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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I could be wrong.... but i don't think the timing's right. JE disapeared pretty much right after the interview aired (right?). I believe Soap Talk only tapes a couple days in advance of air... and GH tapes three weeks before air (right?). Anway, I think it's a conincidence. I'm choosing to believe it's a coincidence. I also don't think her comment was bad -- by that I mean incendiary or mean spirited. I'd be really surprised if any of the writers or producers were angry (because she could have been talking about anything: other actor's scenes, staging, camera placement, makeup, lighting, etc, etc, etc.)

I miss my Tracy.. I really miss my Tracy. There is no Tracy on when Luke isn't around. Which means when Luke is with another woman, there will likely be very little (no?) Tracy. My friends, I fear Ms. Tracy is doomed.. doomed (I hope I'm wrong).

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*high fives Ms.Q* Girlfriend, I'm loving the Anniversary To Remember story. The first chapter is especially excellent--your description and narrative is wonderful. I like the pacing, and the dialogue. Just really great. Can't wait for more.

ETA: Just thought I'd pimp the Ficathon MasterList of Tracy Q stories. I just updated it tonight, and was sort of stunned at how many stories were on there. We are a productive little bunch. (Okay, I go for lots of short stories, while some of us go for the fifty chapter varieties--giggling over at MsQ and Hypemuzak, who hasn't updated "Homelands" in forever.) Oh, and to the little princess who hasn't updated "Beautiful Disaster" in ages - *pretty smile* - sugar, would you like to post a link to the ficathon so we can include it in the MasterList? :)

ETA2: *waves at LaineyBev714* and toddles off to try to write Young!Ned getting mortified by his Hawt Young Mother with an Attitude.

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Considering the fact that censorship is the word in this country to date, and ABCD is FULL of the kind of bullshit politics to pimp it, I thin it's entirely the case. I kn ow, I'm usually the positive one. But everyone knows the editing on the show has been choppy. VERY choppy, especially lately. So, who cares if she actually filmed or not? If they saw her Soap Talk, they could have misconstrued her words (which honestly anyone could have, from an outsider's perspective--like, maybe Frons, since he's in charge of SoapNET now) and scrapped anything she did shoot.

But that's just me, Call me cycnical. Though, honestly, I can't see any scenes having been scrapped, as there's been no indications that she would have been on. Still, after all her airtime pre-Soap Talk and now after. It's weird. And the majority of it was all post-Luke. It was strange, no doubt, and maybe even a fluke, but I'm not one for coincidences.

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I think we're blowing JE's SoapTalk comment and her subsequent airtime out of proportion.

Remember last year?

One eppy in ten weeks?

I think it's a little early to decide Jane's being punished.

On the other hand,if they misinterpreted or got offended at her remark,they're not going to reward her for it.

And you can take that to the bank.

On the OTHER hand, when TIIC are deciding what scenes to cut, I can imagine JE is one of those that they don't hesitate to cut.

Whatever happened to *many* of her spoilers?

Fakes...or last minute rewrites?

Who knows?

And with that,chitlins....I'm going to bed.

Long day today,long day tomorrow,and me tired.

*waves at tracyluver

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I think Im with Keith on this one, Jill Phelps is known for her "censorship" I was A One Life to live fan Girrl in the 90's and when Robin Strasser was on during the late 90's she complianed that she didnt get good storys and then eventually her character married a guy she hardly knew and then hit a girl with car and tried to cover it up. Each time Robin said anything she got less and less time. JP always have seemed to me to be the type that on her shows her women lacked "diva-ness" and the "divas" kinda loss their spark.

I think that her speech on ST had something to do with the fact that she hasnt been seen lately. All I can say is so far this summer has been alot compared to last year. B)

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Piping in on the SoapTalk/JE dearth conversation--I think JE hasn't been seen a lot because TIIC think every person watching the show wants to see Sam in a bathing suit trying to seduce Ric...and that they still give a [!@#$%^&*] about "Baby John" and WhoMyDaddy and Sonny and the whole damned thing. They honestly think people are enjoying this crap, and there are just enough people who are to silence the growing screams of outrage from the masses who aren't.

Tracy doesn't fit into this storyline, except peripherally. So Tracy's scenes are cut. Robert doesn't fit into this storyline, except peripherally. So Robert's scenes are cut. I don't think TIIC even register the actors who are no longer in the "core." I think TIIC are so hyperfocused on their little mini group of "stars" that they don't even notice the growing legion of underused and disgusted actors amonst their ranks--or the dissatisfied fans who will probably walk with them when they eventually leave the show.

But hey--we can always depend on those WACKY Girl's Night Out episodes. How much FUN are they??????

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It's obvious to me,anyway....that Sam/Jason/Sonny/Carly/Emily/Ric/Alexis/Nikolas just aren't cutting it ratings wise anymore,and why TIIC can't open their eyes and share the wealth is beyond me.

I mean...seriously,the ratings are at an all time low,what do they have to lose?


Anyone ever see the movie "Scent of a Woman?"

There's a line from Al Pacino near the end(maybe it's lyrics to a song,because he sort of sing-songs it) where he says, " Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted to go,and still had the feeling that you wanted to stay?"

Yeah. Well,that's how I feel about Jane.

Maybe she'll be on today?

BTW I am taking leave for a week from my job starting tomorrow.

I'm not really going anywhere,just taking a break.

So I may try to check in on you guys every day but if I don't you'll know why.

Take care all and have a good day. :)

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Thanks for the feedback everyone! New chapters will be up within the hour. :D

LaineyBev, I considered the timing too. There's a rumor that due to last minute rewrites, GH has only been taping 2 weeks in advance, so if that's true, those July 17th scenes should've aired by now, right?

Regarding the TQ spoilers...I'm going to assume they were false, but for anyone who is watching the entire show...Have these played out?

Lucky calls Liz a liar.

Emily asks Nikolas if he has a thing for Robin.

Edward makes a killing.

Sonny tells Ric the only man he considers a brother is Jason.

(I ask because these were listed with the Anna/Tracy/spectacle spoiler.)

Or these?

Robin & Patrick miss work.

Emily breaks it off with Sonny. Sonny & Carly grow closer. Carly catches Sonny calling Emily & leaves.

Nikolas asks Emily to have dinner with him. Sonny has other ideas.

Lulu comes clean with Dillon, leaving Diego with most of the blame. Georgie shuns Dillon.

Jason questions Sam's attitude change.

Elizabeth thanks Jason with a hug, which Lucky sees.

Alexis & Ric have an argument that results in Ric leaving.

(These ones were listed with the Tracy/Robert/kiss spoiler.)

The ratings could *gasp* go up! And then TIIC will be forced to admit that not everyone loves all mob, all the time.

ILoveTracyQ, you take care too. We'll miss ya.

And per SZ...Edward's on. I think a tearful Emily is returning to the Q's today. But Edward's scene is related to Maxie/Lucky. *sigh* This is bringing back memories of last summer, not good memories...And SON went down last summer. :o And I had no one to complain with, LOL. And then the moderators opened up an EZ Board for a temporary SON, and the Tracy thread was back! (except not many people found us...) So...I guess it could be worse. We still have this thread, and I still have some hope that Tracy will be slammed back into motherhood, and that the Q's will form alliances, all that stuff spoiled in SID, or whatever.

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Thanks nex. Glad I could entertain.

*finds microphone*

Ahem. Attention all members of the TQ thread...It is quiet in here. Too quiet. Please feel to post. *smiles prettily*

*puts microphone away*

Silliness aside, we do miss those who haven't been around lately...angel, kenna, 4XCrazy, tracyluver, Pest Spray, smirks, Bella. Hope you're able to post soon.

SPOILER-ISH: SoapDish's Wizard is back. Nothing on Tracy in the breakdowns he shared. Why am I not suprised? *shrugs* You know, if Lulu is pregnant, Tracy has to fit in somehow. Maybe not in the beginning, but she has to, right? Someone tell me it won't be like Tracy doesn't even exist. Someone...Please?

Edit: *waves to Keith* Got any good news? Lie if you have to, LOL.

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Okay well I'll post.

I actually am leaning toward thinking that Jane is going to get some good stuff coming up when TG comes back in August,and that's one reason why we're not seeing her too much now.

I think she'll get a fair amount of airtime for that month and maybe September too.

Now for those who keep spec'ng about what her airtime will be like in October and November?

I think again she'll get a few good scenes with TG when Laura comes back,but honestly,after that...I think the latter part of October and the first half of November,will be focused on the Spencers.

Sooo....let's just enjoy her while we have her,shall we?

And put on our boxing gloves to punch the bag in the breakroom,to vent our frustrations when she's not on.

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