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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I was a Days fan as a teen, my sister watched it and some of my friends introduced me to it. Adrienne/Justin were my couple, but I also loved Anjelica, and Anjelica/Justin. Days has almost always been viewer friendly in the sense that it includes multi generational loves and stories-not just one sided air hog crap. Even though they do have their air hogs, sometimes, too. I loved Eve and her pimp, Nick, and April/Mike, Shane/Kim, and so much of the eighties stuff.

I happen to ADORE EJ/Nicole, separately and as a couple. I too, tend to go for the Tracy like characters, and Nicole is as early Tracy as you can get on another soap. Sami used to be my number one fave female. NOW I want her to go away.

They ruined that character when they tried to make her "nice". The only thing the character had going for her in a big way was that she was NOT a clone of her mama Marlena. And now, she kinda is a clone of her, as close as they can get, and it just soured me on Sami.

I actually like Victor/Vivian better than Victor/Maggie. Victor, much like Sami, is boring when he tries to be "good", and no way will Maggie and he ever get together long term if he goes back to scheming. They are kinda sweet, though. I enjoy them as friends. Not sure I'd ever want them to be more. I can't see it working.

Wouldn't it be awesome if JF ASKED to work with JE? :) And really, since he's on to torture Jason, I have no interest in Franco, but rest assured I'll tune in for the JE/JF stuff.

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I realize Justin came first, but IMO he's "Ned-lite" and always will be. He seems to have fallen in to the Residential Lawyer role once held by Mickey. Back in the day Adrienne and Justin were okay - but even then they needed Angelica to make it interesting. The chemistry was always WK/JE and no one else. In all honesty, even Once-a-month-Nedly was more interesting that weekly Justin is.

I spend my birthday doing a Magic (Maggie and Victor) marathon catch-up. I loved Maggie for years, but really hated having her relegated to Mickey's world. She's far more interesting and Victor is more than just a bad-guy. I think the two bring out something not seen with other pairings, exactly like Luke and Tracy bring out things in each other that haven't been seen before. I also love that all four have reached the Purple Hat years - they don't give a rat's ass what anyone else thinks so long as it doesn't hurt the people they care about.

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I do like Maggie/Victor. And, yes-I like that if they do go there, neither of them will care what other people think.

It's just a Days pattern, that one of them will conform to the other-and I'm not sure I want to see that. Maggie is one of the few soap "heroines" I like, who doesn't bore me to death. I like her just as she is. Same with Victor. In terms of being entertaining enough characters, neither really needs to change.

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I love Vivian. She hasn't been on in a while. She has something coming up with Missy Reeves I think I saw a spoiler for.

I was watching some old GH clips of Tracy from 1989 and Stefano is Nickolas van buren.

I love watching JE/John anniston in old days clips.

Supposedly Matthew Ashford is coming back to DOOL this summer or at least I've seen that rumor around. I liked his chemistry with JE as stepson/stepmom

This hope story is odd. I find Hope extremely boring. I like Bo with Carly. I know the bo/hope huge supercouple hype but being that I just started watching a year ago, they do nothing for me.

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As with most "SuperCouples" the hype is all that's left. Hope and Bo were great back in the day, but IMO should have ended years ago like the majority of GH SuperCouples did. I mean look at LnL - that horse was dead and stinking long before someone finally decided to end it formally, and even then it took almost a decade of bullets for many to get the message (acknowledging that some never will). Talking Heads and Pundits still make money off of the nostalgia around SuperCouples, but shows don't. I always liked Bo and Carly and while I am pulling for a Carly/Daniel eventually (if Bope has to be revisited), I am liking the fact that we don't have to be subjected to Bope bliss. Loved Shane and Kimberly back in the day as well, but I'm anxiously awaiting their return to LA (some actors you can put on and off the shelf easily, and some really, really show that they get rusty and loose their touch).

I like Viv too and can't wait to see Viv against Magic. Carolyn will be her petty, shrewish self too, but that's to be expected. Interesting interview I read - apparently Peggy ?? who plays Carolyn was personally offended but the chemistry between Magic and went to TPTB demanding an explanation. Ken Cordey HIMSELF said she thinks Carolyn is Victor's "star crossed lover" and if SHE was going to have that kind of reaction, then they were going to play the hell out of Magic. LOL.... Peggy shot herself in the foot there. Cordey says they're in Magic for the long haul, and it will be a long haul... not an easy love story. Much like LuNacy it's about finding someone later in life when you thought you'd never find a "soul mate" again.

Honestly - if we aren't going to have much Tracy, this is a good way to spend the summer. But for our gal, we have Franco stuff coming up, Grannie/BL stuff to watch for and who knows what this $10 million will do for the 3 months TG is gone. Then herself has vacation through much of August/September anyway. ILTQ I hope you're right - that now that JF knows the players better he asked for stuff with JE. It certainly seems like Franco is making more rounds this time and staying for a shorter time. I think Part II is going to be a vast improvement on Part I.

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Hooked, Hope has always bored me, too. LOL I've watched off and on for decades, and I've never cared one iota for her. She's on the level of the EWCBO for me. I think KA seems like a nice person IRL, but Hope is so dry and dull. Even making her the one doing the attacks on the guys is not enough to make her interesting for me.

I wonder if Tracy sees Franco with the baby, that spoiler, is geniune, then. Hmm. Maybe Tracy and Jason can team up to catch him.

Would that not be the funniest thing? I would DIE.

And about Carolyn-that actress, Peggy McKay I think her name is, has NOTHING to do. I would think that with Sean dead, the Victor/Caroline thing would need to be resolved before Maggie/Victor could truly hook up.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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From where I'm sitting, the only person who has it "unresolved" is Peggy McKay. Caroline has told Victor no-go a few times, and TPTB obviously have their minds made up. Today it was supposed to be Shane/Kim's farewell and that was completely cut to put Magic in the show instead. Maggie gave Vivian an up-and-down for her jealousy, and Victor told Maggie "you're smart, you're funny, and you make more sense than any woman I've ever known". Now doesn't that sound like something that would come directly from Luke to Tracy? The four characters start at different places, but the journey is the same.

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Maggie is really boring to me too. I know she has a long history, but from what I've seen since I started watching she is all nice and good and wise. But I just don't go for those type of characters I guess.

I love that little girl Ciara, although she is kind of freaky at times. She is a gorgeous little girl. She reminds me of Kimberly when she was little--minus the charisma and the acting chops.

I don't think JE gets more than 3 weeks vacation off or so. I think she just doesn't work when TG isn't there is more the case.

I would be seriously shocked if JE has more than a scene with Franco.

There was a spoiler from SI about Nik pushing Helena from great heights. I'm assuming that is probably literal and they are on the hospital roof or wyndemere and he is trying to find out if she has the baby.

I'll really be pleasantly surprised if the tracy/brook scenes show up or if she is at the lockdown.

It is kind of nice though knowing there won't be any spoilers at all on Tracy so I don't have to bother looking as much! I can just laugh at the craziness that is dish! :lol:

Susan Seaforth Hayes is going to Y&R. I have a friend who runs into her all the time in LA and she said KA is very unhappy with her story now and with Carly/Bo/Melanie stuff I guess.

Daniel is boring to me too. I think Nadia (Chloe) is insanely gorgeous but she can't act her way out of a paper bag. She is horrid to me.

Sorry I'm just full of strong opinions today! Must be too much sun getting to me! ;)

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LOL..... everyone has their take.

Maggie HAS been boring for the past 25 years..... I just remember her with Don Craig and know she's so much more.

Chloe only really worked in Broe. I agree that she's an absolute beauty but her acting needs work. She's not a "hair model" though - that's something.

Speaking of our beloved JE, this was on a SID tweet:

Jane Elliot is a national treasure. I really love her. #GH

Anyone have any idea what inspired that? It was a repeat today, wasn't it?

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Jane Elliot is awesome. The SID guy knows. :)

Maggie-she's boring when she doesn't have anything to do, but every character-no matter how dynamic-can bore when they are given absolutely nothing to do or react to.

I mean, Tracy never bores me, but honestly? That's all because of JE. I can see how someone who doesn't appreciate JE or Tracy, would be bored by a lot of what they give her.

Thanks Staci for the belated birthday wishes. Another year older, no wiser. LOL I looked in the mirror this morning and thought about how I have a baby face, and fifteen years ago, when people called me a baby, I resented it. NOW?

I welcome it. :)

Anyone know when Tracy is on next? I still have yet to catch up on her stuff. Work has been insane, I'm still not fully unpacked from moving yet-so I'm a few weeks behind, still.

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Happy belated birthday ILTQ

no known date for Tracy.

We think she has a scene with franco and one with brook if they show up or are not cut.

she is not in medianet pics this week or next week that were posted this morning.

LLC tweeted that she helped them get connected to twitter in her dressing room on 6/21 so maybe she will show up thrid week in july!

She doesn't even have her sex busting summer duty anmore. Someone pointed out to me she would drop dead from exhaustion trying to walk in on lante! :lol:

I'm heading out to Calif for vacation for a week on Sat. I guess I won't be missing any tracy spoilers or appearances while I"m gone! :mad:

SI just said on dish nothing on tracy thru end of july

Edited by hookedongh
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There are battling SI insiders on the board at the moment, so I'm not sure which "SI" is the real one. Time will bare out one or neither.

Okay guys, I'm out of here for the next couple of weeks. I'm going to be a Security Guider at the International Guiding Camp were having in Canada to celebrate 100 years of Guiding in Canada (the US Girl Scouts do it in 2012). Wish me well. My first shift is midnight to 8 AM on Wednesday night. I've got my head lamp and rain suit - gotta be prepared. :D (I can handle two weeks without my kids - two weeks without internet however, totally different thing....)

Hopefully there will be some Tracy to report on my return. Have a great trip, Hooked, and everyone else who's travelling.

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About Nadia not being able to act her way out of a paper bag....she's definitely no Louise Sorel. Molly Burnett (Melanie) is a better actress by far, and she's younger by more than a few years.

I watched an old Alfred Hitchcock episode last night that had Rachel Ames (Audrey Hardy) in it. Man she was beautiful when she was younger ! She was listed as Judith Ames, but it's the same lady.

Have fun Remos and hooked. Travel safely. :)

I am getting ready to get out of this place and go home. So tired of looking at these walls......

No Tracy today. Not that I am the least bit surprised.

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