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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I was going to say... TG/JE for Best ACTOR was not possible since he's up for that one. Best Actress I'd buy. As for JE being around - she's go for Tony and support him. He's up for the record breaker this year. And I think it's tradition that the winner of last years Lead Actor/Actress presents this year for the opposite category. She's his partner so it makes sense.

The other presenters sound reasonable too - but does GH usually have that many presenters? The only one I really question is GV/KMc. Is this a signal that he's firmly with GH and his story will improve? Hope so.

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someone told me it was BS and that poster was stirring up trouble all over...so who knows. I couldn't find it announced anywhere on soap sites.

I couldn't get daytime confidential to load at all--can anyone bring it over here if you can on what they said about peformers of the week or whatever? TIA

Edited by hookedongh
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Apparently announcements of presenters has started, but you're right... we don't have confirmation anywhere. I couldn't find anything outside of DD.

As for Performer of the week:

Pundit #1 Honorable mention for Performer of the week - to Emma Samms, Tony Geary, Jane Elliot and Greg Vaughn. This was a stinker of a storyline, but they really brought it out.... I tuned in on the episode where Holly was ripping Lucky a new one about Luke and he wished they had mentioned Lucky screwing around on Elizabeth.... the look on his face made you believe he was JJ back when LnL were married... the look of hurt on his face...these kids are learning that their parent's perfect love wasn't so perfect.... In the end Jane Elliot brought it all back into her corner in the end...

Pundit #2 She always brings it

Pundit #3 Jane Elliot just needs to be a box you check for Honorable Mentions....

Pundit #1 I wish I could clone her and put her on all 8 soaps. I could cast her...

Pundit #2 Uh uh... she don't deserve to be put on ATWT (laughter) no, no... shame on you..

Pundit #1 Well, you know... they could definitely use her - anybody could. But I definitely love her on GH, and she's never looked better

Edited by remos
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I think it could go either way. If they want TG as a presenter, JE is the natural choice as co-presenter. She might not want to be part of the Emmy process for herself, but she's certainly going to support him. And the there's the fact that DD is often full of garbage and someone's bored.

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No Tracy today...

Aftermath of the fall down the stairs (Claudia still not out of the woods)...

Scrubs try to get some quiet time...

Nic tells Rebecca her connection to Emily and she's really upset (we're just not sure what about, cause the information isn't new)...

Pretty slow show, actually....

Tracy tomorrow.

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You know, I actually really really really like living in Australia, except for the fact that I can't watch Tracy live on tv anymore..... and now the fact that Lynn Herring is going to be on ATWT with Jon Lindstrom, and Im going to miss it and will have to watch on youtube! dammit dammit dammit lol! Things like this would happen when I end up living on the far side of the world haha

and I haven;t watched the clips in like a week and a half because I went on HOLIDAY..woo hoo....to the Seychelles, but im watching them now, and Im confused! Ethan and Rebecca are now in on a con together or some sort? Is Holly gone? Is Luke actually Ethan's father or do we know? SO CONFUSING!

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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AdelaideCate007, might I suggest cbs.com to watch As the World Turns, they like abc.com post full episodes and you can watch Lynn there, just be sure not to wait too long to watch because just like abc they only keep them up for a short amount of time before they are gone.

As for the confusion about Ethan and Rebecca, I think there have been some major re-writes to the show and now Teethan and NuEmily are working to get the Q and Cassadine money, what Emily would have been entitled to had she not died. Holly is gone and we are to believe her this time when she said that Ethan and Luke were father and son, we don't know 100% for sure yet, but they did take another DNA test to find out. BTW it was a at-home DNA test, so we'll see probably after Tony gets back from his LONG vacation what the results will be.

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Thanks for the tip nex, but I'll just have to watch on youtube because cbs and abc only let you watch those things online if you live in USA or Canada because of stupid country restrictions...sigh lol

Thanks for filling me in! When does Tony leave again? Or has he already left?

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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Not in Canada either, which really bothers me. ABC could get a better sense of who watches if they would allow their signal to be international - it's not that hard.

Tony left early May but pre-taped so Luke leaves tomorrow - June 10th. TG will be returning for the Emmy's at the beginning of September and we should see him mid-September... giving us only 3 months with Luke gone and Tracy will be gone a month of that time anyway.

I'm not convinced of rewrites at all - back in the winter we were told there is a reason Ethan and Rebecca showed up in the same week, and then the hints were dropped. This is just another piece in the puzzle - Rebecca/Ethan met at the airport, were storm-stayed, did the deed and Ethan schooled Rebecca in the better way to con. She knew coming to town she was Emily's twin sister, but outside of that we don't know what she knows about the adoption or reasons for it. We still don't know what Ethan is up to, if he's working with Holly, if Luke was his only mark or if it was Tracy and her money as well. We now have more questions then answers.... which any good story should have.

Holly first wanted to ransom the information for Tracy's money and Luke, but eventually earned a conscious and said the baby was Roberts... then caught in that lie said Ethan was Luke's after all. All they have right now is Holly's unreliable word. Tracy copped to making the DNA test negative but didn't check the real answer - which was pretty sloppy if you ask me. Luke and Ethan did another mail-in DNA test and the last we saw of it Ethan was walking out of the HS to presumably mail it. We didn't see that happen so we have no idea what became of that test or when the results will be returned - I'm guessing while he's away it will end up in Tracy's hands or perhaps Lulu. Someone significant at any rate.

All of this tells me we still don't know what it truly happening. We don't like if Tracy's sloppy work is a cover or real, we don't know who Luke is playing if anyone, we don't know what Ethan is really after, we don't know if Holly was telling the truth. All we know is that TG is really excited about this story and can't wait to pick it up when he returns.

So there you have it!

BTW, glad you are enjoying life. :D

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YES! boo hiss ABC (and CBS) on that one lol. It seems so stupid to me that they only let people in the USA watch online...lame!!

and yes, life is nice, calm, and enjoyable. Mom went back to Spain, Dad is in Argentina, and siblings and their friends have quit bothering me with their foolishness....life is good haha.

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I agree with you Nex--total rewrite/ retool....evidenced by this whole "backstory" they shot and revealed in one episode to get this other story started.

Has anyone had an update at all on Stargazer and her baby? Been thinking about them.

The emmys are on the CW channel broadcast on August 30th, so I would imagine since that is Sunday night, and probably labor day weekend thereabouts...he will be back taping that next week maybe.

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Yes I have.... he's doing well but Star had to return to work this past Monday. That broke my heart. If she lived in Canada she would have a year to be with him. He's apparently the "star" of the preemie section and has gained back all his weight lost after birth.

As for the show, I think the idea of having Rebecca and Ethan in that bar scene was an afterthought - not the connection itself.

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Oh that is so glad to hear. Guess miracles do exist. Is the hospital he is in in the same city where she lives?

Helena is a busy girl today--I think she has scenes with kristina, rebecca and Luke.

Hoping for at least a couple good scenes before the long summer--even if he does get clobbered at the end and an ultimatum. Would be nice to have at least one good, meaningful scene...

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