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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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There is a spoiler for the week of June 6th (legit breakdown) that Lush take off to find Luke. And that Luke revisits his hometown Bordello....so I guess we see luke back at the old ho house! Wonder if luke is on some battling his demons/finding himself mission this summer. Nothing for Tracy tho that week.

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Do you mean the one in Joplin? Or the one in Oklahoma yesterday? My mom and I were talking last night, and both agreed, we are used to tornados around here, but for the past six weeks, we've had maybe four or five days total where we haven't had storms or tornado watches/warnings around here. We both agreed, this is the worst storm season we can remember. We've been blessed that the tornados are apparently going around us, we had tornado warnings last night and they seemed to be coming from the west, north, and south, respectively. But so far, we have not had a bad one hit our town in a while. Thank God. I have lived through them, and for those who aren't in tornado country....they are not fun, to put it mildly. I can remember being stuck on the side of the road one time when I was a kid, my mom, my brother and me in the car, with hail pounding down on the car, and the tornado alarms going off before we could get home. Scary stuff, ya'll. My mother always made us hide under the kitchen table at home, LOL.

Just a few weeks ago, I was at work on the weekend and could hear the alarms going off from inside the building. When the alarm went off I went outside to try and go home, and the wind and rain LITERALLY blew my skirt up. Thank God no one else was out there, LOLOL.

They would have all gotten mooned. But yeah, I feel for those people in Joplin and Oklahoma. I've seen devastation firsthand, and it can be heartbreaking. Even in places where no lives are lost, there are often losses of homes, and personal effects that cannot be replaced. I am hoping this all ends soon, I don't know how much more the country can take.

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ICAM with Lainey re: Tracy/JE. I don't really remember her from AMC, I never really watched AMC, though my mother did. I never watched GL, so didn't see her as Carrie. Did LURVE Anjelica (loved Justin and Adrienne as a couple, so it's a testament to JE's talent that I adored ANjelica as well, even though she was the spoiler in that romance). On paper, Anjelica isn't as dynamic as Tracy, rather one note, actually. But JE always made her shine, and she had great chem with Matt Ashford, John Aniston...well, everybody, really. As far as Tracy, I've always been fascinated by her. It says something that I can remember the scene where she is leaving town the first time, with her carrying her own luggage downstairs (I guess Edward told the servants not to help her, LOL). That was my only real memory of her first time on GH, I was too little to remember much else. But to know that the scene stuck in my mind all those years until she came back in 89, says a lot about the actress and character for me.

As far as GF/Laura. I've made my feelings abundantly clear in that area many times. I ain't shy about it. I'm sure she's perfectly lovely when not in the public eye and just around people she cares about, but I care nothing for her characters.

OH! and JE's hair. I think shorter hair makes her look younger, but if her current hair is the close cropped almost shaved look from before, BLAH. UGH. Agreed she needs to grow that out.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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SID is saying it's Lante that goes after Luke. I think the only thing we can be assured of is that somethings are going to change, so keep the faith Baby Boy, and remember GW has to not only include Bobbie but he has to give a plausible reason why she's been missing form all sorts of significant family events these past two years.

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At this point I'm not even that concerned with a complete explanation. Just something implying she was involved offscreen. Josslyn holding a stuffed bear and Carly saying "Josslyn loves this bear you gave her mom. She slept with it every night in the hospital. And I appreciate you being with her every second that I couldn't be."

Or saying Bobbie couldn't be at Luke's intervention because Lucas was in a car accident and she had to rush to Seattle, but she had talked extensively with Luke later. And she couldn't come to the family meeting because she was called in for an emergency at the hospital.

And a scene in which Tracy says:

"Thank you Bobbie. I believe it was you who pushed Luke to finally get help. You assuring him he is nothing like his father finally allowed him to get the help he deserves" or something like that.

Simple dialogue like that could tie up Bobbie's absence and let us know she was involved, just offscreen.

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