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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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remos, what is happening on the site that shall not be mentioned? :lol: I had to step in too. Hope you don't mind.

It's Essay Question time...

Agree or Disagree? Why or why not?


Tracy's been ON the show for years, yet Tracy fans can't think of anything to post about her - instead they talk about Genie/Laura.

Even her own fans can't find anything worthwhile to say about her despite the fact she's been on the show for at least 4 years.


:angry: :angry: :angry:

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Oh baby, if you are going to quote the crap, quote all of it...

Some newcomer: oh and something that I find interesting......

Laura's been off the show for YEARS. I checked the first 3 pages of posts and there are at least 4 topics either about Laura or LnL [although I assume they'll be merged soon]. Meanwhile Tracy's been ON the show for years, yet Tracy fans can't think of anything to post about her - instead they talk about Genie/Laura.

So to the Tracy fan who suggested that Laura should be killed offscreen - maybe it's Tracy who should die quietly since even her own fans can't find anything worthwhile to say about her despite the fact she's been on the show for at least 4 years.

This is me: Haaa... well as the Tracy fan who made that suggestion, I stand by it. Tracy can have, and HAS had, upwards of 8 posts running at a time and they are merged within an hour. This is an extremely pro-Laura board and her posts are not merged in order to give the assumption that the character is more important. BTW, the Sam fans have noticed the same things when it comes to their posts and others.

Tracy fans have lots to talk about. Thing is our girl is still around and involved in stories - thought not nearly as many as she deserves. That's a horse of a whole different colour.

I made the suggestion that Laura should be killed off or recast. Just do something to move this along. Even TG has said enough is enough, which is why they got rid of the wig last year. Obviously the writers and GF can not make something long term work, so either get rid of the character, or if she is so needed, get an actress who actually lives in LA to play the role to give it justice. It's logical.

What the Tracy fans talk about, actually, is how badly we feel for the Laura/GF fans who are thrown a nibble then have it pulled back. Or have someone whining in the press then nothing comes of it. It must be really hard to be thrown around as much as you are and we are sorry you are played so much.

Ya know, the think about admiring Tracy is the more I watch, the more I can really get into her shark.

I responded to you with this, Ms.Q

(sorry sweets, I was going to warn you they were in a mood tonight.)

And then this happened... me again...

Quote: Originally Posted by mishmaria viewpost.gif Maybe she'll wake up and find out about Luke and "what's her face" and just leave town leaving the door open for future returns?

That would actually be a story I'd love to see....

Laura: what is she doing here?

Tracy: (trying to look everywhere but at Luke)

Luke: (taking a deep breath) well, there is something I need to tell you.

Lucky and Nicholas: (also taking deep breaths and waiting for the shoe to drop)

Tracy: I think I should leave...

Luke: (reaching out to grab Tracy's hand) No, I'm not going to make that same mistake twice. You belong here and I'm not letting you go.

Laura: what is she talking about, Luke? Why would Tracy Quartermaine belong here?

Luke: because she's Tracy Quartermaine Spencer... she's my wife, Laura, my real wife...

Laura: real wife? But you married me...

Tracy, Lucky and Nicholas: (all giving each other warning looks)

Laura: her? you divorced me and married her?

Luke: no Laura. I've been married to her for almost three and a half years. I went through our ceremony because I knew it would make you happy. Tracy knew the truth. Tracy was always my wife.

Ah... I love the smell of blood in the water...


I've just looked at the post again and the sane ewcbo fans are trying to steer the ship back to the actual topic of Laura/Lulu and away from the whole "Luke needs to be all about Laura" crap that got us going in the first place. I think we should leave them to shake down their own idiots. At the end of the day, JE has the contract, not GF.

Edited by remos
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Ok I really wish he would just tell the stiff dead stick that she's not worth while and go and find someone else like scotty but NO! so I think all the ways you brillent and talentd lady's have idea's would be SOOOO worth watching just to watch the stick to go back into a catonic state again and never come out EVER again under any circumstance. but it would be nice if she did come back a new guy came on and got her attention and tell Luke so found her THE REAL LOVE OF HER LIFE and to go away and never bother her again and he said I didn't didn't really love her but always had his ey e on Tracy cuz she's so much better than boring Laura.

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Awww, please Hooked... just one more scarp???

I play with kids all day. Why do I have to be nice at night?

Please.... please...

(Whered'ya need me, Ms.Q, I'll sneak over when Hooked isn't watching.)

BTW, his nibs wants the 'puter, so I'm just about finished my muck raking for the evening, sigh...

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From SD....I think we already knew this but...

Insider: Got anything for Tracy?

Is she really only on for one scene this week? What about the week of the 28th?

She does have scenes with the family coming up about Lulu.

Didn't answer the question, but oh well...I tried.

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This is sad...

Insider who said Tracy has family scenes coming up...if you are still here, do you know if Ghost Alan is in those too? Has SD taped at all recently? I miss seeing him around.

Stuart Damon is struggling with a lot of pain and may be having an operation.

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I don't mean to be a pain, but do you recall if Tracy has any scenes next week of the 28th at all? I know Monica has some in the park. I thought someone told me she has a couple scenes that week too. She has only been on twice in July!

I'm not sure of weeks. I know she's taped with Kin Shriner. Maybe I shouldn't say anything else in case I get someone upset by saying a wrong week or day. I don't want to do that. What I know, I know and what I don't I don't want to guess about. I'm sorry.

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Cute story from person on set tour they just told me....from the dish...

Her scenes that I saw were with the Q's, Scotty and AZ at the same time. they werent individual scenes with them. It was in the Q's living room. First its all the Q's, then Scotty comes in, and then AZ. Dont know anything else but that.

JAne was making funny faces at Kin while he was saying his lines, and then they had to scrap the take, because JAne thought the camera was on Kin, so she was trying to make him laugh, but the camera was really on her. Then she argued with camera people in a joking way, tlling them it was on Kin, not her..but they were like.."Ahh Jane, we can show you right here, it was on you". lol

She cracks me up!

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I know you guys are going to be rolling your eyes, but see...more than just me and Ms. Q are hair obsessed...

Did you meet them:

No, I never spoke to her, we left to go touring some more stuff before they were done.

Thanks for telling me about it. I at least have something to look forward to!

most importanty--did her hair grow out more or is it still so yucky and short? LOL!

Funny you mention that, I dont watch the show anymore accept for KMo scenes on youtube, but KMo was saying while we were watching the scene being filmed, that Janes hair looks great, and hasnt looked as good in a long time. So I am assuming that meant it was a different cut or something from when she last saw her.

I LOVE Kemo!!! She loves Jane!!!

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hooked, thanks for the scoop and for the stories! We can always count on you! :D


That one with Kin is too funny! Remember when she was telling that TV Guide guy how all these dead characters have the PREFECT photo to be displayed. And there was something about Monica talking about the kids she lost or something and she was like, "And AJ!!! What about AJ?! How come everyone always forgets AJ?!" :lol:

And you know I dig that hair comment! I FLOVE Kelly! LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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