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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Painkillers are working, but I can't sleep so here I am.

Funny and ILTQ - I like both theories. I could see both as possibilities. Something is going down with Tracy for sure - why have that big to-do about Tracy and Franco if they were about to shove her in the vet closet for the next three months? I don't know if Valentine will be the guy, but someone new for Tracy is certainly a possibility and if Luke ultimately has to fight for her or her life, she might see that it's all worth it after all. As for the married/not-married, while I like the theory and would love it to be true, Luke's face today suggested that he knows he blew it. I'm interested to see what he might try though, and I hope he will FINALLY learn that the game/scams are over - it's time for the real deal all the time and not just in those magic moments.

I hope the Spencermaine screamers keep popping into Tracy's way this summer - especially if a new man comes to town. It's one thing to think she can give up Luke. It's a whole other thing for her to give up Lulu or Ethan.

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From what I"m hearing Lulu is all up in carly's orbit this summer. Ethan is mobbed up with Johnny. I'm wondering if Tracy is going to close the Haunted Star. While I would love to be optimistic, I think the thought of a new guy for Tracy is about as slim as them pairing Edward up. It would be great...but I would bet my bottom dollar that won't happen.

Anyway, on a more positive note...I am heading out of town for a week today on a road trip. So someone might need to pick up the spoiler hat for a while (Remos I"m looking at you--LOL)

ILTQ--Wow...Long time no see! I remember guza did have luke/tracy/helena/vlad grouped together in SOW previews for Summer. I would love it if Tracy would team up with Vlad to bring Helena down! Another pipe dream I know.

It is good to see you around though.

I have the clips from ysterday download but will need to edit when I get back. Have a good week everyone.

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Not a new guy as in someone replacing Luke, a new guy as in someone to help Tracy realize the only one she wants is Luke.

As for spoilers - the fact that she's involved with Franco bodes well.

I've finally watched the entire show from yesterday and I've got to saw WOW... even JI doesn't have the ability to make AI's Maya any better. That was awful - highschool acting awful. I can't help wondering if they are keeping her because of the politically correct backlash. The comment "thanks for putting Zoe through boarding school" basically took care of any potential pairing with Michael in that department. We aren't going to see Zoe, at least not anytime soon. But Maya..... bad, very bad. I want to like her on principle - another Q daughter - but I just can't.

I'm out of painkillers but a bottle pre-mixed Martini I purchased the other week is going down nicely - always Happy Hour somewhere in the world. :P Think I'll sleep and wake up for 3 PM.... eye still aches like a bugger but my sight is so much better. Drive safe Hooked, and hope your back is okay throughout.

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Yeah, I'm not a fan of Maya either. SHe doesn't know what she is talking about most of the time and she is always holding onto her purse as if someone wants to steal it...well maybe Ethan would but no one else would. :lol:

And since they got Tracy into a bed wearing a robe what is the big deal with her and Luke being in a bed and her wearning a robe again?

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I don't think it's a matter of getting Tracy into a bed - she was in a hospital bed twice on her own and once cuddled with Luke, and she was cuddled with Luke in Wyndamere. Bed is fine - it's the activity of a love scene. What's the point of making an entire new set for the soul purpose of a couple of seconds of nothing? From a business POV I wouldn't bother when conversations can happen in other existing sets.

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OMG, I was watching today and I had to turn the channel. I can not take Dante and his lectures and harrassing the judge. Ugh he makes me sick, his annoying ass.

Please tell me if LuNacy are on cause I couldn't take it any more.

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Today was all about the Corrinthos Kids and the Spencer Sibs they spend time with. Lulu/Dante/Michael/Ethan/Kristina were on almost every set with Olivia/Sonny/Alexis proving their intelligence left them awhile ago. Fleshing out the cast was Claire/Jason/Carly/Johnny/Maya.... and the Judge. Pretty small cast actually - but things did move along. No mention of our babies, but Maya did take an interest in Spoon Island so with any luck she will be moved into the Cassidine Quarter - she's tanking big time with the Spencermaines.

Potentially big news - Maura West is apparently close to signing and GH is acknowledged by those in the know as the best soap on the waves right now - followed by Days and BB (which I've heard sucks, so that doesn't say much for anyone else). Who could she possibly play? I would die if she was a Laura-recast. Highly unlikely but I would die laughing. Hopefully she'll be a Cassidine - but don't get her up in Luke's business at the expense of Tracy.

Edited by remos
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An ewcbo recast? The LnL core howlers would short circuit the entire world wide web. Can you even imagine? :lol::lol::lol:

As for MW's character, yes, she had better stay out of Luke's "business", but you know what? Let's suppose, hypothetically speaking, she was a complication for LuNacy. It makes ewcbo even less of a presence than she is now. No need for The Great Return/Check's In The Mail. ;)

And, Remos, take care of your eyes! Hope everything is okay.

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Some LuNacy related drops on SOC...

With Luke, Tracy begins to turn softly (I *love* the wording)

Unfortunately, Luke doesn’t know this & he steals some of her $ then splits

Franco can't fool Tracy

Luke is mentioned for the 29th: He tries to keep Ethan safe

Me: Interesting that Luke disappears the following day...

That's it for spoilers...

Looks like the Maura West rumor has people split...

Half say they like/love her; the other half are screaming that they need to write for the cast that they already have.

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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Okay iin Biloxi with my little one swimming and I'm sitting by the pool with a plastic cup of wine that is crappy but nice to be out of the car.

Mayra w is playing a lawyer in a storyline with lucky and Alexis from what I read. I think it might be the child advocate role

those spoilers were reworded from dish drop, but they changed it to Luke doesn't know and steals the money.

Too bad it isn't Helena setting like up with the money missing and he just leaves to give get space. Be much better if we could continue the Tracy helna feud

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Hope you're enjoying yourself, Hooked, despite the crappy wine. :) Thanks for the info on MW. Sounds like maybe it's a short-term thing like they did with Martha Byrne.

Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised with some Tracy/Helena interaction. Tracy is on to Helena's paternity switch scheme. That has to play into things at some point. And the baby is about to be born, so *now* would be a good time.


Funny, I wish I could believe you were right about Luke lying to protect Tracy. Unfortunately, I believe that he doesn't believe they are legally married. But that doesn't mean they aren't. You never know. What was rewritten can be written back.

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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Nevada does have interesting wedding rules from what I understand - it's possible they are legally married if they even got part of the way. I for one would prefer an explanation of how far things went. As for what he believes, I hope one of the kids (Lucky most likely) asks if they weren't married than what stopped him from marrying Laura - I want that explanation most of all. I want Luke to say the words "I didn't want to"! Shut down the LnLers even more (they really have pushed me beyond my limits).

As for MW - they had a call for a named actress in that role for a short stint, so i guess we know who. I'm wondering why the Lucky/Alexis mention and what that could mean. Is it Lucky the father and Alexis his lawyer, or is it Alexis the mother and Lucky the cop. Either way could happen.

Interesting wording that Tracy "softens" and Luke "doesn't know". They are still playing these two so in love yet hurt.... beautiful actually. I can't remember the last time 'Tracy' and 'soften' were in the same sentence, lol. Even if it's reworded spoilers it's nice.

I'm seeing Luke spending time with Lucky before he leaves and time with Ethan, but no mention of Lulu. I hope we get at last one Daddy/Cupcake scene - although I'd also be good if they were saving her for TraLu. She always has had an affinity with Mama. I know she's in a storyline with Carly/Brook, but they will have her doing other things in the next 3 months too.

Any guesses on how Tracy interacts with Franco? I wonder how it comes to pass that she "sees right through him/gets his number", and which particular number that is. I highly doubt she can get inside the mind of a murder, but wouldn't it be hilarious if she called him on his 'art' and told him it was junk, lol....

More spoilers that LLC and BA are out. In all honesty as much as I like them, I can see their times rolling to an end. Both have been severely restricted of late and once their second-to-last connections to the canvas (Johnny/Maxie respectively) are severed, I don't think their Dante/Jason connections are enough to build on. Of course if the will was there it could happen, but in all honesty the cast is huge so why make the effort for peripheral characters?

Hooked, I hope you enjoyed your wine - even crappy liquor is good liquor. I've come to the awful realization that I've developed an allergy to wine, even the un-oaked stuff. Terrible actually. The upside is hard drinks still seem okay, so Martinis it is! I found a bottle of prefab in the LCBO the other day, and it's not bad as cheap booze goes.

My eyes are getting better. Today was my follow-up and they had to put more numbing drops in to poke around, thus giving me another nice headache when all was said and done. The upside is my sight is quite improved. I actually feel safe to drive again, which I haven't in 4 months.

As an aside, it's so good to see so many Tracy peeps 'home'. You've been missed. There have been times when Hooked and/or I have felt rather lonely. :P

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