come to think of it, did they ever? NOPE.

I can't even bring up too much enthusiasm for Lacy, but I know that's partly the exhaustion talking. Even on their worse day, I'd still take Lacy over Luke and Bora. Not even a contest. I LOATHE Laura though, so you know, her only good "pairing" for me would be Laura/Death. Or, in a more generous mood, Laura/being sucked into a black vortex.

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Here are SON quick peeks for this week...not sure if Tracy is actually on TH or it is just Ethan talking about working for Tracy to boring piece of wood Maya...however since Luke is back that day, I could see her being on to juxtapose between luke's wacky priest hijinks in jail with Lucky.

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Still no dated confirmed or even suggested for a Tracy sighting, I see. Daytime is starting to annoy me. I'm not watching GH anymore - though I'm still firmly on our rattly LuNacy train - and I only watch Days for the Magic scenes. I used to be able to clock 4 hours a day - mind you, that was before husband and kids - but I'm not even finding time for the shows I've recorded.

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Yeah, my main reason for not keeping up is work and other stuff. Too much going on, and not enough interest in anything non Tracy. I used to love Days, and I could get back into it easily if I made the time. But I just don't have the time......

Off topic, but I read something about comments NLG tweeted. Anybody know anything about that, about how she was complaining about not working? Not that I really care, I guess I'm just bored and wanted to hear something juicy.

I suppose I shouldn't gossip, though....LOL

She does sound as if she's dangerously close to Genie Francis territory, though.

Publically whining is so fifth grade. I think it backfired on her, as well it should have.

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Twitter might be fun for those of us who follow it, but it's been the downfall of a few actors already. They are called to be professionals, and this whining in public is just not working. It's rather disappointing that Jerry Springer had such an influence on the modern world - NO ONE CARES, seriously people. You made your money but most of your fans will be struggling to make ends meet for the rest of their lives. There's no sympathy.

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Gosh, I don't twitter. I just NOW started using a cell phone. I am so 20th century (or maybe 19th, even ) it isn't even a joke. I don't even own a microwave now. LOL

I have to heat my food on the S-T-O-V-E. Or in that oven contraption. Imagine that. And truthfully, I love it. I have even popped popcorn in a kettle on the stove recently. I am the anti gadget girl. It's so nice. Really. Twitter I have never done, and Facebook I have an account but it bores me so. I'd much rather look people in the eyeball and carry on a live conversation. I use SNAIL MAIL more than email. I just think it's all so much more personal.

Well, okay. I use my dishwasher. A lot. So that's a strike against me.


I don't really care one way or the other about NLG-never been a fan, and care even less about Alexis. BUT I do get her frustration. I'm not saying she doesn't have a right to be upset. It's just the wrong way to go about it. And I'd say the same thing if it were our Jane. There comes a time, excuse my expression here, when you have to crap or get off the pot. Either find another job, or quit without finding another job, but don't diss your employers AND co workers publically, then still cash your check.

That's....all kinds of lame and unprofessional. To put it mildly. Especially since she made the choice to voluntarily re-sign with them recently.

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