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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey guys, I'm at a KOA and loving wifi access. Thunder storms and tenting however, not so much...

Love this picture - Daddy looks like he's getting a good view of Mama's goods. And the travel thing - yeah... I choose to believe they were over Ontario when they were playing, so just after the scene the pilot announced they were landing.

I seriously don't think they are going to revisit Ethan's paternity, Hooked. This isn't NBC or CBS who fly fast and free with keeping it in the family. This is the Mouse Ears where people had a canniption about Natelia/Jared on OLTL and the audience knew the whole time that Jared was lying. They wouldn't even be pretending Luthan if this was to be Luke's kid. They are just going to get all of the milage out of it that they can (screw the reminants of LnL, have a Lucky freak-fest, revisit Luke's past amores) then once that's been milked - which is pretty much over now - they will then get everything they can out of Ethan NOT being a Spencer. Really, they are getting the best of both worlds with this one.

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Have fun camping!

I think they are going to make Ethan appear to be a Scorpio.. Even if there is another DNA test--this is a soap so they can lie about it again. I think that lulu/ethan are going to hang out and maybe flirt with feelings, but this is the soap where pairings like Jason/Sam can share scenes for six months or more now and not one kiss. I totally think that once some of the negativity has died down and fan backlash, that we will eventually work back to finding out Ethan is indeed Luke's kid. It gives him time to be on canvas without tony this summer. But I"m still betting on the fall we find out he is really Luke's. IMO there was no reason to do all this rewriting of history and to alienate more fanbases and trash Lucky/Luke's relationship for him to turn out to be a scorpio.

I hope he is Scorpio--but if I were a betting person, I wouldn't put money on Tristan coming back. Plus what if KMc doesn't re-up in the fall. Then he is a character with neither parent on canvas or contract, and no sister around either. I just don't think TG re-upped for a storyline where he has a new playmate who is robert's kid. There have been so many rumors about GV/BH leaving or being written out. I could see lucky leaving town and then us finding out Ethan is really a Spencer. Why would Holly be returning in the fall for more of this story. Also--Tristan is busy twittering how maybe Robert made a deposit in a sperm bank in the 70s he didn't remember.

Anyway, just my thoughts based on a few things I'vegathered. I could be totally wrong. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Not me. But I am sure it would be fun.

I heard Carolyn's pilot she is in with Courtney Cox got picked up for the fall by ABC. It is called Cougartown. Good for her.

Edited by hookedongh
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Just checking in... I hope that everyone is doing well. I am shocked at how much Tracy has been on. What a great year this is! I am slightly nauseated that TG is nominated for yet ANOTHER Emmy. But I am thrilled that KS was nominated and I hope so much that she wins! I am also happy for BA, and what a snub to the leading ladies of GH! Hopefully that and NOT being nominated for best drama will slap some sense into Guza. Okay, enough of that. I am so excited to see that this thread made it to page 1000! With that I'll take off, have a lovely weekend everyone.

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Hi all. I'm back!

I have a pretty good idea of what I missed after reading it here. I'm not 100% sure I'll watch it all. Reading it almost seems better than watching it, which IS a commentary on the show.

Can someone send me the LuNacy dates I've missed since May 3? Thanks!!

Ummm.. just a comment. I know Tracy is insecure when it comes to Luke's love for her. I get it. But in her heart she knows Luke picked her over Laura. It doesn't seem right for her to be truly frightened by Holly (who was a much lesser love than Laura. Didn't he dump Holly when Laura came back from the dead? If so, I'd kill for a line: 'He chose Laura over you. He picked me over Laura. Wonder who will win THIS fight?"). I guess it's instinct for Tracy to buy off trouble.. but still... it all rings a little untrue.


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Hey, everyone. I've had an interesting week.

Last Sunday morning, I went into labor (we think a kidney infection I got sent me into preterm labor and my cervix dilated past the point where we could stop it). My son was born on Monday morning at 9:05 a.m.

You're probably thinking, "Wow, that's a bit early." And it was. I was 22 weeks 1 day when I went into labor. As a result, my lil' guy is in one of the best NICUs in the southeast. He weighed in at 1 lb. 1 oz. and he seems to be doing remarkably well for his age so far. They don't give us any guarantees and everything is one day at a time at this point, but the facility's rate of survival for infants his age is 70-80 percent and he is doing really, really well so far. No major setbacks and no challenges they didn't anticipate.

Please keep him in your thoughts. He's a tough little guy and his daddy and I love him so much already.

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OMG Star...wow. I hope you are doing okay. I will keep your son in my thoughts and prayers.

Lainey--Tracy was on May 5, 6, 7, 8th and May 11th, 12, 13, 14, 15th.

9 days in a row.

And I agree--I find it odd Tracy is so insecure about Holly. I wonder if we will end up seeing that it is just her protective instincts kicking in because she finds out that Holly is just scamming Luke because she wants him back or whatever. I find the 10 million a bit excessive in this economy! LOL. I guess the Qs are not affected.

Oh, and IMO they should have made it 15 million while they were at it. Would have been nice irony that the divorce was originally about the 15 million dollars and her not wanting to part with her cash and be willing to stay married to Luke to save her money. Now she is willing to spend 10 million to keep him and stay married to him. They should have made it 15 million!

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Oh Star I am wishing your young family all the best! You know my twin nephews were also born prematurely. Ted weighed in at 1 lb. 3 oz. & Dylan at almost 2 lbs. They had a pretty rough first month of life. But now they are 6 year old, insanely healthy, whirling menaces, riding dirt bikes and jumping out of trees!

Miracles happen everyday!

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