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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I actually checked out the IL at The Dish...

Jasam have a lovescene Moday.

Jolivia and Carjax have nice scenes on Thursday.

Jason is at GH for Sam/Kristina after Kristina is caught in the car blast.

Olivia is going to be loosing her common sense to stand by Sonny in the next few weeks.

Patrick and Lisa sleep together after working on Shirley.

Sonny skates for setting the bomb under Johnny's car thanks to Olivia's alibi.

Nik and Liz blame each other when their son goes missing just as Helena wants.

Jason "hits the brink" and wants Sam to run with him after he kills Carter (quite brutally).

Alexis blames Johnny, Ethan and Sonny for using Kristina in their "mob games."

Luke takes off on Tracy with Lucky's help.

Dante sides with Brooke when Lulu tells him about her manipulations.

Patrick is pushed to the edge when he looses a patient during the hospital lockdown.


This looks familiar. I think Hooked brought it to us a few days ago. But it was posted on the IL today...

Insider us Tracy offscreen during the hospital lockdown,

are Luke/Tracy over fir good?

Why is Luke trying to get away from her? oh and what is the romantic twist fir them? Luke taking off on her?

Tracy is at GH. She's the first to see Helena with the baby. I dont know long term to know if they are over for good. Luke leaves when she wont forgive him.


My rant: In their comments, they refer to Luke taking off on Tracy or "abandoning" her. I guess that's ingrained in people, but seriously...He leaves because she won't forgive him vs. he abandons her. Big difference.

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Luke leaves becuas she won't give him another chance, so he has to go clear his head. She is gonna push him off into water, get him arrested, and take his money. I don't blame him, he is going with her wishes and giving her space as her actions has dicated. but when he comes back, I hope he has a plan to get back into her good graces. And maybe she will be calmer by then, I hope. She can't resist him for too long when he is in town.

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Click/Boom happened outside of Luke's Club, so yeah Luke was there to see it first hand.

Spoilers are always funny in their wording and that's before agendas come into play. For instance "Luke takes off on Tracy with Lucky's help" - that's the kind of interpretation I'd expect from an LnL hardliner who wants to believe this is the end of LuNacy. I'm sure what we see is something very different and he leaves... he doesn't "take off". There is a huge difference. I'm just amused that Ethan and Lucky are brought into the middle of it in the first place.

As for Hellzabub - I really, truly hope Tracy squashes that bug without needing Luke to do it. I think you're right - the attraction to Helena pales when faced with Tracy who has every bit the complicated villain potential in her, but it's tempered with her heart and sanity. Helena has gone over the deep end if she truly thinks Luke will be amused by Tracy suffering. Any way they play it, the dynamic is interesting.

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The one name we hadn't seen from this whole Spencermaine fallout was Lulu, and now we do. July 1st (Happy Canada Day to me) has a spoiler that reads "Lulu and Tracy have a deep conversation". Hope that's little Chicklette assuring Tracy that no matter what, she'll always be Lulu's Step-Monster.

Edited by remos
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I like that spoiler.

I saw liz delivers on the 15th per SI, so hope Tracy is still there for the lockdown. I think the helena angle might have been dropped since franco takss the kid I think per photos. maybe people still think it was helena like earlier spoiler said.

got here safe and sound. my other son flew in last night. back holding up. how are your eyes?

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Where is "here" - I forget where you were headed and I'm too lazy to go back and look.

Eyes are okay - just a tinge of headache, but I'm not sure if that's the surgery or the poor weather we are supposed to have coming. Sinus pressure is often bad before a storm for me.

Last night when Scuba Diving for the first time. What a blast!!! When I have the pooka shells that's my new favourite sport.

Tracy is out of GH by this week because she's home and at the star. She might come back for some reason - relapse, meeting, whatever. Point is she's around. Another Safe/Unsafe list on DD this morning - it kills me that LuNacy are never on those lists. it's such a given that they aren't a couple who will ever have a problem longterm.

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It's interesting because the Lucky mentioned made it sound better to me. Sounds like he has Lucky's blessing and Lucky, like everyone else, knows that Luke really, really loves Tracy. So, maybe Lucky helps him appropriate some survival cash. In any event, that spoiler is filed in my brain under Inconsequential. (Not that there is that much in my brain that's inconsequential...)

I'm seeing some kind of Tracy/Helena tussle this summer. It might not be epic, but definitely a beginning. I wouldn't mind seeing a little Piph thrown in to the mix considering Tracy and Piph were co-conspirators of sorts in getting the 411 on the paternity.

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Tracy/Piph vs. Hellzabub...... LOL sign me up and just tell everyone else to go home - the Divas are taking over.

I always watch to see Lucky's take on LuNacy - GV's Lucky was decidedly an ewcbo-propper, but ironically JJ's isn't. He was very concerned about both Luke and Tracy, and has said emphatically that Luke loves Tracy. Long gone is the lad who used to rant that Luke gave up on love when he dropped Laura.

I'm waiting to see how it all goes down. Spoilers are often very misleading but at least the Spencermaine Jrs. are all named within a day of each other mixing it up with the Srs. Luke might take 'survival' money, and he might even have Lucky's assistance to a certain extent, but I HIGHLY doubt Lucky would encourage Luke to rob Tracy blind and run.

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Since Helena is clearly not going anywhere...

The story waiting to happen is that Tracy is Helena's daughter. Seriously, everything is in place. Tracy is Helena with a heart and a conscience. (Even with Alan gone. :( ) She could still be Edward's daughter...or not. If this was DL's Edward, it would be preposterous, but things are played differently now. And it would explain why Edward gives strangers and former enemies more benefit of the doubt than he does his only supposed daughter.

Anyway, I think this would be story gold. And Luke! He would be incredulous, mortified, and fascinated - and in that order. As it turns out, Tracy really would be, for Luke, "the total package"!

And who cares about Lila not being Tracy's biological mother? Not I. Lila was more interested in cowtowing to Edward when he chose to cut Tracy out of the family. Furthermore, this would be much less of a rewrite than the LuNacy marriage that we know Tracy tried seven ways to Sunday to work around, and their marriage was as legal as legal gets.

Guza could do this justice. He excels in stories with a twisted element and, from a writing standpoint, I mean that as a compliment. ;)

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I love that.... and I've found that many feel Lila was NOT the mother of the year by any stretch of the imagination. You're right - if would make sense since Edward has never treated Tracy as though she was his full-blood daughter. The only thing that would be a stickler for me is age - there isn't that much of an age difference between Hellzabub and Tracy - with Liz Taylor yes, but not CT.

TG and JE would play the hell out of it, and you're right - Guza could do that really well. Can you imagine Tracy's identity crisis???? Wowza... HUGE!!! Tracy as a cross between Helena and Lila...... two women who shaped Luke as well.

As for the marriage, I'm thinking Luke THINKS it's not perfectly legal but we might be surprised again in the long run. Doesn't matter either way to me though.... they couldn't be more solidly 'united' if they tried.

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Oh, it was fabulous. I've always wanted to but was concerned about claustrophobia issues - not a problem at all. It all seemed so natural - breathing through the mouthpiece underwater was easy while practicing above water felt forced. My sinus issues concern me a bit, but I've got a specialist to work with that so one of these days that will hopefully be fine too.

Speaking of eyes - how are yours? You've had issues too, as I recall.

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For some reason, the other reply options that allow quotes isn't working for me. So...

Remos, I also highly doubt that Lucky would give Luke his blessing in abandoning Tracy. And since the best LuNacy stuff is rarely spoiled (vows, Wyndemere, you name it), I can see the possibility of a heart-to-talk LuNacy-centered talk, much like he had with Nikolas before he reverted to the Prince of Darkness. (Tracy is also once in a lifetime - that one.)

Might not play out that way, just a wishful guess, but it's bound to be good. And he isn't leaving with anyone and is only leaving at all after Tracy took his/her/their money from him, threw him overboard, and had him arrested. But he still loves her. :wub:

And I love the irony, too, that it's JJ's Lucky who appreciates LuNacy and Tracy. We know GV loved JE to death, but you could only do so much with the writing. And the writing painted GV's Lucky as a jacka$$ when it came to Tracy and LuNacy more times than not. As for JJ, I'm getting the sense in watching their scenes that he has come to truly appreciate JE and maybe even LuNacy. I really think he does. B)

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The quote stuff wasn't working for me the other day either - kept sending me to another site if you believe it.

GV and JE had wicked chemistry and I could seriously have gone for Naughty Trucky a few times. JJ and JE have a different sort - almost mother/son, and Lucky is very respectful of her. I'm hoping we get some real Trucky coming up and not just having them in the same scene. JJ is also experienced enough to know who brings the goods, and I believe he's loving the opportunity to work with her. I just hope Guza et al see that potential too. While Luke is gone this summer it would be a perfect time for the Spencermaine Jrs. to keep reminding Tracy what she has, what she thinks she threw away and what she really wants. I really like the idea of the three kids campaigning for their father in his absence.

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