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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Here is a Tracy little article from SID this week--too bad it is just one of their dumb little snippet things and not spoiler related or about luke's return at all. Just that their money is on Luke being able to "thaw" her heart. I am thinking the freezer thing might be true


article on luke/liz return


Also Sebastian Roche is back as Jerry Jax on December 13th.

Edited by hookedongh
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Well, it's not much but at least it's SOMETHING about Tracy - and a two page spread at that. Given how rag attention like that usually indicates the character will be used, it's hopeful.

Seems TPTB are surprised Brenda's return isn't working. I'm not - hopefully she will be leaving sooner rather than later.

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I need to catch up on clips....

Still haven't watched Tracy/Lucky or Tracy/Lulu.

The freezer thing sounds interesting, but they aren't putting them back together that fast, I hope. And ewwww. Sounds like the rumors about Jerry being the Balkan might be true, and that fits in with the Balkan having a romantic past with someone like Alexis.

I don't care. I don't care about Brenda, Jerry, ALexis, any of her spawn. Boring. It would also tie into Jax/Brenda, so yup. That's probably what Guza is going to do. SO predictable, lame....UGH. There goes any interest I have in this story, if true.

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I love brenda, but this incarnation of Brenda is irritating. Are we supposed to buy that she is still hung up on sonny and whining about him after this successful career and life she has made for herself, etc. Plus they spent way way too much time with her in Rome with character nobody gives a [!@#$%^&*] about.

I am actually looking forward to seeing Brenda with Robin again. I wish they would give her a few scenes with Edward too. Truthfully I'd rather the Balkan be Jerry cause at least he has some past connection wth the canvas rather than some new person.

I am hating this Ireland stuff. I don't like Siobhan and talk about rushed--she is now having all these feelings for lucky in what two week and he supposedly killed her boyfriend.

The Balkan stuff could be good if they work it into a true umbrella story, but you know it is going to not work out that way. The krissy abuse story did really emcompass much of the cast in one way or another and was about family relationships, feelings, a timely topic of teen abuse, etc. It affected Alexis, Sonny, Kristina, Molly, Sam, Ethan, Luke, even Tracy, Lucky, etc. It wasn't about mobs, gun fights, trying slash someone's face, etc.

OMG that ethan/maya stuff was horrid yesterday. They have no chemistry whatsoever. They need to cut their losses with maya and move on.

I saw Lexi said she was taping on the 8th but wasn't sure with who. Nancy is not taping the whole month of october I don't think according to what I have gathered. So guess not too much coming up for them for sweeps.

So luke dresses up like a priest to visit lucky in prison. $10 he is Father Van Scheemerman! LOL

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It's kind of like Scott still being obsessed with Laura after Dominique ( a REAL woman). Stupid, and it made no sense.

I'd be okay with Jerry being the Balkan IF it were an umbrella story. But it won't be. It'll be all about characters I care nothing about.

And, Jerry either IS the Balkan, or working for him. Why else bring him back now? What a disappoint, because once again, Guza's failed to be the slightest bit original or creative. Not that I'm surprised. Now, if he made Harlan the Balkan, I'd still hardly care unless Tracy were involved, but at least that would be potentially interesting in terms of affecting a lot of people.

However, since the Balkan has major interest or ties to Brenda, no matter who it is, it'll be all about Jason and Sonny. Just like everything is. So.....I can't honestly bring myself to care too much about it.

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Luke spoilers for next week and one mention of Tracy but not sure if she is actually on or not or just talked about...

From SOS

Agent Bates sends Dante and Lulu stateside. Michael asks Jason to help him find a prostitute, but Sam volunteers to do the job. Nikolas and Brook Lynn return from their high-society weekend and the prince asks her to stay a bit longer at Wyndemere. Michael meets up with Candy, but when she starts to give him what he paid for, Michael snaps. Dante is re-assigned to the car bomb case. Lucky gets a surprise visit from Luke while sitting in jail in Ireland. Michael seeks Jason's advice, feeling like he is permanently damaged. Maxie resolves to get Brenda on the cover of Crimson to get into Kate's good graces. Michael confesses to Jason that he is messed up about sex.

Luke tells Lucky that best way to neutralize a woman who's angry with you is to romance her. Carly tries to help her eldest son face his demons, giving him a pep talk to take on life's challenges. Ethan admits he likes working for Tracy at the Haunted Star because of his family loyalty. Lucky kisses Siobhan. Maxie puts the brakes on the cover plans when she discovers how smitten Spinelli truly is over Brenda. Dante confides to Lulu that going after Sonny in the car bomb case will ultimately hurt Michael. Irish cops arrest Luke.

And from SON

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The only word for this week was from the HOTSHEET for the week of the 4th that said something about "even after the father/son reunion, the spencer men still need a bail out from Tracy." Maybe they call her at the end of the week and she shows up next week?

This was on dish from what people say is the breakdown insider...their stuff was just validated by the soapnet oct preview so I guess it is legit. they said their detailed info was through the week of the 15th then just one lines after that for week of the 22nd.

Here is what they said about /luckyLuke/Tracy

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