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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I didn't say tracy goes to look for him but was part of the action to bring him back. That doesn't mean she actively goes to find him per se...could just mean that somehow she is involved or manipulated somehow to be involved with bringing him back or luring him back or whatever. Guess we will find out in a 6 or 8 weeks. Who knows...they could change their minds several times between now and then.

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blah..just read an interview with adrienne barbaeu on GHH2...she was asked who the guy she takes an interst in PC is...she said she doesn't know any more than we do, but she does know her eyes light up when she meets Jason morgan. Is'nt that the normal reaction to a hit man?

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Goodness! I'm back from a weekend getaway and I have to read that sad letter from Leslie. I swear whatever anybody thinks of her or her character, I did like her, and she did not deserve the disrespect from SID.

In fact, one of my most favorite Sonny hating scenes were with her telling Sonny off after Emily was killed. I can wtch that scene over and over again.

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Tracy today. That's all I got.

I say the over under is 3 scenes for the whole brook moves in, steals money and gets kicked out and picked up by nik.

Wouldn't want to give the qs too much airtime lol

je isn't due back taping til tg returns. She hasn't taped since end of July I heard. I want her job

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I'll do a review once I see it - it's on the DVR.  Give me 15 minutes by the time I FF through everything else...

<div><br></div><div>In Q living room, Edward setting down to chess, Monica at the desk with coffee. &nbsp;Tracy burst in complaining that Alice refused to do some of the work Tracy assigned her. &nbsp;Monica says the work didn't need to be done. &nbsp;Tracy says funny, that was her excuse, then Trace turns to "Daddy" and tells him Alice is insubordinate and Tracy wants her gone. &nbsp;Edward says Alice is staying, but Tracy explodes that she's a nightmare. &nbsp;Maya sneaks into the living room to get some food unnoticed while Monica backs up Edward. &nbsp;Tracy turns to Monica and asks who's side she's on. &nbsp;Monica laughs and tells Tracy to never ask a questions she doesn't want to hear the answer to. &nbsp;Edward then notices Maya and asks her to stay to have breakfast with them since she doesn't have to be at the hospital today, and they can talk about her future. &nbsp;Maya sweetly says she'd love to but she has plans. &nbsp;Edward asks what sort of plans but Tracy says "who cares, go". &nbsp;Maya then turns on Tracy minus the sweetness. &nbsp;Edward tells Tracy not to talk to Maya like that, but Tracy continues her thesis that Maya is just the latest in a long string of "suck-ups telling this family what they think we want to hear". &nbsp;After some facial reactions by Maya, &nbsp;Edward tells her not to pay attention because they all know the source of this ?? (sorry, replayed it 5 times and can't make out what Edward is saying). &nbsp;Tracy tells Daddy that Maya has been playing him since she arrived. &nbsp;Maya replies "Yeah, and your still pissed because Luke is gone." &nbsp;Edward chuckles and tells Maya that she called Tracy on her true motives, meanwhile Monica graciously tells Maya that if she has someplace to be please don't let them keep her. &nbsp;Now it's Edward's turn to ask Monica who's side she's on and Monica replies Maya's - why would she or anyone want to stick around this house and hear nothing but abuse from Tracy. &nbsp;Tracy has that Cheshire Cat smile on her face. &nbsp;Edward says then Tracy can leave, he wants to talk to his great-granddaughter. &nbsp;Maya says maybe later and Tracy is still smiling. &nbsp;Maya leaves to go through the patio door and opens it just as Brook is pushing in with her bags. &nbsp;Tracy is the first to react by saying "Brook Lynn... ". &nbsp;Monica asks what happened to her? &nbsp;Brook replies "I kinda made a mistake and was wondering if I could come home to my family." &nbsp;She looks nervous about their answer.</div><div><br></div><div>Maya asks Brook why she would move their by choice - the only reason she's there is because she has to be. &nbsp;Brook tells her she made a big mistake, and Tracy laughs "I'll bet". &nbsp;Maya tells Brook to watch her back and leaves. &nbsp;Brook says she doesn't mean to intrude she just didn't have anywhere else to go. &nbsp;Edward closes the door behind Maya and tells Brook that family always is welcome. &nbsp;Edward says he's going to text Alice to get a room for Brook. &nbsp;Tracy says "Yeah, before you get too cozy, what kind of mistake?" &nbsp;Edward warns Tracy that he won't let her use that tone with her granddaughter. &nbsp;Tracy continues to tell "Daddy, she dropped out of school. &nbsp;She's been running wild". &nbsp;Monica replies that with Lois and Ned had spent more time with their daughter than their careers than maybe she'd have had an opportunity. &nbsp;Tracy interrupts that maybe they ought to teach her accountability. &nbsp;Brook says yeah, she knows she made mistakes but she is trying. &nbsp;Edward rushes in to assure BL of course she is. &nbsp;Tracy again gets at Edward that BL shows up out of the blue, doesn't even bother coming to visit and now she shows up when she needs a roof over her head. &nbsp;Brook responds yes Granny, she should have come for a visit, but she wanted to support herself and get a job - she didn't want them to think she was there for a handout. &nbsp;Tracy blasts "Don't call me Granny!" lol and turns away. &nbsp;Edward demands that Tracy let the girl finish. &nbsp;BL says she had a falling out with Carly. &nbsp;Tracy perks up at that and says really? &nbsp;Do tell.... &nbsp;BL gives a <i>slightly</i> edited version of the truth, saying Carly was pressuring her to break up Lulu and Dante, and because she wanted to keep her job at the MetroCourt she said she's do it, but in the end she couldn't follow through. &nbsp;Edward says he applauds her integrity and asks how Carly reacted. &nbsp;Tracy is watching her granddaughter very carefully while Brook says Carly fired her. &nbsp;Monica says that definitely sounds like Carly. &nbsp;Edward says Carly's loss is their gain and of course she can live with them. &nbsp;Tracy says on one condition and BL looks nervous. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Tracy says BL can move back in provided she returns to school fulltime. &nbsp;BL says well of course, she wants to go back. &nbsp;Monica says really? &nbsp;What made Brook change her mind? &nbsp;Obviously hitting her stride, Brook visably relaxes and says dropping out was a mistake, unfortunately like more of her recent decisions, but she knows she did the right thing when she told Carly she couldn't continue with the revenge plot against Dante and that felt good. &nbsp;Tracy meanwhile is watching Brook with sheer amusement on her face. &nbsp;BL continues that she got thinking and she doesn't want to keep making destructive decisions - she really wants to make something of herself. &nbsp;LOL!!! Tracy touches her mouth and says "oh, you better learn to lighten up, I'm getting a cavity". &nbsp;Edward isn't amused, and Brook tells "Granny" she's being serious. &nbsp;Monica asks about BL's music career. &nbsp;Brook says she's going to continue with that, but school is more like a back-up plan. &nbsp;She's thinking about studying business. &nbsp;Edward nods his approval while Tracy interrupts "Monkey Business". &nbsp;Brook says "Okay, if things go the way I hope they will, one day I'll be running a very successful music company. &nbsp;Edward says it's a very solid plan and thank heavens they have a Q with a lick of sense. &nbsp;Tracy isn't buying it (no surprise) and replies "Oh, she's a Quartermaine through and through and can manipulate with the best of us." &nbsp;Brook pretends she's put out and asks why her own grandmother is always looking for the worst in her? &nbsp;Tracy again smiles the Cheshire cat smile.</div><div><br></div><div>BL blast Tracy that she's always hated her because Tracy hated Lois. &nbsp;Tracy says they're not talking about her mother, they're talking about her. &nbsp;And actually there's hope - Brook's smart and she might make something of herself. &nbsp;But she's a manipulator and might have Edward fooled but not Tracy. &nbsp;Edward waves it off. &nbsp;BL says she's telling the truth and Tracy again smiles her disbelief. &nbsp;Edward tells BL that of course she is and not to be worried about Tracy - Trace has been bitter and resentful ever since her marriage to Luke turned out to be a scam and bilked her out of millions. &nbsp;Tracy gets mad and says the subject of Luke Spencer is forbidden in this house. &nbsp;Monica 'pokes the bear' by telling Tracy this is her house and she can't dictate. &nbsp;Tracy yells that Monica hates Luke. &nbsp;Monica replies that since he's been Tracy's mood has gotten fouler by the second, and she for one has had it up to here (gestures drawing a line across her throat). &nbsp;Monica gets up and leave the conversation. &nbsp;Tracy sarcastically thanks Monica for the support and follows Monica out of the room. &nbsp;Monica yells back if she's so upset why doesn't Tracy just pack her bags and go after him. &nbsp;Tracy yells why doesn't Monica pack her bags. &nbsp;Edward grabs his phone and yells "never mind, I'll get Alice to pack your bags." &nbsp;BL sits there amused and thanks Edward who is now laughing. &nbsp;Edward responds that she's welcome, and when you've been around there as long as he has you pick up a few tricks. &nbsp;Thumbing at the door where Tracy followed Monica out he says he can manage this family. &nbsp;Brook says he's definitely the sweetest one and fortunately Tracy is "poison" and Monica is not BL's greatest fan, so... &nbsp; Edward says she'll come around &nbsp;(not sure which "she"). &nbsp;Edward then says Alice hasn't answered the text so he's going to see if she has Brook's room ready, then he leaves. &nbsp;Brook says thank you then once he's gone BL grabs Edward's phone and starts working it, talking to herself about "wire transfer". &nbsp;Tracy sneaks up and grabs the phone out of BL's hand and says "got you". &nbsp;Monica is watching in the background. &nbsp;Brook tries to explain herself but Tracy is in her face and says she knows EXACTLY what BL was about to do. &nbsp;Monica echos that she's so busted. &nbsp;BL turns to them in fear.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Sorry guys - there's more but I'm already late for a dinner date. &nbsp;I'll pick this up later. &nbsp;Gotta say though, these are the longest Q scenes I've seen in ages. &nbsp;Each of the above paragraphs is a scene in itself.</div>

Edited by remos
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Thanks for the recap--guess my over/under was off a bit. It is a shame there won't be more Tracy/brook for a long while. They really would be great in a scheming story together. Tracy is like the most responsible parent type now! Too funny.

Also, the mid-show bumper was Tracy today--miracles never do cease!

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A bit of irony that we don't see Leslie Charleson for weeks and then the Qs are on a few days after her contract thing breaks. They're still all awesome together onscreen. Pisses me off what's happened to them all.

OK, and I got geeky excited reading about the final casting for Reality Bytes. Why? Because I was a huge Robert/Katherine fan back in the day on GH and it appears that Edie Lehmann is going to be in the cast. Woohoo! I love her so much - I actually quit watching GH when she left back in the early 90s and missed the golden years that followed right after (thank the goddess for YouTube, right?).

To show you what a hardcore geek I am, I can tell you that her best friend is R&B artist Siedah Garrett (famous for singing "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" with Michael Jackson), she has perfect pitch, and she sang backup vocals on Madonna's True Blue album. She was also a trained concert pianist at the time she was on GH, but I think most everyone knew that just from the character background.

Hmmm... GH things I like right now - everyone seems to be dog-piling Sonny. That lifts my spirits a bit. And I'm actually LOVING this whole Scrubs storyline. Kimberly McCullough doesn't get paid enough to work with these crappy writers but she sure can rock what they serve up hardcore.

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Mama's finally got a bumper.... well that's nice to know (not that I'll ever see it).<br><br>Can't recap the end because Mike is hogging the TV, but we had some serious Q action today.&nbsp;&nbsp;I was amazed as the scenes just kept going and going.&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone else was chopped all over the place (not bad editing, just short) but each and every Q scene was long lasting.

<div><br></div><div><br></div><div>EDIT, okay, final part....</div><div><br></div><div>BL tells Edward she was just checking to see if Alice had sent him the text message. &nbsp;Tracy sarcastically says "how considerate" as she plugs away at the phone, then she laughs "Ohhhhh, Daddy! &nbsp; Did you know you were about to transfer 50K into Brook Lynn's account?" &nbsp;Monica and Edward look at each other horrified. &nbsp;Edward says he doesn't know if he should be proud or disappointed while Monica says that Tracy was right, you are one hell of a scammer. &nbsp;Edward says of course the money can be hers, provided she return to college, live with them and keep her hands off his cell phone. &nbsp;Monica looks at Edward in amazement. &nbsp;BL says no, she doesn't need the money that bad. &nbsp;Tracy gets into it again and says gee, I wonder who's doorstep you're going to darken now. &nbsp;BL gets attitude and says she'll just figure it out, as she grabs her luggage and heads to the patio door. &nbsp;Edward calls after Brook "well our door will always be open, honey". &nbsp;Monica is surprised by Edward's comment and Tracy responds that there's no fool like an old fool. &nbsp;We hear the door slam and Brook is gone. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>BL is caught in the rain with Nicholas to the rescue.</div><div><br></div><div>So, the spoiler that Tracy kicked BL out was false - Brook left of her own account.</div><div><br></div><div>Also another spoiler through the night that Tracy is a thorn in BL's side.</div>

Edited by remos
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