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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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That sounds like a fun dream, nex. Too bad TIIC aren't invested in the Q's. I'd love to see B/L fight over our girl. LOL

It would be both funny and sweet.

The last GH related dream I had was Larry was back, and he was up to no good, and Helena or someone had set off a bomb or there was some other explosion. Different people were trapped together, and Brook/Tracy/Larry were all together. Larry was injured saving their lives when another explosion happens. Luke is on the outside trying to get to Tracy, and he bursts in to save her just as he hears Tracy telling Larry not to leave her.

yeah......like that would happen on the real GH. :(

We have the coolest ideas-and GH has Tracy propping Luke's kids. :(

Gotta say I love that even Lucky is warming to Lacy now, though. That makes me smile.

Guess no Tracy today. I.Am.So.Shocked.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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hope everyone is doing well.

Maybe if brook and Maya are at jakes on we'd she gies by the q house to pick her up and runs into Tracy

oh and according to the mags the casting fir Zoe is back again for tapingbin august . I'm betting she comes and Maya and Zoe move into the ward house. Guess it doesn't matter as none of the ws have helped the qs.

Skye is in a bunch the next two weeks

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*waves to everyone*

Dude, I would so love for something like that to happen. It's time the shoe was on the other foot and Luke actually had to sweat to get Tracy back. But I keep going back to Guza's comment that the "heroes" (Sonny, Carly, Jason, Luke, etc) never lose.

Luke admiration aside-what fun is there in a character that NEVER loses? Blah. I don't want to see that.

He should completely LOSE Tracy. She's moved on, in deed if not in thought. It should be WORK to get her back. She deserves the effort.

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Thought it was better to not meet the family on vacation 'til later this week. I hope I don't change my mind by tomorrow.

Yes, Brook and Tracy were on (at MetroCourt). From what I recall, Tracy began with "Well, look at this, it's my long-lost granddaughter." I think Brook said something like "Don't pretend that you love me." And Tracy responded that she's family and that she has to love her, despite her Bensonhurst outfit. Brook gives it right back responding sarcastically, "Aww, I love you too, despite that haircut." Except I'm sure she was serious about the haircut. LOL. Tracy wants to know what Brook is up to.

In the next scene, they take a seat at the bar. Tracy is still curious as to what she is up to. Brook replies that she has a job and is supporting herself and is not after Tracy's money. Tracy responds, "Well, you're the only one that's not." But then she goes on to say that she's a Quartermaine and that it's a Q trait to go after money/get involved in larceny. Tracy still thinks Brook has ulterior motive. I think Brook is like, "You don't know anything about me. When was the last time you called my Dad?" But then Tracy is all, "I know a lot about you, like how you dropped out of music school, that she got kicked out of her house, and that both Ned and Lois cut her off financially. Tracy acknowledges that Brook is a lot like Tracy when she was her age. Can't remember Brook's response. But Tracy again reminds Brook that she will be watching her very carefully (to see what she's up to). Tracy gets up, martini in hand, and Brook is all, "Bye Granny." You can tell by Brook's face that she fears Tracy will find out what she's hiding.

My comments: Only 2 scenes but good none-the-less. Liked when Brook was all "I love you too, despite that haircut." LOL!!! Wonder if this is going to be Tracy's purpose this summer, keeping her eye on Brook.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I watched the scene yesterday, even though I still haven't watched the last few weeks of Tracy stuff. I liked seeing her, but AL's part in the scene seemed off. I think JE is going to have to take yet another one under her wing. Not that the acting was bad on AL's part...but it seems she's not quite comfortable playing a vixen. But then again, the scene was very rushed-what did it last, less than a minute?

I got the feeling Tracy was being snarky but sincere in her words to Brook, especially the ILY, but I got the feeling AL was just playing it as Brook being snarky with no sincerity whatsoever. I don't know. Something was just off.

I would LOVE a "Bracy" bonding story. :) I'd rather Brook/Tracy be the close ones, and Lulu/Tracy go back to being mostly antagonistic, with sometimes sweet moments, to be honest. Maybe the current SL will do that. It will either bring Tracy closer to Brook, or drive her farther away.

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Thanks nex!! I was hoping we could meet up this week but it has been logistically crazy and my parents Nd brother are coming today.

At least the sun came out for us! We were at Huntington and lacuna beaches the past two days.

We went to javiers.. That was a scene!!

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Looks like tracy is nowhere for the rest of the month. From detailed info she isn't at the lockdown.

Fromwhat I heard her stuff with Luke at the end was cut as was everything to do with the paternity and Helena. Nice--but they leave in all this other crap

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FWIW...which is not much

From dish

Also, according to NLG's facebook, she is not back working on GH til September 12th. She is working on her other projects this summer. Bummer. No luke, no tracy, no alexis.

Lexi tweeted she is not working much. I am guessing Brenda will be eating up the air waves.

I love Brenda though.

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Yah that person was probably full of it.

NLG just tweeted back when I asked her if Jane was off all summer too "Pretty much!"

Crazy--but expected I guess.

At least it frees up some time til the fall! No Luke, no Tracy, no Alexis!

Get set for Brenda, Brenda, Brenda, Dante, Dante, Sonny, Sonny, Jason, Jason, Lulu, Lulu with a side of carly and sam!

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Hi all. Back from camp will killer tan lines. I had an absolute blast with the bug bites to prove it. 2300 girls/Guiders - 15 from the USA. I spent time talking with some Guides fro Illinois who kindly explained all they symbolism of their uniforms. It's neat how every country has the same things but display them in such different ways.

Nice to see that Tracy made an appearance. I liked the scenes, especially the somewhat sad "Bye, Granny" at the end. We need some Trook bonding and with Lois out of the way we might eventually get some. Loved how Tracy said Brook was much like her, and that wasn't a bragging point.

Franco this time around isn't as bad as last time. Other stories are actually happening and many characters are getting involved - it's not just Jason.

As for NLG's tweet, as far as I know she's not clairvoyant - if she's gone all summer and scripts aren't handed out months in advance, what does she really know? JE has vacation too, it's not as if she "disappears".

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