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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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star, am thinking of you and your family.

Lainey, welcome back. And yes, it's like old times... You leave and Tracy graces us with her presence for several days in a row. :lol:

halee, those clips also open in QuickTime, right?

If they do, those of us with PC's can save them, go to www.zamzar.com, upload the file and convert to WMV.

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A couple of Tracy


Luke/Holly in handcuffs with Tracy talking to them and Tracy in the interrogation room with Holly for the week of the 25th. Hey at least we know she is on again that week. Several of Luke/Alexis, Luke/Ethan, a hundred of blinky boy, carjax and claudia




(I think Alexis is standing next to Tracy)

Edited by hookedongh
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Hey Nex! Hope you are doing well! Thanks again for always loading the clips! If you are getting sick of it though, dont' feel obligated. You have been doing it for so long for us!!

I am sure after the next two weeks you will have somewhat of a break! :)

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RECAPS, Monday May 18th


Vets: Luke, Holly, Alexis, Tracy


Appearance: Same fuchsia jacket with black shell and pants.

Other Stories: Michael awakens and those involved get to the hospital; Alexis questions Becs in front of Nic; Claudia bluffs that Jason is helping her to Sonny; Jax takes care of Carly who didn't answer her phone when Lulu called; Luthan interaction at GH and Ethan tells Lulu that Luke thinks he's Ethan's father and Lulu's having a hard time processing;

Line of the Day:

Sc. 1 - no Tracy; Repeat of Friday with Holly arriving at the HS and bringing a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Luke asks what they are drinking too - friends or family. Holly tells him to just pour.

Sc. 2 - no Tracy; Holly suggests they toast to old times. Luke asks which old times - the first time he saw her skinny dipping, or the last time monkeying around the Markkam Islands? Holly says whatever, and Luke suggests Singapore. Holly says that's perfect, and that it's a shame what happened to their little club. Luke says you were there. She says yes, and she was quite impressing to see him saving his wife's diamonds... and Ethan, isn't he impressive. Luke says walked away from Singapore with nothing, what did she walk away with? Holly said her life - which is more than she thought would happen then. Luke then leans in to Holly (it's not flirting - it's dangerous Luke) and tells her to stop the games - tell him what he needs to know.

Sc. 3 - Holly says she's surprised, he's usually not so direct. Luke says no, he's usually more obtuse, liking fun and games, so did she. Holly said she still does. Luke asks her what her game is this time and Holly admits she was trying to get him to rescue her. Luke says why didn't you appear, was it because Ethan was with me. Holly says no, she enjoys seeing Ethan. It was because "Your partner in your marriage of inconvenience unfortunately arrived." Luke tells her to stop tap dancing. Tracy arrives and says she knew it. Luke looks at her and says "Mrs. Spencer, come and join us." Tracy then tells Holly to get away from her husband. Holly looks amused.

Sc. 4 - Tracy tells her to get out. Holly looks at Luke and says she's awfully possessive of you. Luke shrugs saying he's still a prize. And Tracy intervenes and says yes, and he's her prize and all that money he throws around belongs to me. Holly then tells Tracy there are more important things than money. Luke thinks he sees an in so he asks her what things. Holly says memories, experiences, things that he will never share with you, Holly says as she looks at Tracy. Tracy crosses her arms and says there it is, lie to him. Tell him he's Ethan's father. Luke looks at Holly for answers and Holly just shrugs.

Sc. 5 - Tracy tells Holly she saw Ethan running a con and decided to take advantage of it: she sent Ethan to PC with the picture. Holly says she didn't pay Ethan a dime and didn't send him here under false pretences. Luke asks pointedly if Ethan is his son. Tracy laughs and says you've never been an easy mark Luke, so don't start now. Luke again asks Holly if she knows the truth about Ethan and Holly says she does, but doesn't feel comfortable talking about it in the current circumstances (meaning with Tracy in the room). Luke says frankly my dear, your comfort isn't my concern. Is Ethan Luke's son, or does Holly even know. Holly says she knows, and she'll tell him - for a price. Tracy laughs while Luke looks frustrated/appalled/surprised.

Sc. 6 - Well, Tracy says, your English will give you a shinny new son for the price. Luke says you would sell your own son? Tracy laughs and says she would sell her own soul - oh, she already did that. Luke tells "Spanky" she's not making it any easier. Tracy outlines what Holly will probably do, first she calls and plays wolf, and what she will do next is anyone's guess. Holly says what she does next is to leave. Luke calls Holly back but she waves goodbye. Luke then turns on Tracy and says "see what you did". Tracy looks at him and assures him Holly won't go far.

Sc. 7 -Luke says angrily "good work, Spanky". Exasperated Tracy says Holly isn't gone she's right here in town. Luke asks how she knows that. Tracy tells Luke he's a fool "but you're my fool so I'll spell it out for you". Tracy points out that Holly didn't reel Luke in this far just to cut him loose, she's waiting for him to find her. Luke starts thinking what other crumbs Holly has left to give him clues as Tracy watches. Meanwhile Holly shows up at Patrick's and wonders if he's got a "warm bed for an old friend".

Edited by remos
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I arrived back at 2:30PM and got the recaps in - that's a Tracy fan for you, bookends her vacation with GH. And we are up to 10 days in a row as of today.

Star - I'm praying for you and your son. I'm so happy he's doing well and let us know when you get the chance.

As for the jealousy thing, Luke has said it a few times but Tracy isn't acting like it. I don't know if it's an anvil or just repetitive dialogue. I think it would be a major step backwards for LuNacy to play the jealous angle. I'm waiting to see how it all plays out because as I watch the hanging ends that seem to be left one episode are dealt with over the next show or two. All I know after today is that Luke isn't interested in anything from Holly but the truth, Holly thinks Tracy isn't as significant in Luke's life as everyone else in PC (and at home) knows she is, and Tracy's got the chick's number.

Awhile back an insiders told us it would be much line the MI with Ethan taking the role left vacant by Dillon. A change in topic for sure (outside of Holly still looking for money, Tracy still seeing through her, Luke still playing Holly to find out what he can and I imagine all of the rest are more interested in seeing her leave without hurting too many people). But we are certainly seeing something big playing out, and Tracy isn't pushed to the side this time. Who knows what will happen, but as of today I can assure everyone that Luke isn't going to let Holly undermine is marriage.

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