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Here is the SOW Holly article if anyone is interested


A Closer Look: Holly

Holly comes out of the woodwork this week to confront her ol frenemy Luke. Emma Samms says Hurray for Holly!

Weekly: How did TPTB lure you back:

ES: It's just a fabulous story, and an opportunity to see all my old friends and to work with them. They sought me out, which is always nice for an actress (laughs). I enjoy myself enormously, really, so it was a bit of a no-brainer. I was here right away.

Weekly: How does Holly return?

ES: It is a surprise visit, and of course, I can't tell you too much about it, but it all centeres around this issue of Ethan: Is he HOlly's son? And if he is, who is the father--Robert or Luke?

Weekly: Can you tell us in general, is this going to be an adventure storyline with a lot of big action?

ES: It's more about feelings and people. There's no freezing of the world potential (laughs). Ther's no fantasty/adventure element to it. IT's all set in PC.

Weekly: Will there be some dredging up of old feelings?

ES: SOme of that---and some new ones, too

Weekly: Back in 2006 Holly was ransoming a cure for the encephalitis that was ravaging PC. THat pushed Holly into a really dark place.

ES: Yes. And this story settles on Holly in a way that I"m much more comfortable with. She's gone back to being a con artist, because without the good men around her that really changed her into a more decent member of society, she's reverted back to the con artist. But I think it's established--and it is very important to me--that she has a good heart and never intends to cause irreparable damage to anyone. She only goes after people who could afford it. I'm uch more comfortable with that. The truth is, if Holly was the sweet person that she was when she and Luke were lovers, it would be no fun bringing her back every couple of years, because they'd have a nice cup of tea and that would be it. To me, this is perfect.

Weekly: Besides the revamped attitude, Holly has a new look, too.

ES: My hair is long. When I was here two years ago it was really short. Everyone was so surprised, like "OMG!" My hairdresser went on maternity leave just after I had gotten back from doing my last stint and I said "oh well I"ll just wait til you come back." A few months later, when she came back to work, my hair was long because it grows so quickly. So we decided to just go with that (laughs).

WEekly: The show itself has a snazzy new look

ES: Oh my goodness! The sets are amzing! Absolutely gorgeous.

Weekly: And everything is in high def now...

ES: Yes, and I can't say I was terribly pleased to hear that (laughs) Just what you need as you're getting older--they're getting more and more high-definition! What i hear is, the lighting is much better and the people are ultimately looking better than they did before, so we'll see. But I never watch myself anyway, so I try not to worry about it too much.

Weekly: Have you enjoyed working with TG?

ES: It's an absolute delight! HE is an extraordinatry actor and an extraordinary man, so to spend time with him is a real treat.

Weekly: What do you think of the newcomer, Nathan Parsons (ethan)

ESL Oh he's fantastic! You know, before I'd even met him, everyone was raving about him, so I had the big buildup, and he absolutely came through! He justified it all. He's got a really interseting quality about him that's very compelling.

Weekly: Holly has some pretty strong ties to Robin, who is going through a really tough time right now. Will you be working with Kimberly MC?

ES: Yeah, I have some scenes with her, which I"m really looking forward to, because of course, I've known her for a long time. I'm not sure how helpful Holly is to Robin, unfortunately (laughs).


I want bad ass Tracy back!

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Episode: "Awakening"

Michael wakes up but cannot remember the shooting; Ethan tells Lulu that he may be her brother.


Episode: "Answers" (This is also the day Tracy confesses to Lulu per SOD)

Luke demands answers from Holly; Michael finds out that Carly is pregnant.


Episode: "Anger"

Michael continues to be angry with Carly; Johnny and Olivia end up in bed together.

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Thanks Hooked. This reminds me of the last few JMB interviews - very talkative and tells you absolutely nothing. I can't wait. I love Tracy and Luke, I really enjoy Lulu and Ethan, and I've always liked Holly. It's going to be a fun rest-of-the-month for me. :D

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Hey All!

Hope everyone is well ;)

Just checkin' in.

Been layin' low.

Still don't like Ethan. But look forward to any Tracy/Lulu that will be coming up.

A mention of LuNacy anni would be nice.

A kiss would be nice, they are long overdue.

Remos, keep on truckin'

GTQ, good to see you back.

Ms. Q, good to see you popped in, hope work is going well for you. I know you are prob looking forward to summer.

TQ, thanks for the link to the song.

Nex, thanks for clips in advance

BSG, looking forward to "cookie wars" this month. heh. I'll email you this weekend.

Funny chick, I know YOU are looking forward to the summer off. I'll be seein' ya in FL in July. :). Miss ya.

knh, I am the one who works in a theatre in NYC. Email me with any questions you have, I'll be happy to answer them.

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Recaps, Friday May 8th


Vets: Tracy, Luke, Mike, Alexis

Kisses: zilch

Appearance: Same as yesterday

Other Stories: Carly/Jason/Claudia/Jax/Sonny await news on Michael and they aren't a happy group; Spixie still trying to figure out the leak at Crimson and on stake out Spin kisses Maxie, then she kisses him back; Mike interferes with Rebecca/Nicholas' play; Patrick/Matt/Liz doing surgery on Michael; Alexis shows Nicholas that Rebecca was in Greece and there's more to that woman; Ziblings having same conversation about Michael/pregnancy/Sonny;

Line of the Day:

Sc. 1 - Lulu continues trying to figure out what Luke wants, and he explains that under no circumstances get really interested in Ethan which Lulu assures him isn't going to happen. Good, Luke says, but in front of Tracy really act it up. Lulu still doesn't know why and Luke says his wife needs a dose of her own medicine and I hope she chokes on it. Tracy returns to the Star and looks from Lulu to Luke and back again. Then she says why does she have the feeling that they are up to no good?

Sc. 2 - Luke tells "Sweetheart" to stop stoking suspicion, he's just spending time with his daughter. Tracy says right - then sends Lulu on a transparent mission to retrieve her phone. With her gone Tracy says she hopes Luke isn't saying anything about Ethan to Lulu, the test results are back so why hasn't he kicked Ethan out yet? Luke asks if that's what she thinks he should do and Tracy says yes, the faster the better. Lulu returns with the phone which is ringing off the hook, and passes it to Tracy. Tracy sees it and says it's an ELQ crisis that she has to deal with. After Tracy's gone Luke comments on how convenient that message was to get Tracy out of the way. Lulu just says to hurry up with their conversation because Tracy will be back soon. Luke says why and Lulu admits she's the one who set up the phony ELQ crisis to get rid of Tracy. They both laugh and Luke tells Lulu he loves her.

Sc. 3 - no LuNacy

Sc. 4 - no Tracy; Lulu wants to know what it's about but Luke says he can't tell her, but if it works how he thinks all sorts of things will be revealed. Lulu says Luke is weird - which Luke likes - and she says she likes working with Luke. It used to be Lucky doing all of that stuff and now it's her. Luke says that's not going to happen anymore, Lucky is living the life he and Luke used to laugh at. Luke's disappointment in the situation between he and Lucky is obvious. Ethan returns saying he's back from his fool's errand, so does anyone want to explain why Tracy wanted him gone?

Sc. 5 - no LuNacy

Sc. 6 - no Tracy; Ethan says it's pretty obvious Tracy is riding him and he wants to know why. Lulu says not to worry about it. Tracy and Luke are always fighting about something and it's him right now, but soon it will be something else. Then Lulu turns to Luke and asks him why he can't get Tracy off of "poor Ethan". Luke tells Lulu she's ruining his buzz and will let them figure it out. Luke leaves and Ethan turns on Lulu. "Poor Ethan" he questions? Lulu just smiles.

Sc. 7 - no Luke; Ethan's saying not that he's complaining but why is Lulu still here - because she likes it here and she likes the connection with her father. In the distance they hear Tracy yelling at someone that if they back into Tracy's car they buy her a new one. Quickly Lulu pulls Ethan into a kiss and Tracy sees them, yells "stop" and then covers her mouth in horror. Ethan is pleasantly stunned, Lulu's look is hard to read.

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Thanks Remos. So four days this week. Yay! Here are the SOS spoilers for next week. and the week of the 18th


Nex--so the clips we are missing are the clips from her wearing the pink jacket/grey skirt right? And then the teal jacket ones. I am so far behind on my viewing.

Edited by hookedongh
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Oh Hooked, that sounds GREAT!!! Tracy is such a main player in all of this - and she's also playing Luke while he's playing her. I LOVE it - that is truly the truest form of affection between the two of them.

Holly wants Luke? Good luck with that one chick-a-pen...

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Thanks. I forgot what day in May. Hmm I wonder if a fic will come soon. ;) Anyway I love the way you said that. Or is it posted that.

Would love a kiss from LuNacy. Glad you came out of layin low. B) miss you as well. it's been too long. :o

Edited by funny1
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My LuNacy muse doesn't come in the guise of A/U, so it's usually inspired by the events of the day. And quite honestly I'm having such a great time watching GH and waiting to see what's next that I don't feel the need to fill in any holes at the moment. May is turning out to be amazing for LuNacy and I'm quite happy to let TPTB do the writing so I can enjoy.

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Here is another one Ms. Q--but this one is just Ughhh--other than we get to have Tracy/Holly snark. IT makes no sense that Holly is carrying some torch for luke. I think she is just messing with Tracy's insecurities. Who knows.


Episode: "Love Triangle"

Holly and Tracy fight over who will end up with Luke; Spinelli is concerned about Kate's actions and bugs her office.

Ms. Q--I hope the hair is better than the Mexico adventure! Only this singapore adventure is only day or two I guess the 13th and 14th I guess. Because Luke is back in PC on Friday the 15th with holly.

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