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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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What a gut-wrenching show. And I have to say, just skimming through the posts at SOC, I'm floored by how Kristina blaming Ethan has almost overshadowed the attack. I guess the only positive aspect of that is that no one would have cared a few months ago. Ethan's popularity has relatively skyrocketed. So, I'm glad about that.

As for Kristina...I don't remember when anything was that difficult to watch. And I can completely understand why Kristina's sea of emotions and challenged physical state took her to a place where blaming Ethan just happened. The audience's lens and Kristina's are world's apart.

I'm so impressed with Lexi Ainsworth and, actually, with the actor who plays Kiefer. I want Kiefer thrown in a he11hole for the rest of his life. He can dine on mud-encrusted broken glass and wash it down with sewer water. So, the actor must be doing his job very well. Extremely believable and excellent portrayals all around.

And, Remos, don't worry about Ethina. I think I see where this may be headed, and it's just beginning for them.

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Yeah, I've been kind of stunned by how little sympathy there is for Kristina. That little girl is scared beyond belief and just because we know the facts doesn't mean we can understand her thinking in the moment. I find folks at SOC are so bloody narrow-minded and literal - they can't look at things from anyone else's perspective. And the few that can are often silenced.

All in all I think GH is telling one hell of a story and I can't wait to see where they go with this. So many of the characters' scars are going to be showing in this one.

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The confrontation with Alexis happened today, as did Sonny having a gun at Ethan's throat at the Star. Tracy does believe Ethan for the most part and only was conditional when talking to Alexis - which seemed appropriate given how upset Alexis was (now isn't a good time to tell Alexis her daughter is a liar).

Ethan is quite upset that his brother couldn't even be bothered to look at Ethan's hands to show they hadn't been used to his someone.

Johnny talked with Ethan at the PCPD then went to see Jason, and Johnny is the one who pointed out Krissy lied about the car accident for months so many she's lying about this now - Jason just wants to be really sure before carrying out any hit orders because they can't be undone.

I HATE SONNY. Just thought I'd add that.

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Lucky was right on that one though, he can't hear the statements and he didn't want Ethan giving Sonny or Dante any more fodder. I think Lucky is going to come around rather quickly - he's got a point that one brother did something he'd never believe in a million years, so Ethan is just going to have to forgive him for not knowing what to believe about the other. The point is that Lucky went back into that room and is still talking to Ethan, he's not abandoned his brother at all. Ethan is scared/pissed at the moment and that's understandable too. I'm just glad that it's not a rush to judgement on anyone parts except Alexis/Sonny/Sam - who should be feeling very protective of Kristina at the moment.

And they are not playing this as ultimately Alexis' fault, which is what a number of people had feared.

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They wouldn't know a shade of grey if it bit them in the fanny, and the hypocrisy is astounding. That's why I can't get enthused about posting there. I'm tolerant about just about everything except those who cling to their so-called moral compass. And given all the references to "whoop"(ing) someone, I think some of their compasses are not exactly pointing true north.

This story has the potential to be what OLTL did with the AIDS storyline in the early-mid '90s. Anyone remember that? It was spectacular storytelling that involved almost the entire canvas. That's how I see this story taking form.

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If Guza reduces this story to Sonny's Box of Pain, it will be the single biggest missed opportunity in soap history. But I don't think it will happen. Guza might be mobularly-focused, but it sounds like ABC is shifting the balance of power which might be a good omen. Speaking of, someone posted a job description for a GH/ABC liaison. A couple of the Jason/Liz fans were ecstatic! :lol: No kidding.

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Yeah, I've pretty much had my fill of SOC and it's hypocrisy. There are some really good, amazingly analytical and open minded people there but they are hard to find. I was just over there and saw that the so called "friend" of mine has started yet another hate thread... oy..... time to get gone I think.

About the show today, it is very compelling and Guza is hitting all the points. I also am intrigued by the part where Kristina is trying to say it's her fault and everyone is saying no it's not - which is right about the abuse part, she did nothing to deserve that. But I think what she's trying to find is the courage to say ETHAN's situation and anger is her fault, and that is absolutely correct.

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Well Sonny's looking like a completely irrational fool, and he has for some time now. I think TPTB are finished with the CareBear mob and are shifting the focus back to the good guys. The only one who will come out of this clean is Ethan, and he's definitely a Good Guy.

I don't think this is going to be owned by Sonny. I was actually pleased to see how many others were the focus. Tracy was incredible with Alexis, not giving in but not upsetting her more than she already was anyway. Jason's first thought was to Luke and now with Johnny's involvement Ethan WILL live out the night. Sam is being as reasonable as can be expected given what she believes to be true. Lucky and Dante are already on top of things. And all of this has happened with Luke out of town. We haven't gotten his part of things yet.

I'm pleased thus far. Guza is doing an exceptionally good job here.

Edit: I just caught that last bit. An official Liaison and the Jiz fans got excited??? OMG how STUPID can you be?

Edited by remos
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Definitely time to get gone. It's a trainwreck you can't resist reading sometimes, but it's good to remember that, as you said, many have been chased away and I'd like to believe that they don't represent the average GH viewer. Most folks, IMO, look for good writing, acting, and we're certainly getting that. Also, if GH is invested in this story, and I believe this is where it's happening for the foreseeable future, they will change what's needed if there's legitimate fan response to elements in the story.

I think you're right. And I believe that she may be doing what she's doing because she's afraid for her life. She had the life almost beaten out of her because she lied to Kiefer, from her perspective. So, who knows what would happen if she does something that could send him to prison?

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Yeah, I don't think it's going to get mobified either. Things are going in the family direction, and I think it's an ABC Daytime-dictated shift in paradigm. I don't watch AMC, but have you seen the promos? It's all about family, established characters. OLTL...I'm not sure about. But I think they've got another year or so and it's no signal, so they're not much of a barometer.

This should go in the soap edition of Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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Yup. That little girl is a mess right now - on the outside and the inside. Kiefer has been playing with her mind and emotions for a very long time and she doesn't even know which way is up. Then add the pressure of Sam, Sonny and Alexis - all of whom are trying to be supportive but in the end are also shutting her down - and we get someone who can't even reach the courage let along pluck it up to tell the truth.

The encounter I'm most looking forward to is Ethan and Kristina when he breaks the restraining order. Next to that I can't wait to see Sonny/Luke. And I'm pretty impressed with Tracy's role so far. She's not a direct parent like the rest are, but she's in there just the same. I wish they would make the connection between her former abuse and being Kristina's former grandmother, but even without that she's still Ma Spencer and not about to let something happen to Ethan on her watch.

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