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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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One of these days I'm going to poke around the web and see if there is a virtual scuba diving thing to experience. Hardly like being there, and in the water, but just the visuals are so enthralling.

Eyes are somewhat the same. The pressure-related thing is a lifetime deal. But the other is slowly but surely becoming manageable.

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Good to hear.

Virtual scuba..... sounds interesting. I know there is a Wii game I'm planning on getting for the Diva that is an underwater/scuba encounter. The thing that sold Ru was that it could combine water and history (her two favourite things) AND provide a job in the future. That is really cool. There are any number of wrecks that need to be explored by experienced divers.

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Eureka! Found a workaround: Highlight, copy and paste into a new post and you get the quote. Anyway...

GV and JE's wicked chemistry...You're not kidding! Wish they would bring him back as a long-lost Spencer. And one only related to Luke if you catch my drift. I appreciate JJ now (but wish he'd shave that godawful thing on his face that looks like a ringworm with hair), but GV possessed attributes not found in other Luckys.

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wub.gif so very true. Imagine if this level of writing was given to that Greek God????? Wowza. Luke would certainly look less appealing in comparison.

But I digress.... we have what we have. I also hope Tracy is the one to put Bubbie in Lucky's arms eventually - but not before LuClaire take off (love them!!!). The fact that Trace is the one who knows most of the facts is fabulous IMO because she alone has the power to undermine Helena completely in this arena. Arguably Tracy is too distracted with other things at the minute, but I'm waiting to see what her face looks like when Liz has the baby, Lucky is on the outside and Helena tries to steal the little gaffer. I just hope that JE's vacation is not another kidnapping by Helena - the timing would be about right.

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True about the age, but there are many parent/child pairings on soaps played by actors closer in age than JE and CT. I was curious and just checked. CT is 77 which makes her fourteen years older than JE. Much farther apart than JE and Jed Allen who was *younger* than Stuart Damon who played his son. :lol: Then, there's JE and WK who are ten years apart, and played lovers with a child between them on Days. Don't you love soaps? :wub:;)

About the marriage: I agree on all counts. After those vows and Luke's "necessary legal documents" *and* the "fact" that it's a total rewrite, they're married. And they can't even attempt a rewrite of the fact that JE and TG have been paired professionally for this many years.

But, yes, a surprise might be down the road. In fact, would it not be a hoot and a half if *Helena* made the marriage legal on paper? She's a green-eyed monster now, but back then, she might have seen it to her advantage for them to have all the legalities in place. It was her money in Tracy's account, and she might have perceived it to be more difficult to get it from Tracy than from Luke. (She would have been right.) And with nothing to hold over Tracy's head, namely the marriage, Luke would have lost his bargaining chip, namely their on-paper marriage.

The possibilities are always out there.

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LOL... too true. That is something Helena would do to stick it to both of them. The fact she keeps insulting Tracy and Luke's love for her is quite interesting - I don't think Helena has ever been this jealous of anyone else before, except her husband's mistresses that is. And she had them killed too. Problem is for Helena that Tracy isn't a pushover nor is she unfamiliar with the darker things in life herself. Hellzabub really doesn't know what to do with her, and Luke is certainly not following the script according to Helena.

The age thing - true enough. I didn't realize there was that many years so let's go with Tracy being Helena's daughter..... OMG can you imagine the ramifications that one would have for everyone - Quartermaine, Spencer, Cassidine and Davis..... wow..... I'd PAY to see some of that!!!

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I'll preface this post by saying...

Guess what I just did! Almost went scuba diving. I registered and all that gobbledy-gook. Then, there's the rub. My computer didn't have the system requirements for downloading the software. Oh, well. But there are lots of virtual scuba things to be had out there. Will have to find something else. Glad you gave me the idea. And I'll bet Ru, with her love of water and history, is/would be enthralled with all of the raising of the Titanic stories. It's mesmerizing.

So, GH...

I wouldn't mind another kidnapping if it served as a catalyst for Luke's return. Then, LuNacy as a team could rescue themselves.

Oh, and I love Lucky and Claire. In the park...so darn cute!! Hope she isn't a casualty of Brenda's return like some are speculating. I like DS a lot more than I ever liked VM. The latter is another legend in whoever's mind who, in reality, is much less than the myth.

And what about that baby she was looking/smiling at on the computer a couple of months ago? A story dropped or delayed, I guess.

Hooked! Hope you're enjoying your vacation.

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^^ DS has an interview to herself in the latest SOW, so that bodes well for her continued presence in Port Chuck. I love LuClaire. In fact the entire Spencermaine forecasted pairings work for me.





Bronny (or whatever is settled on for Johnny/Brook)

As I've said in the past, I'm a happy GH watcher at the moment. Lots of stuff happening for my ultimate enjoyment.

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Remember Guza's world brought us LuNacy and TraLu in the first place, so he's not all bad. In all honesty I would be stunned if Tracy/Brook didn't interact - especially since they have such an obvious connection in Lulu.

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Thanks, Remos. That does sound promising about Claire and LuClaire. And that list works for me. I didn't know about Bronny, but I'm glad. Brandon Barash is so impressive. It's amazing how much he's grown professionally since he began, and I *love* his comments about preferring to stay with the older actors. Obviously, Adrienne Leon doesn't fall into that category, but her "grandmother" does! And BB has said some wonderful things about JE including "she makes me smile." I just *love* him. :wub:

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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