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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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And that's exactly my point. This is a Tracy Q lovefest as well as a JE lovefest.

If you say something derogatory about Tracy,it's disrespectful.

I seem to remember a time when you used to love Tracy.

You're entitled to change your mind just like anybody else...but a Tracy LOVEFEST thread,is not the place for bashing the character.

Thanks !

*waves to Keith*

How ya doin'?


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i love Tracy too usually, nobody delivers an insult like her, but not when she's harranging my diva Skye for no reason. I just want them to act like family, i really wish it would come out that Tracy was blackmailing Rae to lie about Skye not being a Q. There's never been a DNA test to disprove Skye is not Alan's daughter.

I want Tracy to be there for Skye when she falls ill.

one of my favorite Tracy momnts, Jason turns up at the Q's, Alan, Monica and Edward react with wonder, and Tracy quips "Did anybody else hear the angels singing or was it just me?"

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Like ILoveTracyQ said, regardless of if she ever gets you pissy, this is not the place to complain about her. And I for one, as a lover of RC and JE (and not necessarily the characters these days with these HACKS), think Tracy has every right to dislike Skye. Tracy's not the type to have respect for a woman who pants after a married man, waiting like a loser for him to end his marriage to someone he's far more evenly matched with. And Skye's done everything in her power to discredit dear old Tracy, who has done next to nothing since the Georgie/Sage days.
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Yeah I pretty much have to agree with what Keith said.

Believe me I understand anger at the characters.

But an appreciation post is not the place to vent the anger.

If you have something nice to say about JE...fine.

If you have something nice to say about Tracy...fine.

And we DO vent our frustrations here,it's not all hearts and flowers.

But I don't think anyone else who has posted in here,has EVER called the character names,or been derogatory directly to the character.

That kind of stuff,is for a Tracy hate thread.

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BREAKING NEWS: JE/Tracy has a Mid-Show Promo!!! It's about time!!!

ILoveTracyQ and Keith, nice posts. *claps*

OT-coolkid, can we expect an update on your fanfic soon? :)

MarlandRulez, was that the same episode as "WHY...ARE...YOU...HERE? OR...SHOULD...WE...CALL...THE...POLICE?" :lol:

Some other comments...

About Bobbie/Lucas...I've also read some comments that suggested Tracy insulted Lucas in order to "jolt" Bobbie into defending him. It's an interesting thought; not sure if I believe it or not.

About today...The scenes were fun. I like fun, LOL, so it's all good except should Dillon REALLY be handling his mother like that?

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IA keith it would be better then that crap that ABC Daytime is giving use.... but I guess that we cant complain about our opening too much because AMC's is even worse the video doesnt match with the music and it's off.

Ms.Q i spen all week trying to figure out where I was going to end this chapter ;) But i said that I was just gonna find a spot and end it. B)

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Ms.Q....about the post defending our girl,you're welcome.

coolkid....like your update to the fanfic. :)

I haven't watched yet of course,but exactly HOW was Dillon "handling" his mother?

Did he grab her arm or something?

Nice TG quotes about JE/Tracy and Lacy in SOW.

I'm glad he loves our girl and loves working with her.

But I'm gettin' kinda weary of waiting for them to have some kind of story,and go forward together.

Sweeps sounds dull as usual...the same usual suspects,and like I said before,nary a Q in sight. Except for the Tracy scenes....I doubt I'll be watching.

God knows I won't be missing anything.

I guess the rumors about Edward dying are untrue,unless they are keeping a really tight lid on it.

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ILoveTracyQ, he grabbed both of her arms from behind and pulled her away from Lulu, as she (Tracy) fought to free herself from her son's hold.

Love the update, coolkid!

Oh man, LOL, I have a reason to purchase SOW. I read what was posted at SZ; I'm amused that TG has fantasized a sex life for Luke/Tracy.












We'll find out about Edward sooner or later. SD has a bunch of rumors/speculation, LOL. Something about Lo stealing the antidote from him and giving it to Skye, but when Edward dies, Skye/Lo ends. There's also a rumor that Skye is close to death and Carly, presumably angry about Skye/Lo, is about to pull the plug, but then TRACY catches her and stops her. Although...the same poster said the reason for this is because Tracy loves Skye like a daughter...hint hint. LOL. Ooh...SD is so much fun. :lol: Oh, there is also a blind item that 2 actors are fighting to keep their characters paired for their duration on the show. The answer was TG/JE. I could believe it. Hmm...

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Ah now...see the way Dillon has acted towards his mother in that respect has always bugged me.

I wonder if that's the director telling him to do that,or if it's mostly SC's acting choice.

Ned,who has a much greater reason to have issues with his mother,NEVER has gotten physical with her that I know of.


About the SOW things....yes,I think I'll buy that issue too. About the SD rumors,ALL of them,LOL:

I don't put too much stock in them unless and until I actually see them come to pass.

I think the Edward one...I don't know. I think if it were true the mags would've spoiled it by now.

But maybe not.

Wonder if our girl will be on today since Luke is back. Hope so.

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