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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the recaps. So is she in the same outfit form the medianet pics for week of the 25th?

Never mind it isn't. I just saw the screencaps. That is the one with the funky back right she wore during Ethan/Luke trying to steal edward's phone?

I wonder if at some point either Tracy and/or luke will tell Holly that their marriage isn't one of convenience anymore. I am sure it will be Tracy, but it would be nice if Luke piped in somewhere along the line.

I think he will be pissed when he finds out that she did alter the DNA test even though he suspects it and pissed about her paying Holly off. But I hope he is more pissed at Holly.

I wonder who gets luke/holly arrested.

Would be nice if they mentioned their anniversary tomorrow! Four years--woo hoo! I won't hold my breath for the mention though!

Tracy/Lulu tomorrow!

Edited by hookedongh
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^^^ that amuses me, especially coming from a country where you have more dialects/accents than you can shake a stick at. I find him perfectly clear, as you know, and he says things in the most interesting way. After Tracy he's the most easy 'voice' for me to write (not that I've been doing much of that seeings how they are on ALL THE TIME!!!)

The Luke hate at SOC is grabbing Tracy in it's wake along with Ethan. :rolleyes:

I hope Luke will be the one to set Holly straight, and at some point he's got to be the one because Holly will only see it as a one-way thing if Tracy alone tells her. The problem with the way they write Luke's dialogue is that he doesn't throw anvils, he throws feathers. Tracy challenges him to tell her who he chooses and Luke says there's no choice to be made, and we are then left with realizing he just said "I don't have to choose because it's only been you." And today when Holly said she doesn't want to talk openly with Tracy around, Luke invites "Mrs. Spencer" to join them, meaning "My wife isn't anyone's 'inconvenience' and anything you say to me can be said to her because we are a couple". Sometimes I wish they would give him grander declarations in the vein of "You don't get it do you. I love you Tracy, I love YOU!" We need him to jump on a sofa somewhere for all to see.

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From Nelson Branco's column

From Nelson Branco:


“Over the past few years I’ve found a peace doing GH that I certainly didn’t have 10 or 15 years ago, during the Wendy Riche reign of terror.”

—Emmy winner Anthony Geary (Luke) to TV Guide magazine on his latest Emmy nomination

Translation: Unlike Wendy, Bob only waterboards me when I act up.

Top 3 Soap Moments To Watch:

1. Wednesday: Cady McClain returns as Rosanna on ATWT. “Omigod… like I totally love my new storyline. Everything is so wonderful on World Turns,” she says. Hey, Cady: you’re not that good of an actress — no one believes you.

2. Tuesday: GH’s Tracy admits to a smitten Lulu that Ethan is Luke’s son! “I switched the DNA results because your father is so in love with Ethan. I didn’t want to break up a beautiful love story,” defends Tracy.

3. Thursday: All My Children continues to suck.

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NB is losing credibility. First he publishes 'true' interviews that the actors then have to come out and says they weren't part of (JJ himself said he didn't say anything about GH, Lucky or how they are writing the Spencer family currently), and now this totally crass, humourless jab at CM and GH? I'm not amused.

BTW, for the slang-impared such as myself, what does 'waterboard' mean?

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Where did JJ come out and say he was never quoted or talked about GH? I never though those Genie/JJ comments were real. Nobody every provided a link to it and they said it was the publication version not the online version. I am glad to hear they are not true.

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The thing is I could see GF doing it because she's such a publicity whore, but not JJ. The web was totally alight thinking it was real, and even after JJ spoke out some didn't want to believe it. I think those viewers who were upset about Luke 'cheating' on Laura wanted to have a whole host of people on their side. But in the final analysis (if we ever see it, which I find unlikely) it will turn out that TG was very in support of ending LnL once and for all - no empty promises or hanging possibilities this time - and moving on from it. It's worn the man down for decades and he's done.

Personally I'd like to be a fly on the wall of either dressing room.... we haven't had a JE interview of late. Wonder what her thoughts on the matter are. I can almost guess what she'd say about actors thinking they have a say about a character years after they've left the role. Something tells me she wouldn't be impressed.

LOL Halee, thanks for the explanation. My husband, who listens to a lot of US news knew all about it. In my bubble I hadn't a clue. Torture sure is an inventive vocation...

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RECAPS, Tuesday May 19th


Vets: Edward, Monica, Tracy, Luke, Holly

Kisses: none

Appearance: same outfit as yesterday

Other Stories: Ethan saying he doesn't want to be Luke's son - too many schemers in the mix (Tracy, Holly, Luke...) and tells Lulu he doesn't know what to want; Holly at Scrubs talking about his life and the changes bringing a baby into the picture (sounds like Holly knew Ethan and gave him up for adoption because she couldn't cope); Claudia trying to find out what Michael knows and Johnny reminds her that the memories could come back; Carly/Jax/Sonny/Jason all about Michael's awakening.

Line of the Day: Holly about Patrick's baby "Emma... I've always loved that name."

Sc. 1 - Monica and Edward at the mansion talking about Michael (they don't know he's awake yet). They talk about how they should never have let Sonny take a Q out of that house. Tracy busts in and says she hopes they aren't hiding her. Monica/Edward wonder what she's talking about and Tracy says she hopes that 'butter wouldn't melt in my mouth' expression is legitimate - she's talking about Holly Sutton. Monica and Edward are surprised that Holly is back in town and Luke walks in saying he thought Holly might be there. Why Mon and Edward wonder? Luke says for the 5 star accommodation, and because I'm here, in a self-impressed manner. Tracy can't believe how he's acting.

Sc. 2 - Jason calls the Q's about Michael being awake. At first Monica can't believe it but Jason tells her. Monica gets off the phone and tells Edward, Tracy and Luke. Edward is overjoyed, Tracy is shocked and Luke's expression is unreadable.

Sc. 3 - no LuNacy

Sc. 4 - Monica and Edward come into Michael's room, overjoyed that he's awake. Edward asks if he knows who they are, and Michael does. Then Edward start blustering about how they will make sure he's back with them and that Sonny won't win this time. Jason and Monica say it's not the time and send Edward out the door, then Monica leaves after telling Michael they will be back. Later they run into Sonny and tell him they are taking Michael back and changing his name back to Quartermaine. Olivia bursts in and tells the Q's to back off. Meanwhile at the mansion Tracy and Luke are discussing their situation and Tracy tells him he's being played. Luke protests and says he's not being conned, he's being baited and there's a difference that she would know if she knew the history he shared with Holly. Tracy isn't interested, but says she's amazed that Holly found a weakness in Luke that he didn't know he had - that she didn't even see. Luke wonders what she's talking about and Tracy goes on about how even the great Luke Spencer wants a legacy and a son to be proud of. Just then the phone rings and it's Holly asking for forgiveness.

Sc. 5 - Holly says she's sorry it went that way. Luke wonders what she's talking about. Holly said she wanted to drink to old times, share some laughs, tell him the truth about Ethan but then the 'screaming banchee' you call a wife interfered. Holly can't imagine the hell Tracy puts him through, but Luke says that's part of her charm. Nevertheless, Holly continues, she's leaving. She's safe for the night at some doctor's but she's leaving. Luke says he doesn't want her to leave, and calls her back. When Luke gets off the phone Tracy demands he look at her, and then says he should think long and hard about leaving because he's not welcome back. Luke then tells Tracy she can end it all by admitting she rigged the DNA test. Tracy smiles and says she can't, because she didn't rig it. Luke says everything from here on out is on her shoulders, remember that. Then Luke leaves.

Sc. 6 - Tracy on the phone with Spinelli, demanding his results saying he's not been great at finding information but he's certainly been able to cash the cheque. Lulu arrives and says Tracy's not going to be happy with what she has to say. Tracy says first she needs to explain to Lulu why she's been so difficult lately and tell her that Luke and Tracy are having big problems but might not be able to get past this one. "Holly Sutton" Lulu says. Tracy is stunned and wonders what Lulu knows. She tells Tracy she was with Ethan when she found out where Holly was. Tracy wants to know what she was doing with Ethan and Lulu says they're close. Tracy smiles and asks how close. You mean do I think he's my brother, Lulu asks? Tracy is surprised. Meanwhile Luke and Ethan show up on Patrick's doorstep looking for Holly.

Sc. 7 - Luke is at the door when Holly answers. He looks menacing/attractive at Holly, who has since switched her attention to Ethan who is not nearly as amused. Ethan is really angry that Holly sent him to Port Charles under false pretences. Holly says she didn't, but the gloves are definitely off with LUke and he demands the truth from Holly. Meanwhile Tracy assures Lulu that Ethan isn't her brother, the DNA test was conclusive. Lulu says great, because she's going clubbing with Ethan. Clubbing? Tracy asks. Lulu says yeah, a little music, a little dancing, a little sex. Tracy says stop, and Lulu wonders what she's doing. Tracy admits she bribed a lab tech to make it negative but she doesn't know the real answer. She never saw the true results so she doesn't know. Lulu surmises that Holly is the only one who knows the truth and Tracy concurs, but acknowledges that they can't trust Holly.

Edited by remos
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