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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wubs tweeted that she knows the secret and it is what I think...I asked her if Luke and Tracy are not really married and she confirmed (she admitted that that was a spoiler that they weren't really married, but now she is not sure if it is part of that hallucination or real. I'm thinking maybe real cause he has to fight to win her back.

I think Lucky is going to rescue Luke/tracy...he is the new hero around town


I can see it now...luke fighting to win her back (he probably confesses as he thinks she might be dying) and then agreeing to a pre-nup to prove it is not about the money, etc. Tracy agrees finally to take him back and remarry him and then poof right when they are supposed to do it he vanishes for the summer taken by Vlad or Helena or whatever and leaves her at the alter! Oh wait...didn't they do something similar in um....20006? LOL

Okay just conjecturing...not trying to be doom and gloom..

Other than the stupidity of them not legally being married cause of how tracy's lawyers tried to find every loophole etc to get her out of it in the beginning and his hiring a fake minister to marry him and laura and him tryin to stop her each time she threatened to divorce him along the way....it at least gives them some story arc....and you know we will see and hear luke proving he loves her!

Either way, I don't think Tracy will be out of Luke's orbit anytime soon. Unless JE is calling it a day.

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didn' watch but quick recaps...

tracy/helena--some good zingers but no evil plan reveal at all..maybe it was moved to tomorrow or cut??

luke/skye--luke was saying really nice things about tracy and skye couldn't believe how much he loves her....

Got some pretty firm confirmation that luke not really being married to tracy is not part of the hallucination but is for real. let's see luke get out of that one.

Also heard that Tracy will see brook lynn in a few weeks, so she does make it back to PC eventually or if they are in PC, out of the dungeon. maybe it is in the hospital

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MS Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice to see you and your banner again!

I am guessing cut too cause luke breaks in tomorrow...

So if luke isn't really married to Tracy, I can't imagine her wrath at that one. I would kick his ass too! Seriously, imagine your husband told you that...your whole life is like a big lie.

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Luke with two scenes - Skye comes in to tell Luke that Edward made inquiries when Tracy missed an ELQ board meeting, and discovers her credit card was used but Tracy was never in Fiji. Luke realizes what happened and he kicks himself repeated for not realizing what had happened, that Helena has Tracy. Skye asks how he can be sure, and Luke said Tracy/Hells were butting heads, then Tracy disappears and Helena disappears - it doesn't take a genius. Helena is always trying to hurt him and this time Tracy is caught in the middle while he was having too much fun flirting with Skye. Skye watches Luke's face and she's amazed. He asks her what and she says "Its surprising. It's beautiful really... the way you love your wife. It's written all over your face." (Me: I'm hoping that FINALLY is Skye getting the hint to leave)

Tracy with one scene - yup, some good zingers about Helena needing more fiber in her diet, to which Hells responds everything is flowing freely. Then Helena makes some comment about how she expected Tracy to be better bait, but Luke must not be as passionate about Tracy as she believed. Tracy says just you wait - you'll see that fire. Oh.... actually it's water that put the end to a witch like you. Helena responds to "little Dorothy" that she'd better not click her heals and expect to get out of the cell. Then Tracy tells Helena that WHEN Luke arrives he's going to be "pissed" (yes, Tracy used that word) to find the conditions she's living in. Helena ways the rats like it so she would think Tracy would be at home amongst her own kind.

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Tracy had two scenes with Helena. The second scene was when Helena told her that Luke had better hurry up and find her. And that she left bread crumbs so that a blind man could see even without a guide dog could follow. She told Tracy that if Luke doesn't come soon that she'd have no use for her.

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It really is so stupid and such a rewrite back peddle . I can see how the lnl fans were so pussed about rewriting history they saw on screen. We saw tracy try to fond loopholes to get out in the beginning. So much of their sctick is the wife husband thing . While glad jane is at least getting some story, it certainly is stupid. But apparently it is happening. I can't imagine he would confess that while she was so sick.syne it comes later

I hear she sees brook on a few weeks tho so I guess sheis back

sod had kmc gone for three weeks in starting mid June, and she us already on her secondbot third week of her workshop. O think they are about five weeks out including the dark week so I could see the Steve scenes show up mid June.

Remeber the toxic ball stuff when luje's feelings for Tracy were suposed tobdeepen when her life is on the line ? Maybe that happens now. I was thinking back tibthe guza thing where he said skye's presence would renew and deepen Luke and tracy's romance

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I'm waiting for it to play out to see what really happens. We all know with the spoiler game than someone can say up and down something is happening, and when it doesn't "opps - the writers changed it at the last minute". The 'insiders' won't acknowledge they didn't know what they were talking about or lied outright. Having Luke and Tracy 'unmarried', would give some interesting material on one hand but it would also undo a lot of material on the other, and while TPTB don't seem to mind playing with older history a little, this is recent stuff.

I also find it interesting the timing of 'spoilers'. In the past few weeks I've noticed that Michael's rape became a spoiler AFTER some fans started to wonder if it was possible and that Maya being recast became a spumor AFTER some fans wondered if that was why she was never shown. This particular spoiler comes through only one source and it has appeared AFTER we were speculating about it here. And interestingly enough, none of those originators were on DD - the site accused of being the most unreliable.

I'm just going to sit back and see how it plays out - and try not to be surprised if "opps - the writers changed it at the last minute".

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I guess we'll see...the mags pretty much spoiled a big secret in their summer previews and both wubs/sos sort of confirmed it for me yesterday...

SID is out today with summer previews and might have something on it since the guy Richard kept tweeting about the luke/tracy/helena and how there was really good stuff coming up...

On a happier, more exciting note this morning...just heard from BSG!

Mama is a mama! She had a little boy last week, 7 lbs 6 ounces, 20 inches in a super easy birth. She and her little boy are doing well and are at home!

Mazel Tov/congrats!!!

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Didn't watch but saw people chatting...guess Tracy was on for a few seconds in the beginning and I guess they stuck luke in with her at the end and she was pissed he took so long to find her.

I hope it continues tomorrow...they have cut so many scenes from this...hope they don't cut the luke/tracy ones....if his worries about her intensify on the 2nd...you would think they might have to show them have a convo tomorrow or her starting to get sick one day this week

SID basically had the same exact preview for luke/tracy/helena form what I saw...helena pitting nik vs lucky was the summer hottest story or something like that.

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Tracy was on at the end. She was starting to get sick. It's probably from the water she was drinking. She was on the last 10 seconds at the end. She threw her water cup at Luke. He wanted to check her out since she didn't look too good.

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