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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Its that time again were another GH star is thought to be on reoccurring. I might just be in denial but something tells me that Jane might not be on recurring status. SOC and SON are very accurate but not always I can remember about 6 or 7 times that they have said an actor was leaving or going on reoccurring status but after awhile they have figured things out and settled on a new contract.

But the thing that bothers me the most is that Jane signed a "long term" contract but it should be over in a few years if not this year, I thought it was three year contract but I don't know.

John Ingle has apparently left Days, It has been on the net allot that he isn't really getting the time that he was at GH and that he was in talks to come back to GH. So if he does something tells me Ed isn't gonna die or he's gonna die and come back? But one thing I can say is that GH is doing anything that they can to bring up ratings so i would be shocked if JI was coming back.

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Hey guys !

Well I might not even be watching next week because I'll be staying at my sister's while they fix my car,so she can give me rides to and from work.

Easier that way,since I live across town from her and my work is just around the corner from where she lives.

And she doesn't have cable.


Doesn't really sound like anything going on next week that I want to see,anyway.

Ms.Q I haven't watched Friday and I don't know if I will.

I know exactly what kind of look from Skye you mean Ms.Q.

I know what tone of voice she probably said it in,too.

Jax said something similiar to Tracy about Courtney being sexy,in a tone of voice which said,"you're not."


Skye fans like to talk like Skye never insults Tracy,and/or that she never insults Tracy first,which obviously is a lie.


JE's a beautiful woman,and looks great for her age.

Because she's "mature",she can't be sexy?

Great message,GH.

My mom, who is 60,will be happy to know that.


About JI leaving DOOL...that rumor's been around a while.

I don't know.

I do believe Edward is being killed off and they are keeping it secret.

About Helena/Skye.

WHY?? Unless Helena still thinks Luke loves Skye,or Helena is going after Lulu and Skye gets in the way.

What other possible reason would she want SKYE?

Skye moves out of the Q's...my guess,if this happens,is that Lulu will move in with her if and when Luke chooses Tracy.

Just a guess.

GOOD. Maybe Tracy can have decent one on one with Luke if those two are gone.

The Q's will combust because of Edward's death,I'm sure.

About JE's contract....it expires this November.

"Beautiful Disaster" is updated.

SPOILER/RUMOR DISCUSSION OVER.......................................

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So does anyone know, if Edward is a victim of the epidemic? The previews list six people and give their first initials as A,LL,S,S,S.

Not an "E" in the lot of them.

BUT, are those the only victims?

I have heard the rumor that Skye (again) tells Luke they're through.

And another that says, Luke chooses Tracy.

It's not much of a choice if Tracy is the only one giving Luke the time of day.

If Luke/Tracy are going to be together,I'd rather they were both together because they wanted to be,otherwise I'd just rather see Tracy alone or with someone else.

I really don't want,or need,Tracy pining over Luke endlessly,while Luke pines over Skye.


But if Skye gets sick.... <_< .


Maybe the Q that dies isn't Edward at all.

Maybe it's Alan.

What do you all think?


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ILoveTracyQ, I believe those are the first 6 victims. I'm also beginning to wonder about Edward. TIIC don't care about him enough to write his death. As for Alan...I did read a rumor that he or Monica become ill (and this causes Jason to worry about them), but I have no idea.

So...RC is indeed pregnant. Congrats to her! Will it be written in? What does that mean for Tracy? For Tracy and Luke?

Other spoilers: Dillon/Georgie's romance is going to "rocket to a new level and will result in sending shockwaves through the Q's and Joneses." Teen pregnancy? Dare I hope GH intends on using FAMILIES? Also...Someone speculated that Skye loses her baby and ends up raising Dillon/Georgie's?!? Or is it not a teen pregnany at all, but a teen marriage? What else could send "shockwaves?" LOL.

From SoapDish: Tracy and Luke admit their feelings. And Tracy wins. Hmm...I like these rumors, LOL. :)

Casting/Grapevine/etc: A backburnered ABC vet is quietly checking into jobs at rival networks. IF the rumor about JE being placed on recurring is true, it might be her. So in that case, the above speculation (in regards to Tracy) means nothing.

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*waves wildly to Ms.Q


If Luke really becomes ill himself,(he could be one of the L's,and Lulu the other...although I heard it was Lucky too,so isn't that three? Unless one of them doesn't get sick....

Then maybe,if Luke is ill,this is when Tracy admits her feelings(remember that rumor from a while back?)

And maybe Luke is delirious and tells her the same.

I could see it playing that way, and Luke thinks Skye is abandoning him,when really Skye is ill(due to the virus,or is she pregnant?)

I also could see Luke choosing Tracy mainly because he thinks Skye is abandoning him.

Because they gotta crap on our girl every chance they get,don't ya know?

I HOPE it's not that way, mainly because I'm getting tired of the constant games and a little true emotion could really rev the story up right now.

I remember the Alan/Monica rumor. But SOD says it's Alexis.


Honestly,sweeps sounds dumb. Again.


But if I get some good Q stuff out of it,some good family stuff...some good Luke/Tracy stuff,I'd be pleased with it. :)

I agree about Edward,was in fact thinking that very thing.

Georgie/Dillon: I'd rather see them run off and elope,and NOT bring a baby into the world just yet.

I think a teen marriage...and both of them paying their own way,could provide angst for months,easily,without Tracy having to pull another eevvillll stunt.


:) ETA Yeah Baby ! 14 Pages of TracyQ lovin' !!

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*waves back to ILoveTracyQ*

Poor Jane Elliot. I cannot BELIEVE that TIIC made her spit out that garbage. I'm willing to bet Tracy lost A LOT of fans today. :(











There is less room for EVIL Tracy if TIIC are going the Dillon/Georgie marriage route. Watch. Georgie is pregnant, and Georgie "falls" down the stairs (courtesy of Tracy). :rolleyes:

As for the L...Wubs has Luke, Lucky, and Lulu all falling ill. Interesting speculation, by the way. Luke would never ever admit his feelings if he weren't delirious.

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Nothing TIIC make Tracy do surprises me.

Personally I don't have a problem with Tracy having a problem with Lucas.

I just think it's out of character. I don't think Tracy would care. As much time as she spends in Europe..as much as she LOVES Europe,LOL.....she seems more likely to just la dee da and go her own way.

But so what if she doesn't like his lifestyle?

Big whoop de do.

TIIC don't want people like Jason,Sam,Sonny,Emily,Robin or even Carly spouting those lines.

Gotta have someone do it,right?

So I stick to my thoughts that TIIC just trot out Tracy to: prop weaker characters,and newbies...AND to do the Evil Deed(according to most of the audience's viewpoint) of the Week.

That's what she's there for.


It's a tragic disservice to the character of Tracy...because when she acts like that,it makes her soooo one note.

AND a bigger disservice to JE...who hands down is the best actress on that silly show.

And yes,you're right about Luke. LOL I thought the same thing.

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Popping in to say I loved Tracy's reasons for faking her death. Hated the kids and Alan's reactions to seeing her alive. Alan should have been on her side. Alan knows if his kid ever did something like that to him, he'd want to get him right back. Look at his Jason hate. Hypocrite! I by no means like Jason, I'm just saying.

Oh and i really wish Scott Clifton wasn't so damned adorable. He makes it hard for me to hate Dillon. This has been an altogether bad direction for the character. I don't know if I was delusional, but I believe I saw Ned. :huh: Somewhere. Somehow. Anyway. Tracy was so justified. She needs to fight back more often.

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Hi Keith! :D In Alan's defense, he did side with his sister in the end, but I agree. He shouldn't have put her down at all.

Exactly ILoveTracyQ. She wouldn't care about Lucas's sexuality. I guess it didn't surprise me either. I was just watching live for the first time in awhile, and I was NOT happy with what was on my screen, LOL.












SoapDish is reporting teen marriage for Dillon/Georgie; and not for the reasons we think. Thoughts?

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Hmm...after I read yesterday's transcript,I have to say,as usual,that people on the net (okay,some people) are blowing what was said waayy out of proportion.

It just didn't sound that bad to me..in fact,it sounded more like Tracy was taking offense to Lucas being a Spencer,than anything else.

I think Tracy's had enough of them...and with good reason.

Of course I'm sure JE played it with the proper amount of disdain...but just going by the words that were said,it could have been a lot worse.

I remember when Coleman/Luke did the switch in bed thing last June,and people were calling it a rape.

I love Tracy,but even I wouldn't go that far.

It just stuns me how something on this show can get people so riled up,and I watch it,or read the transcript,and I'm like "THAT'S what's got people so ticked?"

So I guess I just have the opposite reactions of most people online.

And about Bobbie's remarks...eh,I understand defending your kid...but where does she get that Tracy's "charade" of a marriage is making a joke out of LUKE???

The things Tracy could tell her about her darling brother.....

And the kids? I'm so over them.

The only one of them who has a right to really want to nail Tracy to the wall is Georgie.

And that should have been done.

They should have trapped those two together and let them hash it out almost two years ago.

Now,it's a little late.

Georgie should either press charges or get over it.

Sorry but that's how I feel.

I know first hand holding a grudge,however justified you might feel...only wrecks you.

Dillon and Lulu can die.

I so want Lulu to move out,I don't care where.

Maybe if Skye moves to the Lakehouse,Lulu can go with her. That sounds good to me.

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ILoveTracyQ, I understand, but I hate that GH "tells" us who is goooooood and who is eviiiiiiiiiiiiiil. I consider myself an intelligent viewer, LOL; I don't need to be told.

I cannot believe I forgot to mention this! That line bothered me too.

Anyone read the spoilers? WTH is with our girl MISSING?!? (not missing, as in she runs off and goes missing, LOL), but other than her name being mentioned in the Luke/Tracy/Skye/Lorenzo section, there is nothing. Luke/Robert. Luke/Skye. Luke/Lulu. Lorenzo/Skye. But do I see Mrs. Quartermaine-Spencer? :angry: The sudden drought of Tracy spoilers (from reliable sources, LOL) adds fuel to the "JE on recurring" rumor. Watch her *POOF* disappear like WK/Ned. :(

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I guess in the heat of the moment Bobbie forgot what tracy did for her last summer :angry: I know that Bobbie was upset but not once do I ever recall that Bobbie has thanked her for standing up to Durant. If it wasnt for Tracy Bobbie would be out of a job and Tracy wouldnt have had to lose all that she has.

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With all due respect, you do realize,I'm sure...that this is a JE/Tracy appreciation post?

This is a thread to appreciate,and/or say nice things about JE/Tracy.

Now....I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it,if I,or someone else,not quite as respectful as me,were to go into the RC/Skye appreciation post and write something unappreciative.

I think we Tracy fans deserve the same respect we show other threads.

If I don't like a character.....I don't make a habit of going into their appreciation thread and calling them names.

I,and maybe I'm speaking out of turn but I think most of the people who post in here feel the same way...wish that if you don't have something nice to say about JE/Tracy,please refrain from posting the negative things you want to say about her,in an APPRECIATION THREAD.

Thank You.

Anyway....I feel the same as you do,Ms.Q.

Nary a Q in the spoilers unless you count Jason or Emily....and I don't.


I'm not spoilering it since it hasn't been confirmed....but does anyone know about Edward?

Is he a victim of the virus or not?

And coolkid....ICAM. I was thinking the same things about Bobbie.

I'm trying to stay positive. Maybe our girl will have a good strong part in sweeps.

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