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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I hear ya, ILoveTracyQ. I'll sometimes watch for the other characters, but I usually don't bother unless Tracy is on, which hasn't been much lately. Good news is that she's in the ABC Media Net photos for the week of Jan. 23! I doubt she'll have a lot of screentime, but I'll take what I can get. And NED is in the photos too! Ned, go find your mother. ;)












From SoapDish (Where else? LOL): Luke has a harder time letting go of Tracy than he thought he would. Perhaps he really is responsible for unleashing the virus that kills Edward? And then Tracy wants nothing to do with him? But does this mean "Lacy" is ending? Rumors. Rumors. Rumors. LOL. Grain of salt, everyone.












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Hmm...interesting rumor Ms.Q.

I'm still waiting on that earlier one about them to come true though.

Do you remember aprox what page you saw that on?

Yes *blushes* I DO sometimes go there and read,too.

Unlike you though I don't have the patience to wade through pages and pages of people bickering back and forth. LOL

So I usually skip it.

Hope our girl's on today. :)

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Aww MarlandRulez, that is pathetic. *sigh* What does Tracy have to do with Lucas anyway?

ILoveTracyQ, it's on page 2. I don't have the patience either, so I use the "search" function. LOL.

Our girl was on fire today! I loved her laying down the law. I expected Luke to come up with the plan, and for Dillon just to follow. But for Dillon to come up with it on his own is even worse. And the scene where Luke described killing her? Rather disturbing IMO. Poor Tracy. I can't believe we're supposed to root for Luke. *shakes head*












Tracy, make Dillon suffer. Make him. LOL. And I LOVE the Alan/Tracy spoiler! Can it last for more than 2 seconds? Please?












ETA: ILoveTracyQ, I just read your post on SZ on Alan/Tracy. And we both used something along the lines of, "Can it last for more than 2 seconds? Please?" How coincidental. LOL.

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I'm probably in the minority,but I don't think Tracy not agreeing with Lucas's lifestyle is pathetic.

What WOULD be pathetic is taking it too far,like committing a hate crime.

But I think it takes guts to stand apart from the crowd and speak your mind,especially when you're going to be called "intolerant" just because you don't agree.

Unfortunately,that's not GaP's intention.

Gap need a scapegoat...and there are only three people these days,since AJ's gone,that they use for scapegoats...or to be eevvillll....and that is John Durant,Tracy,and Alan.

And four if you count Helena.

That's it. So,when they need someone to do or say something that's going to get everyone else riled up...it's usually one of the above characters.

Which is why I just don't take GaP,or GH,or their so called "storytelling" seriously,anymore.

I hope her part in it is minimal...and that's all I'm going to say about that. But hey...at least she didn't set a house on fire full of people with HIV/AIDS....like Skye did on AMC soooo many years ago.

But anyway I digress,it's SO not worth going into.

Ms.Q you must teach me the trick for searching on the site.....when I hit search I don't get specific pages,I just get the threads Tracy's name appear in,but not the exact pages. Do you know what I mean? And I don't know how to remedy that.

Um I saw the clips for today,except for the very last one.

It was entertaining...I got excited that Tracy was so happy ! LOL

Wish Alice would just die.

Maybe February sweeps will kill her. LOL

Yes,Dillon....suffer please. Tracy,make him WEEP.


Luke...don't hurt my girl,leave her alone. You suck.

Aaahh...that felt good.

About that SD thing Ms.Q....eh. I'd love to see Jane and Tony get to play something so...heartfelt.

We'll see.

I don't know what to think about Lulu and Skye today.

Is Lulu pulling something? That turnaround seemed kinda quick.

Can't wait for tomorrow and Friday. My girl should be on TWO WHOLE MORE DAYS !!

And yeah Ms.Q we did say the same thing about Tracy/Alan. How cool. LOL

I can't wait for their stuff together.

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I'm just tired of the "Tracy is evil/Tracy is insensitive" card, ILoveTracyQ. About SoapDish...Where it says "Display results as...," click in the circle that says "Posts." The newest rumor (I'm not going to leave spoiler/rumor space because half the things that get posted there are never true, LOL) is that Jason becomes ELQ's CFO (Chief Financial Officer), and Tracy/Lorenzo become Co-CEOs. As for Skye/Lulu...Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of bonding SL? Perhaps that scene was the start of it. Hmph. I wish Tracy got to bond with Lulu, but whatever...I'm just glad JE/Tracy is on our screens. :)

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I hear you about the Evil Tracy junk Ms.Q

ICAM with you on that one

Thanks for the SD tip,I'll try that.

About the Lulu/Skye...there was a spoiler on some of the sites...although they can't always be trusted...but that was long ago.

Maybe that was the start of it.

I guess if they are doing the "legitimate couple" route with Luke/Tracy,they have to have the angst/conflict with Lulu since Skye will be occupied elsewhere.

I read a rumor...maybe on SD,that RC is pregnant again and they delayed the "bonding" because she had been ill because of it.

I dunno. LOL

Guess we'll have to wait and see.

The scene between them came off as really kinda fake to me though,that's why I think maybe she's pulling something.

About the Jason rumor...BWAH ! Although it could be interesting.

I could actually see the co-CEO Lo/Tracy thing.

Guess we'll have to wait and see on it,too.

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All right. Where do I begin? LOL. Did today's scenes seem unbelievably forced to anyone else? I did laugh at times, but that was because of the ridiculousness of it all. And this plan is just not cool. Dillon is a brat for suggesting it. The rest are idiots for going along with it, although Georgie gets some points for being semi-concerned in the beginning. I also had a problem with most of their reasons for going along with it...

Tracy is standing in Skye/Luke's way of "true love?" Perhaps, but if Luke never married her in the first place, she would NOT be in the way. Yet somehow it's all her fault.

And then there's Dillon, whose mother is only cutting off him room/board at PCU. She's not holding his college education hostage. And while I'm sure he is not enjoying his "babysitting" duties, it could be so much worse. And psst...Dillon, if you must live in the dorms, there are such things as jobs, and if you don't want to work, there are always scholarship opportunities/student loans...

And Lulu...I don't recall Tracy ever blackmailing her to spy on her father, but whatever. Tracy wanted her to be respectful and to mind her manners, or else she would throw her out of the house. What's wrong with that?

Then Alice...Treating her like a servant? Um, because she is not one? (I loved Georgie's reaction to Alice though. LOL.)

I cannot wait until Tracy gets even...which brings me to this spoiler: Skye and Lulu plot to get even with Tracy. So the two are getting even for getting even? It's never going to end. And ILoveTracyQ, I read that rumor also. Since Skye/Lulu bonded again (this time much more heart-felt), I'm thinking it's for real. (The bonding; I have no idea about the pregnancy, LOL.)

Another spoiler: Dillon confronts Tracy about faking her death. I have no doubt he is going to be quite upset with his oh.so.very.evil.mother. I mean, how can he not be? She let him believe that she was DEAD! She allowed him to GRIEVE for NOTHING! [/sarcasm] Never mind it was his ever so brilliant idea in the first place. And will we be allowed to hear Tracy's feelings on all of this?

Oh, and since Tracy is "dying" for the time being, can the jacket please die with her? ;)

SoapDish Speculation: Someone is watching Skye and Lorenzo's date. Is it Tracy?

And whew! That is kind of a long post. Sorry for getting carried away. This show has that effect on me sometimes. LOL.

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I don't know about the scenes being forced Ms.Q. Keep in mind I haven't watched the show....I saw the clips at NeverQuiet.

I thought the initial scenes in the Q living room,especially the one where they all gave each other "the sign"....REALLY corny,not funny at all.

The reason I asked about Lulu/Skye...real or not,is that THOSE scenes,both yesterday and today,came off as forced to me.

They seemed very fake,especially Lulu.

Maybe the actress is playing it like Lulu MIGHT be scamming Skye AGAIN,and we're being left in suspense.

I certainly didn't feel the scenes rang true to me. Not genuine at all.

WOW. Yes Tracy's done some bad stuff,but she didn't/doesn't deserve THAT kind of treatment. And the fact that they were all so quick to say so...you know the one about people who live in glass houses?

Ah,well. LOL

This story,and the people in it,save for Tracy,have just become irritating/dumb to me.

WHAT true love?

If Luke loved Skye,he'd have left Tracy a LONG time ago.

There's nothing stopping him RIGHT NOW.

Did he forget about the pics he has of her with Coleman? If he wants a reason to really divorce her,there's a start.

DILLON..... :angry::angry::angry:

HE sucks worst of all. And he'll have the GALL to get mad at Tracy for faking her death?

Die,Dillon. Or treat your mother better.

Because the way you're treating her now is MUCH worse than she has ever done you.

I believe Lulu was refering to the early days of her time in chez Q....where she and Tracy negotiated to get her to spy on Luke.

But it didn't look like blackmail to me. It looked mutual. And it looked like Lulu enjoyed it. Oh,well. Quick rewrite,that.

About the SD rumor...I have a strange feeling...if someone DOES spy,it'll be Lulu.

Don't ask me why.

Of course this is Gap.

They're unoriginal.



Personally I see much more conflict/story/potential in it being Lulu who sees the date/sex(if there is sex)than Tracy.

Here's why: she and Skye sort of bond.

Lulu believes Skye loves Luke.

Lulu prefers,or said she would prefer,Skye as a step mother over Tracy.

Lulu sees Lo/Skye together.

Should she tell Luke?

If she tells Luke,they may be stuck with Tracy forever.

If she keeps quiet,and Skye goes back to Luke,Lulu will forever know what took place and that her father doesn't know.

If Skye turned up pregnant,as some have spec'd...and Lulu sees the Lo/Skye sex,even better in the sense that Lulu has to decide the lesser of two evils...letting her dad possibly be happy with someone that does care(Tracy),even though it means Lulu won't be as happy.

Or living a lie with Skye as Luke's new wife and/or the Skuke child,with Lulu knowing the truth.

Or breaking her dad's heart.

Sooo much more potential story,with Lulu being the one to see.

Tracy seeing?

Can only mean one thing...blackmail leverage.

*yawn*.....Skye must stay away from Luke,break it off with Luke,or Tracy will tell about Skye/Lo.

Big whoop.

LOL And that's assuming there will be something to see,and that the spoiler is right.

Eh...I'm kinda thinking I need a GH break. I may come here for updates and watch any good clips. But I'm pretty sick of this show at this point.

If Edward dies...I may tune back in for that,I'm sure I will.....but right now I'm so not interested.

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Aww, ILoveTracyQ, don't go!!! This thread wouldn't be the same without you. :( Besides...You and I are the only ones who post daily! LOL.

Here...I have something to cheer you up: Tracy/Dillon Post Hotel Fire 1 (near the end of the clip) and Tracy/Dillon Post Hotel Fire 2. Credit goes to lambster_fan/Arie of NQ.net. I know you're a member of NQ.net, but I figured it'd be easier to post the links here. Hopefully Arie doesn't mind. Enjoy! :)

Interesting speculation about Lulu, by the way.

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Ms.Q that's a sweet thing to say. :)

If I do take a GH break I'm sure I'd still lurk here and post,even if just to wave.

It's just so BAD right now.

I think I cringed all through those clips yesterday.

As someone said on SZ though.....Luke/Tracy fighting over the mail was funny.

But,that's the only thing tolerable about yesterday.

Even Jane can't get blood out of a stone. LOL

So,I don't know. Right now I am leaning towards not watching.

What am I saying? I already don't really watch.

But this stuff yesterday,and the upcoming stuff with Lucas?


Hopefully her part in Lucas's story will last a second and be done.

I realize TIIC see Tracy as a "villain."

But villains are tricky. If they are on an ongoing show,you HAVE to give them vulnerabilities. The viewer HAS to see their point of view sometimes.

Otherwise,they just come off as completely unsympathetic. Or cartoonish. Or both.


My girl is NOT a cartoon. Wish TIIC would realize that and write her accordingly.

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*waves to ILoveTracyQ* I'm glad you'll continue to post here. Please do so often. ;)

Sometimes I wish I didn't read spoilers. LOL. I wouldn't have believed our girl was dead regardless, but still...maybe the scenes would have seemed more "real" to me if I didn't read them. So, I'm assuming that Tracy didn't intend on faking her death until AFTER she ended up in the lake? She wouldn't drive off the road on purpose, right? And I can't believe it went from JE/Tracy to the OPENING CREDITS! I thought that was reserved for ahem...more "important" actors/characters.

Other comments: It was nice of Luke to dive into the lake and attempt to rescue his wife, but he loses points for running out of town. And Dillon...I would almost feel bad for him except it was his idea in the first place. And when he confronts his mother next week, we better get to hear both sides. Is it too much to hope Tracy/Dillon have a semi-meaningful conversation? You know...I almost think it would've been better if Tracy DID get hurt in all of this. That way, everyone would feel bad and it wouldn't be, "Oh, look. Tracy is so evil for faking her own death." *sigh* On a positive note, I'm looking forward to what's coming up with Alan! :D

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Sometimes I wish I didn't read spoilers either. LOL

Oh I'm pretty sure the accident WAS an accident.

I think once it happened and Tracy knew the shaker was lost,she had to come up with an alternate plan.

BTW a little detail but I thought Tracy COULD swim.

I know how TIIC don't give a crap about history/details...but she and Paul went to the Bahamas for their honeymoon if I remember correctly...she could swim then.


I guess she forgot how. :P:P:P

Eh,watching the clips....I'm just reminded how VILE the majority of these characters are sometimes. I mean,Luke may be charged with attempted murder(heehee),and Tracy might be dead,and Skye's all worried about her relationship with Luke,accusing him of running out on HER again,just because he wants to skip town? HELLO! The cops were after him. LOL

They all came off as pretty cold and selfish. I did feel for Dillon a little.

And ya know it's not that I don't realize Tracy's selfish too...but I still don't get the mentality of some people that Tracy "deserved" it.

I think I need to stay away from SZ for a while.....LOL

Eh,I hope we get a good Tracy/Dillon convo.

I doubt it though.

Maybe we'll be surprised. There's always a chance.

I'm looking forward to the Alan stuff too. It should be FUN.

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Wasn't the shaker strapped in the passenger seat though? I hope that wasn't TIIC's way of saying she intended on crashing all along. About the little details...Eh well, we are talking about writers who can't remember what they themselves wrote 2 months ago. ;)

As for Dillon...I want to feel bad for him. I do. He doesn't deserve to believe his mother is dead. He doesn't deserve to believe he caused it (indirectly). However, had he not come up with the plan in the first place, he wouldn't be in that position. That's not to say I think Tracy is right for faking her own death. She's wrong. Just as Dillon's wrong. In fact, EVERYONE is wrong IMO. I just hope that once Dillon confronts Tracy, he can tell her what he told Georgie (this of course would have to come after he b-tches her out and yadda, yadda, yadda...), and then maybe, just maybe Dillon/Tracy can *gasp* bond. And if even if they don't, there's always fanfiction. ;)

Remember the spoiler about Tracy framing Luke for something Skye cannot forgive? I believe we brought it up more than once in this thread. Could this have been what the scoopster was referring to? It wasn't supposed to happen until before TG's spring vacation, but I wonder...


So...There's a line of people waiting to tell Tracy off over this, huh? Does Tracy get to tell them off too? At least her brother is on her side. And tell me again why are Lulu/Skye "getting even for getting even?" What is their plan? And if Tracy turns the tables on them again, are Lulu/Skye going to get even for getting even for getting even? :rolleyes:

Newest SD Rumor...Tracy enlists COLEMAN to help her out in her latest scheme. As always, guess we'll see.

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It's a bit late but ILoveTracyQ I hope you stick around :)

As for yesterday it literally made me sick after watching GH on Thursday I got a sinus infection.. The only time that happens is when GaP writes Tracy as a Villon <_< I get so tired sometimes of seeing that Tracy is bad... Tracy is no good. Well if she is soo bad could GaP at least let her do something that is evil for a good cause.

I dont think I have offically stated this but these are the things that are dead to me hopefully this will make me feel better

Dilion is dead to me!

That darn GRAY JACKET is dead to me!

Big Alice is dead to me!

Georgie is dead to me!

GaP is dead to me!

GH is dead to me!

Did I say Dillon is dead to me!

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